Coronation Street has nowhere near the peak viewing figures it had in the 60s, 70s, 80s or even the 1990s. However it does still rate highly each week compared both with its rivals and other programmes. And this is in a time when viewers have three hundred channels to chose from, not just three (or even two when Corrie first started in 1960).
I have mentioned before that I no longer never miss Corrie. I still love it, I still know what is going on, but I feel these days that if I miss two episodes on a Friday it won't really matter as I can tune in again the following Monday without feeling that I have missed out. However when I do watch these days I find more and more that I am multi-tasking watching Coronation Street while doing something else. I may be looking back through rose tinted Deirdre bins, but back in the day Corrie always had 100% of my attention.

I want to know why you still watch Coronation Street each week and if your reasons for doing so have changed.
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To be honest as much as I love Coronation Street, if there are storylines or indeed general characters I don't like that dominate an episode, then I do tend not to tune in. I used to have to watch every single episode but I'm now not prepared to waste half hour (or two in the case of Mondau and Friday) watching something that does not appeal to me.
My husband watches every night, but I don't give it my full attention. I may be reading or working on a jewellery project and glance up from time to time. I follow this blog with far more interest than the actual show. It now seems so far removed from reality with all the sensational story lines that it doesn't hold my attention.
Frosty has watched Coronation Street as a British Institution since the 1970s. Its supposed to be our nation's favourite soap and is iconic to Britain. Originating as a gritty drama from the North it was flawlessly acted and character led and has always been popular. However, unfortunately due to bad producers being drafted in who are more interested in sensationalism than character development, luvvie well known actors rather than Northern unknowns and basing most stories around sex, i.e. affairs and one night stands and not being tough enough to cull dead wood and exhausted characters when they have the chance and not taking on board what popular opinion says, this programme has sadly gone downhill. Its still watchable but has become a habit now I am afraid.
I stopped watching regularly when Karen McDonald left, but stopped watching altogether around when Tracy killed Charlie. I just follow this blog out of interest.
Corrie is an old friend, and I watch out of loyalty. If you don't keep up the communication, you drift apart. Some viewers watch a number of soaps but others, like me, have chosen Corrie as their only soap and I'd be sorry to say goodbye. The only other soap I followed was The Archers. Because it was every night on the radio, it didn't matter if you missed a couple of episodes. When I stopped listening for a while, though, it was too much of an effort to pick up the threads again. In one way, I'm quite glad I don't watch as obsessively as I used to. I'm sure it wasn't healthy!
I think it's really interesting how many people have stopped watching the programme but continue to follow this blog! :)
Having watched Corrie since I was born courtesy of my mother. I feel a loyalty and bond to it that I don't have with any other programme. I don't watch any other soaps at all . It's a slice of my life too because I am a northerner. However the last few years seem to have changed it massively in order to keep up with Enders. Maybe that's because Enders were always winning the awards(?) the sensationalist storylines in my opinion have spoiled it. Also what appears to be the total disregard of viewers opinions despite having sites like this where we can leave our comments. A prime example has been how many folk have complained about the character of Stella and the fact that she is in almost every scene . Plus the ruination of Sunitas character that it was impossible to return from. I think they should have a viewer such as myself present when they discuss storylines . Just to keep
Them focused on what Corrie is supposed to be like. There are many times I want to switch off but for now I remain a loyal viewer .
i agree with all the comments ,i follow the blog ,i think the fact that the only charcter i car about is Rita not intresred in eleen and the fireman or tinas baby kate and ches just dont care i would like to rewatch the old corries
In the 70's we would sit down, 4 generations of us, and all watch together. Now that my Mum and Granny have passed on, my daughter and I still sit down at least once a week with a cuppa, watch Corrie and catch up on things in general. I'm afraid the main reason we are still watching is nostalgia.
Great post again Graeme! You certainly know how to draw a crowd! :)
I still watch Corrie regularly and at the time it's broadcast, the only show that I do watch when it's actually on due to Sky+ being so handy. Oh, I tell a lie. I watch University Challenge when it's broadcast as well!
I find myself more often than not on my laptop when Corrie's on but I tend to rewind to see if I've missed something.
