Kylie's burden concerns her fears that David will stray as he goes on his course in London, because as she says, 'There'll be more tarts in that classroom than in Gregg's front window'.
The burden theme continues with Eva and Karl. Both are down on their luck, Eva because she spends her days sewing knickers and then takes off the plastic on a meal for one. That does sound undeniably bleak, yet bleaker still is Karl's life in his bedsit with its sticky carpets, fag burns in the sofa and the footprints on the windowsill of the last bloke to live there. Eva reminds him that he didn't have to be so down on his luck, as she says, he made his bed. Karl rather impressively interprets the comment literally and says he has not made his bed this morning and that there was no point to it.
So Flash the tortoise meets his demise - or does he? And how did he make it to 15 years of age (I speak from a childhood littered with dead tortoises as they were plucked from their shoe boxes) never mind how many years that is in tortoise years, if that applies? Quite an amusing diversion from the serious stuff of tonight's episodes and we await news of a possible rescue of the 'shell-shocked' (ha ha Steve) Flash.
We learn tonight that Lewis is in Belize while Kirk wears his coat and cravat. Gail though remains firmly in Coronation Street and by means of some elementary detective work discovers who the culprit is who revealed her password.
Kylie's character is superb. Her directness, her passion and her love for David and Max are heartwarming and put us firmly on her side. She is flawed, as we all are, but Gail's lack of compassion and understanding are chilling. Most certainly there will be those who disagree with this view, but Gail seems particularly bitter. Money or family? Most people would chose the latter. Perhaps the truth and total honesty are over-rated when the happiness of a family is at stake. But Gail is going for it. 'I always knew you were poison,' she snarls, along with, 'You chose to let Lewis humiliate and bankrupt me just to save your own skin.' Kylie fights back. 'I get that I'm not perfect but neither is your son.' Gail flies back with a comment that she wants David to see Kylie as she really is. Kylie, pitifully pleads, 'It's going to destroy us.' Now Gail spouts the poison as she growls, 'Exactly!' She tells a distraught Kylie that it would be worth 40 thousand pounds just to see David show her the door. How can this relationship ever be repaired? Nick had to help and quite a good job he did too, but then it is in his interests, as we all know that Kylie didn't sleep with 'some random guy' but the blue-eyed boy himself.
If Gail is not doing so well in her relationships with her daughters-in law, then Gloria is perhaps faring even worse with her own daughter and grand-daughters. Eric seems like a good addition to the cast and seems to have plenty of ready cash, not trusting credit cards. You've got to love Eva for her comment, 'Take away my plastic, you might as well shoot me.'
On a lighter note it was good to see Katy enjoying herself with her friends, even though the friends were unimpressed by Chesney's bargain meat. A darker note creeps in though as the stage is set for Katy and Ryan's affair.
Faye is becoming increasingly impressive in her machinations to keep her dad, Tim close and Jason must have enjoyed defying Owen in refusing not to to take Tim on. Oh yes, revenge is certainly sweet at least for now. It will be interesting to see Tim's character revealed - many possibilities there ...
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Twitter was alight this evening with the brilliant one liners Steve MacDonald (trending) was coming out with. My favourite- FLASH AAAARGH !
It's a wonder the denizens of that street can navigate through all the roosting chickens!
Eva is re-enacting Tracy. She has done the vintictive thing. She will now sleep with her Gran's loaded boyfriend.
Poor nasty Kylie getting it from Gail. Remember when she sold her own kid for $5000? Oh, right, we are supposed to identify with her. ha.
Chesney hasn't enough $$ so his wife can go out with her mates, but he can shell out loads of dosh to his idiot sister to bog off with her equally moronic boyfriend last week? Why didn't Katie throw that in Chesney's face? It would have made more sense other than her just accepting it and looking all depressed.
If Katy had enough sense to remember that little discrepancy then she'd also remember what a jerk Ryan has been, and we wouldn't have the flimsy set-up for this ridiculous dalliance!
Gail doesn't owe Kylie anything. Gail gave Kylie a home. Gail treats Kylie's son, the son she tried to sell, with love and kindness. Kylie, on the other hand, made it possible for Lewis to bankrupt Gail. Kylie made Gail lose her home. Kylie moved into Gail's bedroom. Kylie cheated on Gail's son. With her other son! Kylie destroyed Gail's life, is about to do the same to her family, and has been rubbing Gail's nose in it. Kylie is rotten, immature and disloyal to the core. She's an adult and has earned humiliation and a day with the coppers, not compassion and understanding. And of late, Audrey is no better.
The whole Flash thing was sophomoric -- seriously, is Steve 12? Is the entire writing staff? 1 day and Gloria is already beyond annoying, I wish Stella would grow a pair and kick her back to Spain.
Gee, I guess I really didn't like tonight's episodes.
If Flash the tortoise is 15 - how come Lloyd knew all about him, thought he hadnt seen "Mand" for 20 odd years?? Not happy to see Gloria back and she hasnt changed a bit - still a proverbial pain the backside, liking Timothy West's character, pity he is to be bumped off so soon with a silly whose entitled to his will story to come.
Gloria is really a pain and I can't see she brings anything to the show. Norris is a pain but somehow that works. Could it be that Norris interacts with everyone, but Gloria usually only has scenes with Stella?
I am starting to think that the commenters on this blog must all be of a 'Certain Age' as Coronation Street characters trend on Twitter everytime Corrie's on, and people are not tweeting to complain! The kids and hip oldies love the jokes, perhaps humour deserts you as time goes by?
Also don't tortoises live to 100? Anc couldn't Mandy have simply TOLD Lloyd about how much she loves her tortoise? Complaining for complaining sake..... does Norris have an online alias?
I despise Gail. She effed up her Mum's relationship with Lewis. What kind of daughter does that?
She can't stand to see either of her boys happily married. It's really beyond creepy when you think about it. A psychiatrist would have a lot to say about it.
~JB in Canada
Mrs Barton you seem to be complaining about complaining love!
Where did Eva's dress come from - the one she wore to dinner in last nights episode? I loved it :)
I prefer to think of my comments as gentle pokes and witty observations.... and I'm always happy to say something good about our favourite TV show, it's great TV, that's why I watch it !
Why some others watch it I really do wonder....
@Gypsy Girl courtesy of Twitter again I know the dress came from Friday on my Mind which is available online
Frosty, after several replays of the scene, I'm sure Mandy said the tortoise was 50, not 15, which better explains Lloyd's comment about being like him. Obviously Flash was not a baby when Mandy got him, and Lloyd would have known about him when they were young.
So basically Gail learned nothing from her ordeal. She's STILL interfering with others business. Get her gone.
Can we please get rid of Kirsty this has gone on far too long and is becoming boring. And while we are at it lets send Faye the brat packing also and move on from Gails problems she brought them on herself. I love this show but please can we just move it along !
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