I'm afraid this isn't going to be a very positive blog. I've just sat through two episodes of Coronation Street tonight. And when I say sat through, that's exactly what I mean. Tonight was far more of a chore than a pleasure.
Yes, I know the main event of these episodes was a funeral so it was never going to be a laugh a minute. However even a funeral can have good writing and decent performances. I just felt tonight was found lacking in nearly every department. Only a brief appearance from the always watchable David Neilson as Roy captured my imagination.
So what went wrong?
Well for a start the Eileen and Paul storyline just dragged on and on. Enough already. We know Paul is heading for the door marked exit, so for goodness sake, just get on with it! As a story, it just doesn't add up either. Paul has been a fireman since Eileen first met him - remember he rescued her head from those railings. Yes, hilarious. Anyway, this sudden paranoia doesn't add up, is extremely irritating and makes me dislike Eileen enormously. When Paul finally leaves I will struggle to find any sympathy for Ms Grimshaw whatsoever.

Thank heavens for Leanne! It seems a prerequisite at the moment that Stella, Gloria and Eva are shoehorned into practically every scene! They are not the strongest characters in the world so what they really need is material of a far superior quality.
As for the Faye and Anna storyline: I dislike what the adoption of Faye has done to Anna Windass. She's had a complete personality transformation and the relationship with bullyboy Owen isn't right either. When Faye first appeared she was gobby, but with a decent enough nature. She has now become a spoiled, nasty brat and has to go.

I know some people will think I'm just a moany old blogger having a go, but behind all this is a deep passion for Coronation Street. I just get so annoyed and frustrated when I feel my beloved Street doesn't step up to the mark. Don't get me wrong, I will always love Corrie, I just think it could be a lot better than it is right now.
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Steve and Lloyd's scenes were a highlight tonight. I laughed out loud with Steve's reaction to Dev's clothes and when his button flew off during the service.
Graeme, the only point in your blog I would disagree with is about Dev. I think the acting's reasonable. It says something when it's the minor characters tonight who had the best lines: Steve and Lloyd; Roy and Sylvia; Leanne. Steve is shining at the moment and he lifted the scene with Paul in the street. My litmus test is who do I care about? Well, sadly, not many right now.
Didn't Maria and Tony have the same scene? Him confessing and she saying, "You mustn't blame yourself." Or was it Fiz and Stape. Or Gail and Hillman. It is all blending into one.
Please stop apologising for your blogs. You argue your points well, which makes it interesting to read. Ignore those people who complain about negativity. They are clearly too stupid to form an argument as to why they disagree.
well I felt so sorry for dev tonight telling the kids mommy needs lots of rest to get well ,was so glad llyod and mandy said they would baby sit the twins for him
Excellent post. Couldn't agree more!
Is Dev simply unsalvagable? What would it take to make him likeable and worth watching going forward?
I feel the same way about Eileen; it will be very interesting to see what the future brings these characters.
Watching and listening to Dev, I wonder if that painful snuffling isn't due at least in part to bad sound editing. He wasn't that bad tonight, except for that horrible sound.
Was very relieved that Mary and Norris stayed away, but kinda surprised that Emily, Mandy, Michelle and Sally did. I wish the Price girls would do a runner.
Eileen. Fixable, but needs a hairdo and a zesty man. Could be a nice double act with the ever more interesting eye candy that is Jason. The characters that never have joy in their lives (Katy, Tommy,...) are such a misery to watch, but we know Eileen wasn't always this way.
Agree with every point but I must say I do like Dev - he's obviously a Marmite character! I think he has been excellent in this story line and his interactions with the kids has been lovely. I'd sooner have him over St Ella, Fireman Paul and a lot of other Street characters at the moment. He works really well with Steve and Lloyd and he should be given better story lines.
But I agree 100% about Eileen - her character destruction is such a travesty.
Graham N I agree totally with you over last nights episodes which frankly were extremely poor and didnt seem to flow. The mawkishness at the funeral and Dev's grief was embarrassing rather than the touching scenes it should have been. More moaning from the self pitying little bore that is Chesney, Stella with that odd botoxed face in every scene and the whole contrived rubbish with Eileen and Paul when we all know he is going, just makes Frosty shout GET ON WITH IT. Faye who I did have some sympathy with as a damaged child just shouts her orders and demands to all the adults in her life and they jump to her spoilt tune. If thesse are Stuart Blackburn's first offerings then I feel sorely let down.