There are still characters there that I enjoy watching and care about - Rita, Emily, Norris, Ken, Roy, Audrey, Sally, Kylie, David, Gail, Peter and Leanne. And I have to say I enjoy the Mary/Alahans set-up very much. Nice to have a quiet story instead of constant arguments.
Corrie has its off days, but I can't see myself pushing the 'off' button yet.
I think at least in my case that it's just habit.
After so many years of watching you just turn it on and carry on doing whatever else you were doing and listen with one ear just looking at the TV if something sounds interesting which is becoming rarer and rarer as time goes by.
It's a shame that this new producer seems to be taking orders from Collinson carrying on with his feeble story lines.
As Graeme said, I enjoyed this week because it was pretty much St Ella and Boria - free. Good times. :)
But as soon as the dreaded Prices are back front and center and in our faces, I will be turning off.
The main reason I've held on this long was because I would miss this blog and the other posters. But now I realize that I can still come here even if I'm not watching Corrie, as some have said.
Up until this week, Corrie was my only soap. I live in the USA, so I have much to choose from. But I hate American soaps and gave up on them 40 years ago. I fell in love with Corrie and I always told my friends about it and what a great show it was, totally different from our soaps.
I don't do that any more. The Price clan (except for Eva, who has changed since first arriving) has ruined Corrie for me. I just can't watch anymore when they're on. And according to the latest reports, they will be on a lot, and will dominate Corrie.
Watching the beige, boring, and monumentally stupid St Ella continue to make one bad decision after another, while having the gall to counsel and advise others, and seeing Boria's smug, ignorant face after she makes one rude remark after another is just not what I consider entertainment. So I will stop watching for the sake of my blood pressure.
I started watching Emmerdale this past week and I'm getting into it. I've been marathon watching so I can catch up.
So I won't say goodbye because I'll continue to check in here, and see when and if Corrie becomes watchable for me again. Sadly, with the extension of certain actors' contracts, I don't think it will be any time soon.
Watching here in Canada, my Sunday mornings were DEVOTED to watching the week's episodes in a marathon session. Then I discovered watching on youtube! Bonus! I couldn't wait for each UK episode to be uploaded for me to watch.
Now? I watch on youtube, but I'm not on the edge of my seat waiting for the upload.
I've been a faithful viewer since wayyyyyy back when Elsie Tanner was on.
I tune in now just in the HOPE that the writers/producer have all come to their senses. Sadly, I continue to live in hope because, right now, there is NO storyline that's got me hangin' on.
And like most others - the Price women irritate me. I'm actually repulsed by Gloria. I still say Eva has potential if the writers would allow it. And I'm still waiting for Tracy to get bonked on the head by someone/anyone!! Just get rid of her.
~JB in Canada
Great blog, Graeme :-) I'm loyal to Corrie and have been for almost 40 years however I will never, ever, forgive Phil Collinson for the 'explosive summer' episodes when Corrie was on every night re the Stape thing and I actually turned it off and didn't watch for a few days.
In the hope that it gets better.
I started watching Corrie in 2011, while recovering from Breast Cancer. It was a wonderful relief each day, and again on Sundays. I live in Canada. Storlines I liked- especially Becky, Carla winning underworld back from that pervert, Fiz, Tyrone, I like Michelle and get a kick out of Steve. I guess I'll keep watching for a bit. They are like my friends now. I'm not really keen on Stella et al. I was kindof hoping Tina and Tommy or even Fiz and Tyrone might take over the Rovers.....but not likely that will happen. Have a great day.
Why do I watch Coronation Street? Sadly, I hardly ever do anymore. As someone above said, it's for nostalgia that I read this blog religiously for my Corrie fix now. I have a few DVD/VHS copies of 60s and 70s that I watch because there is something I can relate to in the characters, stories, and physical set. Now, I can't relate to many characters at all, just about any of of the stories, and the set is the only constant that sends pleasure to my brain these days. I watch only very occassionally when the conversation here gives positive review to episodes. I was a devoted fan for more than 20 years, never missed an episode and recorded if I had to be away. Once the catch-up option started, I could watch at my leisure, and perhaps that's why I ended up not watching much, because the catch-up allowed me to say "piss off" when it just didn't grab me, and I got less-and-less devoted. I honestly can't remember characters up to the new century who annoyed me so much, either because of the personality changes or ridiculous stories.
