Continuity fluff up?: I thought Mandy said Flash is 15 years old. Lloyd remembers Flash. Lloyd hasn't seen Mandy since before Jenna was born, 28 or 29 years ago. Later in the week, Jenna says he's at least 40. Maybe I misheard 15 for 50?
I can almost taste the victory award: Gail can hardly wait to spill the beans on Kylie!
Pun of the week: Steve "Deep down, I'm shell shell shocked!"
Put on a spot award: Anna didn't have much choice but let Faye have the laptop after Tim presented it to her in front of everyone. Makes Owen look like a prat, too.
Metrosexual award: Brian running after Jason to retrieve his cream (what kind did Jason say? I couldn't make it out) that was clearly not a manly sort of cream.

Jig is up award: One tortoise does not look like another. Steve and Lloyd are busted with one glance at the replacement for Flash.
Blackmail in perpetuity award: Kylie and Nick have Gail's killing stare on their backs for the rest of their lives now. Or until it all blows up. And it will.
Gob on a Stick award: Kylie has run out of patience and the customers are paying for it. She quit her job and got bladdered on a stolen bottle of wine, too.
Lines of the Week:
Gail "I found something in Lewis' trousers" Audrey "Is that meant to be a joke?" (it doesn't bear thinking about, does it?)
Kylie "There will be more tarts in that front window than in Greggs' front window" (Bakery chain for non UKers)
Eric "Are them cobbles out there or broken hearts?"
Owen "I've learned one thing about bringing up a daughter. You do not negotiate with terrorists"
Eva "Take away my plastic you might as well shoot me!"
Steve "Flash! Aaaaaghhh!" (Channeling Freddie Mercury?)
Eva "Take away my plastic you might as well shoot me!"
Kylie to Nick "Who cares if mummy thinks I'm a slapper, just as long as her blue eyed boy is in the clear" (And that's it in a nutshell)
Kylie to Gail "I don't want you to hate me" (that's train has long since left the station)
Stella about Gloria "She's milking him dry. I'm surprised he doesn't moo"
Sylvia "It's all love me this and love me that" Norris "Or, Do Me Baby" Mary "Chance would be a fine thing!"
Gail "I'm not prepared to play the doting grandmother knowing it could all be a lie" (But it *is* your grandchild either way!)
Steve "If all else fails, deny everything" (I agree with Michelle, that never works for him, really)
Eric "Life in the fast lane, that's us" Gloria "Stella prefers life in the bus lane"
Tina "TMI!" (she explains) Eric "I'm sorry, I can't get on with this modern fashion for acronyms" Tina "Acro-what?"
Jenna "My mum had that tortoise for 40 years" (Wait, she told Lloyd the thing was 15 didn't she? maybe she said 50?)
Izzy "Maybe she can't tell the difference between your sad face and your angry one. Most people don't"
Mandy "Either you're trying to get drunk or you're trying to get me drunk" Lloyd "Can't we do both?"
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Bad smell of the week award: Why was Gail constantly hanging around the hospital like a bad smell and with the look on her face that there was one under her nose? She doesn’t like Kylie, why be there at all – just to disapprove? She really is one unpleasant woman. Two personas: silly village idiot or vindictive lemon sucker.
No star accommodation award: We are led to believe that Eric (who is great and it’s a pity his stayed will literally be short lived) is a millionaire. Why doss down in an already overcrowded back street pub sharing the one bathroom with people whom he has never met before? Was the Hilton Manchester fully booked?
Spiteful old witch award: A tie between Gail as above or Gloria, lazy, spiteful, without any redeeming features, I thought Stella had told her never to darken her door again, now she is back sitting her lazy backside on a bar stool, not paying for drinks and just being generally vile. Cant take to her at all and those that think she is ‘funny’ must have a very strange sense of humour that’s all Frosty can say.
Highly paid worker award Tim had only just started work as a jobbing builder with Jason but he already has enough dosh – hundreds of pounds – to buy a laptop for FayE. Like Tim though and hope he is genuine and not to be turned into the usual psycho/loony/kidnapper/sexual deviant/deadbeat. We desperately need some feel good stories.
Exhausted character award: Owen, has had his time now. Never got his come uppance for beating up on one of Frosty’s favourite characters – Big Jim McDonald . Not sure why social services haven’t checked him out now Eddie has disappeared and Anna Whingeass has shacked up with him. Needs to go and take his one creepy and the other bone stupid daughter with him. Let Jason become the only builder on T’Street and take over the builders yard.
Silly story of the week award: Where is this Flash (aha) tortoys nonsense leading? The idiot McDonald throws long loved pet onto the skip – oh my aching sides –pathetic.
Pot Meet Kettle Award: Gloria calling Sunita the "street slapper". Just why is Sunita suddenly the street slapper? What makes a woman a slapper? If she is with with a man for his money? (Gloria). SHe shows her cleavage?(Eva). If her bedroom has a revolving door? (Tracy). If she commits adultery?(Kylie).
I think you're right about Flash and the continuity error Tvor, we heard 15 then 50 too.
Really? I have to admit I heard '50' but maybe that's just my dodgy hearing.
I didn't see the episode with 15 or 50 continuity error so can't help there. All I can say is watch that episode again on catch-up with subtitles. It's the only way I can keep up!
Another continutiy fluff I noticed: Tina visiting Tyrone in jail was healthy, had her hair with half-ponytail at the top of her head with loose hanging down, and peach nail polish. On her way home from visiting, runs into Fiz and they go into T's flat; she now has a heavy cold, hair in full ponytail, and bronze nail polish. I know, I know, picky, picky, picky.
Brian was after his haemorrhoid cream!
Ahhh thanks Anonymous. I could NOT make out what he was calling that cream!
The laptop was second hand, Tim said. Notice that he didn't give her the power cord to plug it in for recharging though.
As I said last week in another mention of the subject, I listened several times. Flash was 50, not 15!
mary prankster - thankyou you so much, I dont know where this blog would be without upstanding people like you to put everyone right!
Barry, we loyal followers of the fictional lives on this street take these details very seriously! ;) (What it says about our lives I'll leave to others to analyze.) We all struggle at times with the northern accents, the variations in diction, elocution and enunciation of the various cast members, so one of the benefits of a (great!) blog such as this is that we can pool our resources for each others' benefit. Just tryin' to help. "M'kay"!
Oh Frosty you had me laughing at your awards - one creepy and one bone stupid daughter LOL! Agree about Owen and the lovely big Jim McD, also he never had his comeuppance over the threats and vileness to Eileen. I think he should set his sights on Gail.
Not to mention Owen's recent assault and threats to Tim to leave or he might not be able to leave.
When are social services and the police going to remove this bully from the street.
Faye knows that Owen assaulted and threatened Tim and she could also report him for the beating he gave her,
Anna knows all this could happen and yet she keeps defending Owen she better make a choice soon or she might have it made for her.
I thought Social Services had already checked out Tim and not found anything to concern them? Also it's weird how Anna has gone from a sort of warmed over Battersby-esque harridan to the street's earth mama, all dewy eyes and welcoming bosom.
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