I disagree with you about Eileen and Paul. I think seeing what he does and the danger he is in on a daily basis up close would be difficult for her and then also him when she has issues with what he does.
I thought these episodes showed promise from the new regime. We saw characters take time to discuss their thoughts and feelings instead of just dancing to the demands of the plot and it brought out some very good performances, particularly from Debbie Rush.
The humour is still there and Steve cracked the filthiest joke I've ever heard on Corrie, about Michelle's dribbling.
The only sour note for me was the poor attendance at Sunita's funeral. I want community spirit on the Street. And Amber should have been there for her dad. Dev is a marmite character but I like him. He wears his heart on his sleeve and I believe in him as a vain fool who still cares deeply for his family.
Thanks as always everyone for your comments. A few points:
Anonymous 10.07 -I think it was mentioned that Dev wanted the funeral to be kept low key which would explain the low attendance.
Anonymous 09.48 - I disagree! I think if Eileen was to have this reaction to Paul's job it would have come earlier on in their relationship. This plot development has just been shoehorned in to allow Paul's departure.
And Dolly Tubb - A marmite character is perfect for describing Dev! I love marmite but I can't stand Dev!
And Anonymous 00.06 - Thanks, I know I shouldn't apologise but the fact is I hate being at all negative about Corrie. However sometimes needs must!
I totally agree with Graham - what has happened to Coronation Street - feel like switching off.
I've been a Corrie fan for decades and I'm really struggling at the moment too. I've never liked the character of Dev but he's even more tiresome than usual at the moment. And how many times does he need to hug the twins, one on either shoulder so we can't see their faces (no tears)? What I've always loved about Corrie is that characters lead rather than plot/storyline. Unfortunately, not this time. Eileen's personality has completely changed to fit this awful, boring storyline. No man/woman would put up with this kind of OTT behaviour. But great blog - I'll definitely be following in future.
Thanks Anonymous - that's good to hear!
Anonymous 11.17 - I hope you never switch off!
Sorry, but I thought the scenes with Dev and the kids were very convicing so maybe I'm the odd man out here. Steve staring at Dev's funeral attire..eyes bugging out, then losing a button at the funeral..it was funny. I found the speech Dev gave at the funeral was quite sad really. I don't get Dreary in all of this. Why didn't she go to the funeral to support Dev? Didn't she have an affair with him at one time? Where were Emily and Rita? They're the ones always spouting about forgiveness. How about Fiz or Ty..both locked up and villified by the street, know what Dev is going through yet neither one would give their support either? Sad. The writers MIGHT have done a little better with this ending seeing as how they're the ones responsible for the total destruction of Sunita.
Eileen...what a brilliant mind. She just now notices that Paul is a firefighter and has a dangerous job? She should be locked up..she's a danger to herself and those around her. He should have left her head in the railings.
Now Stella is back in love with Karl..well, we know where this is going. I can't wait to see Gloria's face when the truth about Karl comes out..(if it ever does).
I noticed Tim's true colours come through last night..bumping into Chesney, Ches apologizes and Tim get's all nasty..in his face calling him an idiot. Maybe he really is a bad 'un??
I'd have to disagree. I thought the Friday episodes - apart from the trivial tedium of Kateney and the seemingly never ending Faye/Anna/Tim boreathon - were excellent. Jimmi Harkishin and John Michie both did a superb job acting out grief and guilt respectively. I was very moved by the funeral scenes. Yes, Eileen knew Paul was a fireman, but Toni's death has really brought it home to her just how dangerous his job is. I think the Karl storyline should bubble under a bit longer but I really want them to bring the Eileen/Paul shenanigans to a close soon.
Annoyed that while Gloria and Eva were so vocal about attending the funeral, vocal about hating Sunita, and yet there they were at the Bistro "wake". Hypocrites. Jimmi Harkishin didn't do too bad a job really, except for the sniffing and huffing.
