There's a Coronation Street spoiler today in today's Sun that says all members of the Price family, including the detested (in our house) St Ella, have been given another year's worth of work on the soap.
I'm happy to hear that Jane Danson (Leanne), Sue Johnston (Gloria) and Catherine Tyldesley (Eva) will all be staying on after Corrie bosses gave them one year contract extensions.
But St Ella's staying too and that does not gladden the heart of this Corrie fan. I won't bang on, you already know how much she spoils Corrie for me.
The Sun piece says that Corrie has started writing a host of new storylines which will make them the most heavily-featured characters in Weatherfield.
I wonder what Emmerdale's like these days? Anyone?
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Is Leanne now considered a member of the Price family? Unsurprisingly I am not best pleased to hear that, looks like we have another producer who is immune to the preferences of the viewer. So more of scraggy with her vile comments and St Ella with her expressionless form of acting to look forward to then. Notice Karl who although a murderer is the best of this bad bunch is not mentioned so he is obviously on his way ooot.
Have their contracts run out and they've been given new ones that allow them to stay on the show for at least another year?
Stuart Blackburn you really are turning out to be a huge disappointment. They are already the most heavily featured characters in the show so does this mean more so? Ye gods...
I'm so disappointed and frustrated by this piece of information there isn't much more to add other than aggghhhhhhhhhh and what's on the other side?!
How ghastly and depressing:( I'm starting to think TPTB are making Corrie for their own enjoyment and don't give two hoots for what the viewers want. I mean seriously, do they actually think the Beige Bore is a popular character? She has been dead in the water since her first appearance, and giving her even more prominence will have loyal viewers turning off in droves. The others are all fine, even Gloria can work with a bit of tweaking to show some more likeable traits than we've seen so far. And yes, it's not looking good for Karl. Shame how that's worked out, as he had the most potential of any of them to become a successful long-term Corrie character. But as we all know, only Tracy Barlow can get away with murder...
Eva has become a great character, both bitchy and vulnerable. But as for St. Ella and Gloria, I would love to see the back of both of them.
More of them. Oh gosh. I guess the Brit soaps are going the way of the US soaps. They force horrible characters down our throats here too. Corrie was my safe haven. Welp! :(
This is the problem with Corrie. It's become far too focussed on the squabbles within individual families. The things which could matter to the whole community are not touched on eg: the medical
centre under threat of closure.
I hope this doesn't mean the Price family have *more* screen time than other characters because that wouldn't be fair, or interesting to viewers. In theory, it's a great idea to have three generations under one roof and it worked with the Barlows. In this case, though,bStella lets it down and Gloria hasn't improved.
NNNNNOOOO !!! Why ?? Don't they care about viewers opinions? If it does mean MORE screen time I'm sure same viewers will switch off in droves.
We already heard that MC's contract was extended to the end of 2014 anyway so this isn't news though I am glad to hear of the others.
Is it possible for them to be more over-exposed? Stella was in 176 episodes last year, that's more than any other character in any year. No wonder people are sick of her.
Agreed Humpty. It's becoming more and more like Eastenders with too much emphasis on "the family". Before long, we will have more Prices never mentioned before crawling out of the woodwork: Cousins, Aunts, Nephews...
The Prices are not interesting enough characters, especially without Karl, to sustain being at the forefront. And by the time they have been overexposed, even their fans will be sick of them.
I hate to hear this as well.
Pssssst...Emmerdale is actually really good at the mo............x
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! They are doing to the Street what all the fires and tram crashes couldn't - destroying it completely! PLEASE get rid of St Ella and Gloria - they set my teeth on edge.
Unbelieveable, Stella AND Gloria? I have seen it all. Its pretty darn obvious most of us don't like the characters. Ugh god
I have getting more and more bored with this soap for weeks now. This seals the deal. Thanks to everyone on this blog for your wit and wisdom. Without you guys I would have quit earlier. Bye folks.
I'm not happy about this at all. If they are keeping Eva then give her a storyline all she does now is hang around with her mother and grandmother with her boobs hanging out. She behaves like a spoilt toddler. I simply don't get why this entire clan have had their contracts renewed. I was hoping that Stuart would get rid of some dead wood obviously not.
I guess it's too late to get up a petition to bring Collinson back much as I disliked most of his story lines.
This new guy doesn't seem to understand Corrie even though he has written for it before and claims to be a fan of the Street.
At the rate he's going the only people that will be in Corrie will be the Price clan.
Maybe if William Roache threatens to quit it would be a wake up call that things are not well in Corrie or maybe the Queen could drop a discreet word in his ear that she is not amused.
There is a way that we can get the Corrie PTB to change their ways. We have to switch off Corrie. It's simple economics. Less viewers = lower ratings = unhappy advertisers = less revenue. But so long as people are watching, the producers have a green light to do whatever they damn well please.
Not only do I detest Beige Lady and Scraggs, but I also hate how other, worthier, INTERESTING characters are given such short shrift.
We have Ryan Thomas as Jason, who has changed from being just pretty eye candy to a fine actor. Jason is young, single, attractive, earnest, sweet and tolerant to a fault, and hard working. He's also the best adult son on the Street. (Not that the competition is stiff, but still...) I would like seeing him build back his business, and start dating again. Jason is a treat, and I'd much rather see him instead of Beigey and Scraggs.
Marcus and Maria; now THERE's a story! A gay man who is in love with a woman. There's potential dramatic gold there. But other than a few mingy scenes with them caring for Dev's and Sunita's children, we haven't had even a peek into their lives of late.
And Tinar isn't the only one with a big baby drama. Where are Kylie et al? Didn't Gail move back in with them? Now I'm no Gail fan, but at this point I'll take her over the Rovers witches any day.