Also watching in Canada! I was born in Liverpool in the '60's, and the characters on Coronation Street can remind me of my parents. Now they're both gone, I hear a turn of phrase that makes me laugh and reminds me where I come from(yes i know it's not set in Liverpool). Have watched it on and off since childhood, but hooked again lately. I love it. Of course it's stagey and ridiculous; it's tv! But I really appreciate the mixed generations, the fact that most of the cast actually look like real people, and I like to 'waste' a half hour relaxing in front it. My only wish? Bring back a Minnie Caldwell cat lady!
I started watching Corrie when Katie killed her Dad. I was hooked...couldn't get enough. The past couple of years it went down-hill for me...Tracy getting away with murder, the John Stape saga than went on forever...the slutting down of Sunita and her firey death..Eileen's desperate need for a man in her bed..the surrogacy idiocy etc..So, I am one of the ones who do the dishes, put a load in the wash..and catch up on the episodes on youtube. I can ffwd right through to the end if I want..don't miss anything.
Eastenders is no better either..it's a load of slop IMO. Characters take 6 months off and come back only to have their storylines repeated ad naseum. Then the writers decide a character has to die in some horrible fashion in order to gain viewers.
I did love Corrie and had heard about this show when I was a kid..my mum would put it on once in while so I guess its a bit of nostalgia for me and that might be a reason we all keep tuning in.
I have been watching since it started. I continue to watch out of nostalgia, for a taste of the U.K. where I no longer live, and because despite not always enjoying some of the characters, it is still one of the better programmes out there. I started watching with my grandparents, and now have my daughter hooked.
That's a great question. Although I live in Canada now I am British through and through. Watching Corrie is like being a kid again...watching Jack and Vera was like watching my parents at times. However, over the past couple of years although I continue to watch I am very disappointed with the storylines and some of the characters. The stories now lack continuity. Mistakes in timelines are often made. Character's like Stella, Gloria, Karl are completely unlikable. So is Rob and Ryan. The coupling of Sophie and her girlfriend [can't remember her name] is extremely false and unrealistic. While I applaud the sometimes controversial subject matter [homosexuality, surrogate births and domestic violence] the writing is somewhat infantile and ridiculous. I do not like what they did to Sunita's character, nor what they have always done to Dev's character. We see Steve who is a Corrie treasure and by far underused who is supposed to be with Michele..and we never see her. They have made Gayle into a wimpy, whiney, despicable character that no one likes. This most recent storyline with Eileen and Paul is nonsense. Why is Eileen always left? So, I am not happy with Corrie St. right now. But I continue to watch hoping against hope that they will get new producers, writers and directors.
I began watching in the 70s and loved the programme. I am probably looking back with specs of a slightly rosy hue, but I can certainly clearly recall looking forward eagerly to the next episode.
The rot set in when the number of episodes increased. Nowadays the programmes seem to be thrown together in a great hurry, which they probably are. British TV just can't seem to do 5 episodes a week and ultimately I think Corrie will go the way of Crossroads.
I no longer watch, but due to my residual affection, I read this blog to keep up with what's going on. I would tune in for interesting stories about Rita, or maybe Audrey and will probably watch Haley's departure. But when I don't know who half the characters are any longer, I guess that will be the end of my interest.
I really wish ITV would take it back to 1 episode on Mon, Wed, Fri and make it good again.
Graeme, I agree with Llifon, this is a great post! It's generated interesting comments and personal stories. It's also been fascinating to hear other people talk about how they come to this site even if they're not watching the show.
As an aspiring scriptwriter, I personally love to watch episodes then come here to read feedback. People come up with the best alternative storylines!
I wonder if, as a second installment to this post, you would be willing to ask visitors why *they* visit?
Is it to catch up on missed episodes? To extend the pleasure of being in the Corrie world? To play armchair producer? To be part of a community? To make their opinion heard? None of the above? All of the above?
