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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Coronation Street films summer wedding - but who's getting hitched?

Ooh, now, here's a thing.  Coronation Street Director Terry Dyddgen-Joneshas written a little teaser for us Corrie fans on twitter. 

Here's what he says:@DyddgenJones
: "Can't wait . Working with and tomorrow. A wedding to remember but whose getting hitched? #watchthisspace"

If we find paparazzi pictures online we'll be sure to give them a good blogging. I wonder who's getting married? Would it really be Marcus and Maria? I hope not!  Who would you like it to be  - Fiz and Tyrone? 

Read a fab interview here with Corrie Director Terry Dydggen-Jones

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Humpty Dumpty said...

We've been *promised* that Stella/Karl will go on through the summer so it could be their explosive wedding.

ritaduck said...

ty & fiz please !!! cant believe got to stella and snarl though the summer i cant stand leanne and hurry up and go paul bored with him if he says FIRE FIGHTINGS MY LIFE i will scream!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tracy and Rob

TammyB said...

Dev & Mary :-)

David Parsnips said...

Oh not Stella and Karl, she in a beige dress and he looking as skanky and guilty as ever!

Kathy said...

I'm thinking Chez and Katy.. thinking maybe they'll get back together and get wed...

Janice. said...

Tim and Anna, with sweet Faye as the flower girl and Tina burping little Windass in the wedding pics (o, and Gary's baby too).

Deborah said...

I was wondering if it was Beth and Kirk especially with Maria getting a mention. I also think their wedding would be quite entertaining and one to remember.

I wouldn't mind if it was Tyrone and Fiz either.

ChiaGwen said...

Love to see Beth and Kirk get married - can see the comedy with Craig and perhaps Daryl as the ring-bearer lol.

Dubcek said...

Hopefully it will be Katy and Ryan and they will take the obligatory black taxi and leave the Street for good, while Joseph will never be mentioned again.
Or Joseph will stay with Chesney and he will marry Sinead and Beth, Kirk and Graig will all move in with Chesney and Sinead and Fiz will hike across the road with Hope to live with Tyrone and Ruby.
I think the dynamic with those 5 (or 6 if you count Joseph though he is too young to have much impact) living in the same house could be quite funny although there doesn't seem to be enough bedrooms for everyone but being Corrie the TARDIS effect is always in force so it could happen.

Anonymous said...

Norris and Emily

Samy said...

What about Brian and Julie?

Beth said...

Whoever is getting married, please lets just try and have it as 'normal' as soapland allows. We haven't had a non sensational wedding in Corrie for ages and it would make a refreshing change because weddings are bordering on the ridiculous of late.

And whoever the happy couple is, please can they stay together happily for more than 5 episodes - ta! :) (unless it's Stella and Karl of course)

maggie muggins said...

I also don't care who it is so much as how it ends up. One of the best weddings was Roy & Hayley. Something along that line, full of comedy and heart, would be great!


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