Continuity WHAT? Tim bought a sofa bed between Friday and Monday. He's out of work. Why wouldn't there have been a sofa already in the flat that Dev would have owned? The rest of the furniture must be Dev's.
Hidden agenda award: Karl ranted and raved at Dev getting cranky with them and suggested they move away. Get out of Dodge before the Sherriff moves in?
Musical ambience award: "Let's hear it for the boy" while Stella and Karl are discussing their reunion. "Lean on Me" while Sophie is helping Dev.
Daft as a brush: Kirk. But sometimes his logic makes perfect sense.
Rubbish name award: Sinead Tinker. STinker Tinker indeed.
Crap support award: Steve really does mean well, trying to support Dev, but he's kind of rubbish at it isn't he! He was a bit better with Eileen at least.
Lines of the week
Eileen to Paul "I can't believe you stayed down here last night" (you did tell him it was over)
Gloria "Sunita was a pyromaniac and a scrubber"
Julie "We are both compassionate people" Brian "I am completely selfish, cold, and indifferent"
Tim "I've never had a plan in me life"
Dev to Stella "Get out of my face. Both of you" (so say we all)
Jason to Eileen "You could always get a dog"
Anna to Faye "I need you to calm down RIGHT NOW" (yes, frogmarching her home is going to really help with that)
Dev about his 8 year old twins "They have no ability to organize themselves"
Mary "I will bounce back. It's what I do"
Fiz "You never get anything if you don't have a plan"
Mary "Prepare to be dazzled" Dev "What just happened!"
Norris "Why are you feeding this insanity"
Rita "You'll have to excuse Norris. We're having a tact-free day"
Eileen to Norris "When I see my first dusty moth-eaten mummy, I'll be thinking of you" (Great come-back!)
Ryan to Katy "You deserve better than Ches" (And that's you??)
Sophie "How was Mary Bobbins?" (Hah!)
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Mary 'Bobbins' -- Urban Dictionary that if you're not fluent in Mancunian. Ha Ha Ha!
Most Improved Player: Sophie Webster. I really liked her this week. (Also Won, Isn't It Nice To See a Character Stop Moping Award)
Nice First Impression Award: Sinead Tinker.
Best Adult Offspring Ever Award: Jason Grimshaw. Wake up and count your blessings, Eileen. Your kid turned out great and he loves you.
Kill Me Now Award (5-way tie): Spanking Faye Windass, Something About Mary, Splitsville Sr. (Eileen & Paul), Splitsville Jr. (Katy & Ches), and Karl & Stella Part Deux
How much is that doggy in the window award: Postcards in shop windows are usually used for selling bicycles or kittens, not asking for someone – anyone – to come and look after precious cargo – children. Dev seriously is an unfit father if he will take anyone off the street in this day and age. But we all know this is building up to “comedy gold” with Mad Mary who was only barred from the shop the other week for bad mouthing the kid’s dead mother. Perhaps she should have brought her chain saw along!
Under your nose award: Surely Jenna would be a better nanny for the children? A trained physio who is out of work?
Little Gnome award: Chesney in the cafĂ© the other day pulling those strange faces he does, that’s what he reminded me of. So bored of him and couldn’t give a jot about his “problems”. To have these two young pretty girls fighting over Chesney Brown is nothing short of ludicrous.
Great addition award: Everyone seems to like Sinead, what’s the betting she will turn out to be a gifted machinist and get job int facktray within a month?
Lenient award: Faye told some terrible lies but nobody reproved her for it, in fact everyone was mollycoddling her. Surely she needs some kind of chastisement for behaving the way she has. Just gets her own way AGAIN. Also Anna has legally adopted her so she just can’t “hand her over” to Tim. A children’s court would have to decide this.
Bog off to Egypt award: Eileen can’t disappear soon enough for Frosty, this moping and moaning over the tiny fireman is very very tiresome. Hope she gets a make over out there, the woman looks a total mess. I wonder if Julie will get left out there, she must be soon going off on maternity leave.
Have a bad attitude award: Couldn’t understand why Owen was so funny about Gareh running Tina around, its his grandchild she is carrying after all and he couldn’t do enough for her including paying her a large amount of money and giving her his flat not so long ago and now he seems to moan about a lift to the supermarket??
Dev saying the kids were 8 years old a number of times this week really annoyed me.From what I can remember the kids were born in January 2006,making them 7,not 8
I think Owen reacted the way he did because he's beginning to suspect that Gary is getting a little too attached to Tina.
I am finding it hard to care about the current stories. Paul has been on for five minutes, don't care if he goes. Stella/Karl, don't give a tuppence. Chesney and Katy have been seen on screen for about three seconds in the past year, who cares if they break up. Is it loyalty that I still watch? Habit? Maybe time to take a break.
Lool. Please do these corrie awards more frequently. Weekly even! :) (Y)
Smack the stupid out of him...Lloyd delivers a well deserved slap to Steve's gob when he wouldn't shut up about Dev getting on with things and telling him to look on the bright side, or summat..what a moron!!
Soon a vacancy will arise at Bessie Street and Brian will put a card in the newsagents to advertise it. Rita will encourage Tina to apply and after observing her deal with some misbehaving kids in the street, Brian will ofer her the job.
Just another tale in the fantasy that is Coronation Street.
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