You all run a great site and I'd be interested to hear what people have to say about why they return regularly--
Thanks :)
P.S. No, I'm not a marketer, just a fan!
Why do I watch?
Roy Cropper.
Jason Grimshaw.
Gail McIntyre.
Rita Tanner.
Ken and Deirdre.
Tyrone Dobbs.
These characters are like old friends. They are consistent, reliable and welcome guests when I'm eating dinner. I care about their stories, I like to see them interact with others. Yeah, Ken needs a purpose and Gail needs a job (or the mental health issues normal for someone who's longterm unemployed). Jason, once a lump of clay, has turned into a delightful young success.
I watch Corrie because I know that on any given night, I'll be able to have a little catch up with one of them. And I can either ignore Stella and the rest, or have a good rant with y'all the next day.
Like others, I watch Corrie less faithfully than I did even three years ago. The storylines are not realistic. The show used to be about ordinary people with ordinary lives, with enough, but not too much, drama, humour and tenderness that I identified and loved them as if they were family and neighbours - almost all of them, that is! Increasingly, because some storylines are nonsense, drawn-out and ridiculous and it's a shame the writers and powers that be are slowly undermining an institution with a focus on Hollywood muck. Bring back Corrie as it was!
Alanna, I so agree with you, I've been watching from day one and I have to say corrie has strayed from the original format and has become a shadow of its former self. I too looked forward to every episode as if I were meeting friends for awhile and couldn't wait to see what happened next. Sadly, the silly story lines, character changes and over exposure of certain cast members have left me deflated. I now find myself drifting off to other things, something I would never have done before.
I watch corrie because i fell in love with hilda ogden, bet lynch et all in 1980 and have continued to love it to this day. I moved to Australia from UK in 1987 and had to suffer two years of withdrawels, before i found it again. I have recorded it everyday since it started here on pay tv and still look forward to my daily dose every day. People need to remember this is and always has been an "entertainment" show not a real life documentary. Times have changed and tv drama is a lot different today compared to 1960 or 1970. It may not be getting 18 milion viewers like it did in 1975 but there were only 3 channels then. It gets 9 million uk viewers and is always in the Top 3 ratings. Every producer brings something different, some good, some bad. The worst producer in my opinion has been Jane McNaught in 2000 who started a "headline of the week" campaign to kill someone off every 2 months. I think Phil Collinson did a good job bringing forming groups of characters rather than having lots of couples. I think it has become a bit disjointed recently with lots of regular characters being sidelined instead of being on rotation. Where is Steve & Michelle or Marcus & Maria. How can a charcter like Marcus decide to change sexuality one week and then never be mentioned again for months. I don't enjoy watching two or three storylines being played out over 12 months, like tyrone & kirsty etc. it worked better a few years ago when storylines were neatly wrapped up and never mentioned again within 3 months max. I still enjoy it though
ah "Corrie".. Love it, hate it - love it ~ I'm hooked. Like so many others, I cringe at certain scenes, and there are times my spongy dart gun comes out and I take aim at Gail's sour puss, or Dev's snotty nose, or Eileen's miserable, whiny mug.. or Maria's sniffy specialness ~ and about Maria, why is she always putting food in her mouth?? or Gary's everything, or Leanne's Halo.
I don't understand why things can't be more NORMAL - most of the story-lines are utterly ridiculous. Maybe once in a while, all that crazy stuff happens here and there, but with Corrie over the years, it has become plain 'shtoopid and far too abundant'!!
There is beauty in simple story telling with loving,positive and humour filled characters, ie/ Jack and Vera style. We don't need everyone to be the villain one day and the hero the next. I can't suspend my belief anymore that certain characters would suddenly be someone else all of a sudden.
Are there too many cooks spoiling the soup? Do you really want to be the same clone as Eastenders or other soaps that are in the same category? I hope you don't dear Corrie.
I've been watching for 23 or more years, and have watched the older episodes from the beginning, I'm a fan. I pour a glass of wine have some snacks, put my feet up, and on a good night, really enjoy the episode and appreciate the characters. However, the spongy dart gun is never far from my glass of wine!
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