Eileen has had a reality check about how dangerous Paul's job really is. Surely he went through the same thing with Lesley and woul dhave been more sensitive and at least texted her when he was able on his first day back.
Yes Tvor, I didn't get why they were drafted in to the wake either. It would have made more sense to see the likes of Rita and Emily there or even Roy.
I was just left sort of empty after these latest eps.
The Rovers witches coven are as annoying as ever, with Beige Lady being pushed into every possible scene. With so many other people on the street who like Dev and have known him ages, why was St Ella the chief mourner and Dev consoler? Totally unrealistic.
I wanted to smack Boria's idiotic self satisfied grin off her face when she saw St Ella holding hands with Karl. Why would ANY decent mother be in favor of her daughter being with a lying, cheating, thieving, lazy scoundrel like him? If that was MY daughter I'd be rushing over there to threaten him to stay away, and I'd give her a serious lecture. But no, Mother Of The Year Boria thinks this is GOOD idea.
Also very odd that Boria would tell St Ella that love doesn't come around that often, and to take it when it's there, and that Karl would do anything for her. Funny that she didn't believe that when her daughter was with Jason.
I guess I'm in the minority because Dev doesn't bother me. Yes, his sniffling and snuffling was weird, but I didn't find it annoying. And even if I did, Dev isn't the problem on Corrie. The real problems that are dragging down Corrie are: St Ella, Boria, TracyLuv, Faye and that whole story, and the mess that is Eileen and Paul.
I'm not even commenting on Paul and Eileen because we know that story will be coming to an end fairly soon. I just hope Eileen snaps out of this body snatcher phase when this is over.
John Michie is brilliant as the deranged and desperate Karl. It's just a shame that the character's story has to be so entwined with Beige Lady. She is sopping up so much screen time now that they will soon have to change the title to Coronation Street in Beige, or Stella Street.
Sorry we don't agree Ginger Beer but I take on board the points you make. I agree that John Michie has been pretty good, but the rest, not so much!
I agree Kathy - I hated that look on Gloria's face, but I guess it was expected. At least we can look forward to her horror when the truth comes out about Karl. I doubt it will change her character though (sadly!)
I thought it was quite humourous for a funeral episode, not just Lloyd & Steve, but also Jason and his laptop and reminding Eileen about getting her head stuck in the railings. Plus Sylvia and Roy's banter.
Did the Rovers fire eat up their entire budget and that's why Sunita's funeral was so sparsely attended? Was there mention that Dev only wanted those 5 there? If Diedre can show up at the wake then surely she would be at the funeral? Appalling that Eileen would go to the wake to berate Paul and then as an after thought, out of the side of her mouth tell Dev she was sorry for his loss - then continue banging on at Paul! ... And what were Boria and Eva doing at the wake after trashing Sunita to Beigey and refusing to go to the funeral? I felt sorry for Dev and even more so now that Beigey seems to be his new found best friend!
ChiaGwen, that was my thought exactly about the sparse funeral attendance. It's less actors to pay. But of course they had to squeeze in Beigey. How sad.
Dev has never bothered me one way or another like a few characters they are just part of the street. Eileen, I agree, has probably just been slapped in the face with how dangerous Paul's job really is, after all, he was offered counselling and Eilleen doesn't have that luxury.
I'm afraid I've never been a fan of Karl's so I'd like to see him banged up, although john michie is a good actor it's his character I don't like. I have to say I do like Stella et al however if Gloria was my mother i'd probably smother her while she slept.
Now for Anna, Owen & Faye, Anna does seem to have lost some of her bubbly personality but I think living with Owen has done that, Faye is a typical girl of her age and needs bringing down a peg or two, as for Tim, he's no different to Owen.
Out of the current cast for me I'd get rid of Tim, Owen & karl
Graeme, when Her Beigeness finds out the truth about Karl, she'll have a shocked look on her face. Unfortunately, it's also the same expression she uses for anger, joy, disappointment, and sorrow. It looks like a blend of mild disapproval and constipation.
Haha kathy! Do I get the feeling you love to hate St Ella?!
Graeme, nooooooo, there's no love involved at all. :)
I'd never have guessed!
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