As the spoilers for next week's Coronation Street show, Mary is front runner to become nanny to Dev's children, Aldi and Netto (NOT Asda, as Gloria Price suggested last week, thank you very much!) Apparently Mary has a gift for child care. We saw a hint of this when she looked after young Faye Windass not so long ago - oh how I want to see the back of her! - so obviously the powers-that-be are keen to take Mary in a new direction. As I mentioned in my blog yesterday this is not before time.

No I don't think it will happen either, but it was a weird thought and I wanted to share it with you all.
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Thank you Joseph.
Graeme, normally I would also say "no". But since the Corrie PTB think that Mandy & Lloyd make a swell couple, all bets are off. I'm sure that Dev and Mary would have the same total lack of chemistry that Mandy and Lloyd enjoy, which apparently the writers would take as a green light to make it happen.
It would be totally against character for Dev, who has always been attracted to slim young brunettes (Sunita, Maya, Geena, his friend's daughter, and even *gack* Tracy). Then again he has also had dalliances with Deirdre and the aforementioned friend's wife, so who knows? Besides, I don't think consistency is a big thing with Corrie these days. :(
Can't they just leave Dev single for a while. Dev would not have one iota of romantic feeling for Mary...oh the thought! By the way where were the kids when Dev was at the Bistro having several drinks?
Come on without wishing to sound nasty would Dev really fancy bonkers frumpy Mary who seems so much older than her years? It seems that they dont seem to know what to do with her character any longer.
There is potential for comedy with these two. It need not be as a romantic couple. More like Emily and Norris. They get on each others' nerves but can't live apart.
I can see Mary developing a crush but no, i don't think Dev would give Mary a second look. It could be a good double act, however.
The Odd Couple comes to mind here.
I think they could develop a quirky working relationship and we just might get some comedic moments out of their completely opposite personalities (the "odd couple")?
Who is Netto?!?
I dunno, Dev did once have a thing with Dreary Barlow. There's no accounting for taste is there??
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