According to the Daily Star, Dev Alahan takes up the quest to prove Sunita's innocence. We've seen that Karl framed Sunita and the police believe she started the Rovers fire to get back at Stella. Karl is not very comfortable with that as you can imagine. This all comes from a phantom "soap insider", let's call him "Willy Heckaslike".
Dev tells him: “I can’t stop now. I feel close to something, I can feel it. I don’t want people thinking the worst of Sunita. I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do.” Picking up a golf trophy and hiding it behind his back, Karl, who is wearing gloves, menacingly shouts at Dev: “Raking over the coals like this is just not helping. The kids have already lost their mum, if you don’t get a grip then they might be in danger of losing you as well.”
This sounds very like Richard Hillman sneaking up on a sleeping Emily Bishop with a cushion, intent on smothering her only to be foiled by someone arriving. Anyway. Karl's downfall will play out over the summer as he gets more and more desperate to keep his crimes a secret and hold onto the life he's only just got back.
Justice will prevail. It's Soap Law.
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Karl should ask Tracy for tips on how to bonk someone over the head and get away with it.
~JB in Canada
Maybe he'll kill St Ella and her mother on his way out. Ok, I know it's not likely, but hope is not lost yet!
glad karl is going he is so sneaky and slimy looking cant stand him .hope he goes to prison for life .
Loss of a good actor...too bad his character was thrown in this direction. Should have been Boria and Beigey perishing in that fire.
More screen time for Stella berating herself for believing Karl. On and on it will go until someone says: 'Hey, you can't beat yourself up forever' and she'll be back in everyone's storyline in no time. If she dares to say: 'I'm a victim, too', I shall throw a brick at the tv.
Pity Stella and her awful mother won't leave either. John Michie probably wouldn't want to remain on Corrie forever as he is a good actor, same with Sue Johnston who are wasted.
Summer... so is this a British or North American Summer we're talking about? If it is a British one, maybe this story can wrap up in 3 to 4 weeks?!! PLEASE!! And take Stella, her mum and her daughter with Karl on the way out?
Justice will prevail...unless you're Kate Ford.
The best actor and character out of that miserable bunch, so they write him into a corner, then OUT. So we are left to enjoy the continuing adventures of our feisty heroine, the Baroness of Beige:(
Speaking of Her Beigeness, why the black fingernails?
This headline is misleading. It hasn't been "announced" officially by ITV, it has just been "rumoured" by tabloid newspaper the daily star, which never gets it right
Have to admit, the idea of Dev brained with a golfing trophy (especially if it was one of Aldi's) has a certain macabre appeal to it ... ;)
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