I think we've all guessed that because Corrie are moving to their new set either later this year or early next year, so of course they're going to be building things bigger and better.
Anyway, hang on, let's see what else The Sun says. Oh, here he is, our good friend Mr Curry Sauce saying: “The Rovers will be rebuilt on a bigger scale – the plans show it with two upstairs windows, instead of the one it has now. That means more space for a larger family.
“Everything is very hush hush but there is speculation that Michelle Connor (Kym Lomas) could end up running the new Rovers – as bosses want to cement her as an all-time favourite.
“Other rumours are that the pub will have a new dining area inside and that Betty Driver’s portrait will have pride of place as a lasting tribute to her.”
So there you have it, rumours and speculation but how would you feel abut Michelle taking over the nation's favourite pub? I don't mind - actually if it were Michelle and Steve behind the bar running the place together - that would be great. Anyone but St Ella.
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Both Michelle and St Ella appear to be favourites of the Powers That Be - although not so popular with the viewing public. Shoehorning St Ella into every storyline has completely backfired, and the character has never gelled. I don't mind Michelle, but her character has been a bit of a spare part the last few years - so this latest development (if true) would make her more central to the action. If this means St Ella will soon be booking that Taxi of Doom, then please bring it on...it does sound though, as if the Rovers is about to increase it's Tardis-like qualities:)
Stella doesn't offend me. I wonder what they will do with her? Have her get ack with Karl and he rips her off one time too many?
I don't get the popularity of Michelle. I didn't miss her when she left with Kieron.
I dont get the "popularity" of Michelle either with the arm folding, harridan behaviour and thrusting double Ds. However, I dont think she would make a bad Rovers landlady, lets face it St Ella has never gelled despite her mate PC's efforts. I think Mandy would be good as the first black landlady but who listens to old Frosty
I would like to see Michelle and Steve have a go at running the Rovers together but I'm not sure where Stella would go if they took over. Where would the writers put her?
I doubt it would happen but it would certainly be a twist if she was killed in the fire, along with Sunita.
Michelle wouldn't have the cash to buy The Rovers so I'm guessing Stella and Karl leave (together or otherwise) and appoint Steve as manager. Steve has a business to run so he's part time behind the bar with Michelle full time. Quite why and how Stella and Karl leave doesn't bother me at all - just let them go. I think it's a great idea and Kym Lomas could well grow into the role. So MC *is* leaving, not surprising now her pal has gone. Watch for her in other ITV shows in PC's new remit. She has signed up till May, after which I guess she will go. If the fire is in May, Stella and Karl could leave around August. Something to look forward to.
As it's all speculation, i'd take it with a very large block of salt. Michelle doesn't have to own the pub to be landlady. Stella didn't own it at first, Steve hired her as manager and her name then went over the door. His can't because he has a criminal record.
Having said that, I'm sure Michelle could run the bar as she does have lots of bar experience and the faktry experience would have given her a bit more on the management side. Perchance she and Carla or Rob would fall out sending her out the door.
Rumour though it may be, if it means St. Ella is out, i'm all for it!
Michelle as an "all-time favourite"!?!?!! She may well be in it all the time, but she us certainly no favourite of mine. One emotion acting as far as I'm concerned. Remember that dreadful storyline where she fell for a builder who got into her flat via a ladder. The powers that be must think that because she was in a pop group, she's thus popular, but she isnt! Send her off on another cruise ship please.
Seems we all want Stella out . & I'm sure she will turn up where ever PC is . I don't like Michelle Connor & the fact she never mentions her real son any more. Kym Marsh is not in the running on my fave list of actors. I'm sorry Shobna is leaving but there was no way back for her after the complete character change . I don't believe she would've left even though she says she is looking forward to working on new projects. I wish her well.
When will producers realize that Michelle will never become an 'all-time favourite' and that when characters do, it happens naturally and not because they are shoehorned into every plot going!
It may be controversial, but I'd love to see Audrey buy the Rovers and have David and Kylie in charge. They'd be able to mature and when it does get out about Nick/Kylie, then we could have a warring family divided between the Bistro and Rovers!
Oboy..more of Michelle's boobage front and centre.
I think it might be a nice change of pace...hopefully.
