Week of Monday 29 April - Friday 3 May
Eileen and Paul make up and Paul books their wedding, Rob takes over at Barlow’s Bookies, Karl proposes to Stella and threatens Leanne, Anna’s worried about Gary and Tina’s baby bond and Kylie’s scan shows a baby girl.
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Threatening Leanne? Ooo bad move.
Oh no it looks like tiny fireman is staying??????????? Noooooooo
Why were we told Paul was leaving when he isn't? Also why do the Storyliners think its ok to continue with the unrealistic character of Mary iving in a van ? And now Devs nanny ? I agree with recent comments that there's too much nastiness in most of the other characters recently . But if Mary is to be comedic relief . Make her a bit more believable by giving her a proper home . As there is no launderette ( Enders) I wonder how she keeps clean . Whose bath does she have a long soak in ? Ew! good job we haven't got smellivision
I'm with Frosty.....I thought we'd seen the last of Tiny Fireman.
This means more of miserable Eileen. Noooooooo!
Frosty and Dilly - add me to the 'Corrie's Better Without You Tiny Fireman' Club. I had so hoped this was the last of him, now he's planning their wedding...very distressing indeed.
No doubt Paul will stay on and get a job driving a Street cab or delivery driver intfak-tray or perhaps even working with Ryaaaaan in the kebab shop!
Naw, tptb were reading this blog and figured Paul would make the best lay about, useless husband in Corrie history. Wait for it...
Oh dear, add me to the list of those really hoping to see the back of Paul. An awful relationship and has ruined one of my favorite characters, Eileen.
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