I could go on, and so could you all, I'm sure.
Not only are we being forced to watch characters we detest, but characters and stories which we do have interest in are being sacrificed on the altar of more screen time for Beigey and Scraggs.
It's like tptb are forcing us to eat Brussel sprouts at every meal. (If you happen to like Brussel sprouts, just substitute the disliked food of your choice.) But do we get to have some of our other favorites, too, after ingesting the dreaded Brussel sprouts? No, there is no steak, no potato, no salad, no pudding. Just Brussel sprouts, day after day.
Oh, but wait, they have promised us a treat! Soon Tracy Barlow will also have a big story! Oh, joy! Brussel sprouts AND cooked dandelions! How lucky are we!
I forgot that Helen Worth is on her honeymoon. But we could still have the occasional peek at Kylie and David, I would think.
Soon Tracy Barlow will also have a big story!
Does that mean she got within 5 feet of Steve walking down the street and is pregnant again?
How soon does Karl depart as he's not listed with the Price family or is he not considered part of the Price family and will still be with us indefinitely.
Maybe he could start killing the Prices off to protect his previous crimes and it will take the year until their contracts expire for him to kill them all off.
Any way you look at it pushing the Price family at the expense of the rest of the cast can only lead to a loss of viewers and cancellation which would make building the new set a waste of money.
I just can't watch her anymore!
See that picture of St Ella banging on the window? This is what I'm currently doing right now in reaction to this news.
Emmerdale actually looks pretty good at the moment imo!
Very interesting and amazing. Not one single comment so far that is a positive reaction to this news! Personally, I detest all of the Price family, and although I have always been a fan of Leanne, putting her with this group has soured me on her also. I have become less and less a Corrie fan over the past two or three years after having been a 20-some year fan and never missed an episode. I only watch now when I read something on this blog that looks like it will be a decent episode worth watching or read a great review and catch-up.
This is bad news. I think that Stella, Gloria, Tracy and Leanne should be replaced immediately..LOL. Also bring back some of the really good and interesting characters like Steve, Norris, Rita, Roy etc - I am missing them.
I know I've said this before, but I think in the light of this bit of news it really IS time for National No Corrie Watch week.
Actually, Flaming Nora is chuffed about Sue Johnston (aka Scraggs) staying on. But the rest of don't see this as good news. :(
Jesus!...not another whole year of bloody Beigey and Boria! The best of the lot, Eva, is relagated to a few scenes stitching knickers, then she goes on holidays (in the previews it says she goes on holidays again!) and just where does she get money to do that more than twice a year with the pittance she must earn at the Faktry? Well, Blackburn's reign isn't starting out too well for this fan.....BOO!!!
UGH, pleae, no more of Beigey and Bitchy! Eva has some potential but she doesn't actually do anything, and there has to be more to the character than just chasing guys and getting dumped. Part of the problem with the Prices is that they are handled without any humour. Think of the small, funny moments with Deirdre's awful pottery, or Roy and his mum interacting. For some reason Beigey and Bitchy exist in this sterile vacuum -- actually, that's a good word for those two, sterile. There's a self-righteous stiffness about them. Beigey has a few connections to the street outside the pub, but Bitchy started off badly (snarking at Rita, trying to steal Dennis etc.) and thus has nowhere to go -- no one else on the cobbles wants to be her pal or have anything to do with her, so she hangs around her family making needless remarks. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.
How long before it's renamed The Michelle Collins Show or even more likely - St. Ella Street
Janice, I'm with you. I don't know how much more of this I can stomach. I guess I'll give Emmerdale a look-see. Isn't Ryan Thomas's brother on it?
Soon Tracy Barlow will also have a big story!
Does that mean she got within 5 feet of Steve walking down the street and is pregnant again?
No, Dubcek. I think they drink from the same water bottle, and 5 minutes later she's carrying his triplets.
No no no no no no no no!!! This is the worst news ever! Ms. Beige is annoying enough - but we're gonna get Gloria too?!? WHY!?!?!?!? :-(
Eva can really shine when she's given a good script; and I hate seeing her as nothing but a shadow to her bland mother and obnoxious grandmother.
I always liked Leanne and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why she's being so bitchy of late, considering she basically has everything she wanted - nice husband and a son,and a pretty darn good life overall.
~JB in Canada
Please no more Prices.
I am sick of them.
Watched corrie for over a decade and I don't think I've enjoyed an episode less than I do when the Prices are centre stage. They're not interesting or funny.
Stella is a martyr who thinks it's her responsibility to make the world feel better. Not likeable. Dull as dishwater and still brittle.
Eva is a piece of work. We see a vulnerable side to her sometimes but it doesn't make her likeable.
Gloria is a shallow piece of work too.
Leanne is a stalwart of the street and I don't mind seeing more of her.
The producers have got it wrong here. They're not likeable or interesting at all. get rid of them I say.
I like Stella, and if the writers don't beef up her part not her fault. Karl, milk toast, get rid of him. Gail, if I hear Ma'm one more time, she needs to go, pension her out. That Froggy face she wears Ugh!.also Nick. Never liked this actor. Jason the writers should give him a stable relationship, it's time, his character deserves one, even Eileen has a man if she wants. There's only Emily who has never had a platonic friend,(not Piercy or Norris) it was mentioned awhile ago for lunch and never mentioned again. She should have someone to even out her character, Betty did.Pay attention writers. or do you not go back and read past story lines for history of what's happened. We know most of you weren't born even 35 yrs. ago. Know your subject.
Changing the subject from the Price family, getting back to the information regarding twins born on the street. Didn't Ken and Denise have twin boys and only one survived? I remember quite a bit of drama regarding Ken and Denise's relationship and the birth of baby(s).
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