I didn't miss Michelle when she left. She could have stayed away for all I cared. It must indeed be the boobage that the powers that be like. I don't think us fans have any great affection for her.
As for Stella, I don't for the life of me see why everyone dislikes her so much. I don't have any great affection for her, she isn't a fave or anything, but what is it about her that people are so against?
I agree, do something different with the pub. Or give it back to Stevie, he is MY fave anyway.
Hey, Frosty, I'm listening. I've always felt Lloyd had the right personality to be the Rovers landlord, as well as the cash and management experience to make a go of it. Now he also has Mandy, who may not be the most sparkling girlfriend ever but is great behind the bar. Michelle is flat - she's got the resume but not the people skills that get folk to open up and have a great evening out. And honestly, I've never liked her until she paired up with Carla at the factory -- somehow that works.
If Stella owns the Rovers and she dies, wouldn't she pass it on in her will? Leanne has some, er, experience in those matters.
oooh, didn't realise that St Ella is officially leaving! I can see that Michelle could make the transition to landlady - after all, Liz Mac was landlady when Steve owned the Rovers, because of his prison record. It's a shame though as I think that Michelle is right with Carla, they make a good team (brushing aside the MBA that Michelle had lurking in a dusty drawer somewhere). I'm not Michelle Connor's greatest fan but I think she is OK in the Faktry and she should stay there.
If St Ella is back with Karl as reported, she will be up to her whatsits in debt again. Perhaps she and Karl run off. Leanne discovers Nick and Kylie's secret because in soapland all secrets are aired in public one day. So Eva and Leanne, two single sisters who hate each other, are left to run the pub. Baby Jane anyone?
LOL Frosty - thrusting Double D's...!! Yes, they do seem to be front and center in most scenes, way ahead of the rest of her body. Oh, I'm not seeing 'popular' Michelle as landlady...God no. I liked her best when she was on the cruise ship with Cieran.
Anyone else think that this "Mr Curry Sauce" might have some connection to Kym Ryder's Agent? Probably not. It is pretty far fetched that someone like Kym Ryder would plant stories in the press about her running the Rovers and being an "all-time favourite".
^^ Oops I meant Kym Lomas. Can't keep up with the name changes.
I'm in the minority here. I like both Michelle and Stella and I missed Michelle when she left for the cruise, and I was happy to see her return. I do like the idea of Michelle & Steve running Rovers.
I'd like to see someone really funny behind the bar; someone to give us a laugh, cheer us up. So whenever someone says "let's go to the Rovers" you at least feel "yay! a bit of comedy coming!"
~JB in Canada
There's been no word that St. Ella is leaving, not officially anyway. And I think Kym Lomas isn't necessarily really popular as Michelle, I think she's got a very good publicist!
I don't dislike Michelle as much as St Ella, but I didn't miss her while she was off on the cruise ship either. At this point I'm focussing on the positive part of this story -- there's a rumour out there somewhere that St Ella is leaving and hoping that the rumour has some sort of factual basis.
Someone like Sally, Julie or Beth behind the bar could be funny - trying to be an efficient landlady and getting it all wrong. Although Vera (surprisingly) didn't seem to work as a landlady - there should have been loads of humour there, but it seemed as if the momentshe and Jack took over the pub, all the humour and spark was suddenly drained from her character.
Well, now that Michelle has demostrated her remarkable and mysteriously acquired business skills over the t'faktry, I'm sure she'll be a shoe-in for running the pub. I guess Mandy will have to take over the St.Ella (land and ear in the back room) role, though. Let's just see if Michelle can make it through an entire shift behind the bar though, without having to suddenly run off to deal with some family/love/laundry/random child issue.
I think Michelle would be better than Stella at any rate and other than Leanne I can't think of any better candidates. Being a Rover's landlady is about Gravita's more than anything else and even though shes lacking in dramatic chop Kym Lomas has good presence. I wish Keith Duffy would come back though I think they would make a good team. I think its more important that the stories can revolve around the Landlady and she can realistically be involved and be the voice of reason in everybody elses storyline. Michelles got a head start there since she's slept with several tentpole characters.
I thnk Eileen would be a great landlady, although she should lose that drip Paul, and find a big strappin man! A guy to run the course with her the way Jack & Vera did.
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