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Tuesday 12 February 2013

What do you call Coronation Street - Corrie or Coro?

Ooh,  now, here's a thing  It could be controversial or it could have you banging your head off your laptop with boredom.

I've just read on twitter from @maddiniles97 who writes: "Get so angry when people call coronation street 'corrie' IT'S CORO!!!"

I always used to call it Corra until th'internet access came my way back in 1993 and the two first words I ever typed into th'internet then were "Coronation Street".  Once I got online and found fellow fans in the ether, I changed what I called our favourite soap from Corra to Corrie, such is the power of the web.

And it seems in New Zealand it's more popularly called Coro than Corrie.

So - what do you call it in your house, Coronation Street fans? Corrie or Coro? Or do you call it something else like The Street perhaps? 

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Carry On Blogging! said...

I'd never call it's sometimes Corrie but I prefer The Street - such is the power of Coronation Street that's all you need to say :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in NZ and it definitely gets called Coro. Corrie is unknown here. Must be a kiwi thing.

Llifon said...

In English I call it Corrie.

But in Welsh I call it Coronation. And lots of people I know who live in North Wales tend to call it Coronation. It's as if that's enough.

The senior actors of the street like William Roache, Barbara Knox, Sue Nicholls etc call it The Street. I don't know about the younger cast if they call it Corrie.

A good and interesting question! :)

Humpty Dumpty said...

I only call it Corrie on this blogsite. When I talk to non-fans, I give it its full Sunday name but when I chat with friends who are fans, it's The Street.

Anonymous said...

Usually "The Street", but also "Corrie". NEVER Coro.

Anonymous said...

Always 'The Street'- Micky

Janice. said...

I call it Conception Street.

Deborah said...

Corrie for me.

Tvor said...

Corrie here too

Rebecca said...

I call it Corrie, but my Dear Departed Dad always called it 'Corra' and was fond of saying, after a dramatic end, "The 'orror of Corra!"

Anonymous said...

I call it Corrie

Anonymous said...

Corrie all the way.

njblas said...

Nowadays it's Corrie in the UK, Canada and Australia, but it's definitely Coro in NZ...

Anonymous said...

For the Collinson produced period I call it Crapie.

corrierules said...

As you can see by my "handle" it's Corrie for me! :)

Mary Prankster said...

I had occasion to move to the U.S. shortly after Coronation Street arrived on Canadian screens, so I wasn't aware of its existence. When I came home for a visit shortly thereafter, I found my mother and aunts discussing people I'd never heard of. When I enquired about this they said there was a new soap from England that they were watching. They just referred to it as "it", as in "Did you see "it" today?". That was how it continued to be mentioned. After I moved back home I started to watch, almost in self-defense, so I could follow the often-animated discussions between my relatives. It was never called "Corrie", or "the Street", in our family, always just "it".

abbyk said...

I say "Coronation Street. It's a British soap opera that's been on for over 50 years. No, not Eastenders. You can catch it on Hulu", and they still look at me like I need my head examined. Ah, the lonely life of an American fan. **sigh**

But for y'all, Corrie.

Anonymous said...

Corrie. Always been, always will be. I'd never even heard of CORO or Corra until this post. I suppose the person who made the original comment about CORO was from New Zealand and likely unaware that he/she is actually in the minority globally.

Anonymous said...

Mostly call it "The Street". Occasionally I will say to my husband "Wanna watch Cunnation Street?" or just "Cunnation". Don't know why I started that, LOL.

Jan in Canada

Kiwi Kim said...

Never heard the term Corrie until I jumped on here, always been Coro....and yes I'm a Kiwi.....2nd to last Anon you sound like a CORO snob ;p Anyway, who cares what you call it, just don't miss it!!

clare said...

Corrie. I have heard it called Coro but not by many.

Nurse Florence Ganderpoke said...

Corrie for me too. I've also never heard it referred to as Coro before!

Defrost Indoors said...

I'm in Canada, and my English-born bf and I always refer to it as The Street. Who is the person with the Twitter account and why do we care what she thinks?

Rowan said...

Growing up in my house, we always called it Nation. Now I call it Corrie, but that's thanks to this site. -- Ontario, Canada

Alan said...

Greetings from Canada, where we loving refer to Canada's most popular soap opera as "Corrie". Never heard "Coro" used here.

Barrie.T said...

I've always called it corrie, never heard anyone call it coro

Anonymous said...

I always call it Coro, or 'The Street'.
'Corrie' reminds me too much of an ex-boyfriend!! lol

Anonymous said...

Always Corrie. Never even heard of it being called Coro.

njblas said...

If you go to New Zealand, you will hear it called Coro (or sometimes Coro Street in the press) all the time...

@de :-) said...

Thanks to my dad I say 'Coron'. Or occasionally Coronoron Street. NEVER Corrie. It really annoys me when I hear people call it that!

Anonymous said...

Coro. From NZ too :P

Moya said...

It's CORO as in CorOnation Street - NOT CORRIE as in CorRIEnation.


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