Oh, I've been loving Nick in the middle of all this Coronation Street wedding stuff. I like him anyway, and I love the actor Ben Price, which I've written about before. But recently Nick's gone from somewhat of a wet dishcloth to a real firebrand, and I like it.
We've seen him angry, like when he destroyed the Bistro, and we've seen him heartbroken, right after the non-wedding, and we've seen him devastated by a number of feelings after sleeping with his sister-in-law. It's been great.
Tonight we saw him tell his mum to basically bog off out of his life. He's been sort of going that way for a few weeks by telling her that he could deal with things, whether it was the Bistro or Leanne or whatever. Has he finally cut the apron springs? Surely not.
I hope Leanne and Nick do get married, because Leanne is much more pleasant when he's around. It won't last, but couldn't they have a year or so of wedded bliss? Please?
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Nick is brilliant, he's probably one of my favourite current characters
Agree, liking this new firebrand Nick much better and only wish he had gotten in a few more punches to that vile Peter! Would be nice to see him and Leanne happy for a good chunk of time before the next spanner thrown into the works.
I haven't cared much about this love square but it finally looks like Nick's about to grow up. He and Leanne have the beginnings of a mature relationship which can weather the storms. I amaze myself saying this because till Peter returned I hoped Leanne would entice him back. Probably Kylie's pregnancy will blow Mr and Mrs Tilsley's marriage apart, but I think they may survive it. As for Peter and Carla, ho hum.
Yeah Nick the firebrand, instead of Peter getting up and following Nick out of the bookies he should have called the police and reported Nick for assault.
I was never a big fan of his as he was so self centered and such a mummy's boy but I've been rooting for him all the way since Peter returned.
Kylie's pregnancy will blow things apart for him and Leanne especially if the spoilers are to be believed and Kylie confides in EVA!! Need I say more.....!
Nick has been growing on me over the past year. I have to say though, that I'd really like to see him and Kylie hook up permanently. I think they would put a much better twist on their relationship than the similar Steve/Becky relationship. Nick seems to bring the best out of Kylie and Kylie seems to bring Nick down to earth.
The character is shallower than a piece of cling film, god knows where he gets all his money from, the "Leanne is the love of my life stuff" does not square with his history and is tedious beyond belief. The "Who's the Daddy of Kylie's baby" story is the TV equivalent of Sharon Osbourne's habit of sending gifts of dog poo.
Ben Price is seriously miscast in the role. He couldn't pass for 31 in any light and looks more like Gail's husband/boyfriend when they are together. All I will say about his acting skills is that I'm not surprised he says he wants to stay in Coronation Street as long as he can.
I'm just a bit disappointed all this love square stuff isn't over yet. Surely Gail isn't the only person in the world who can see it's crazy to marry a woman who tried to get back with her ex-husband on her wedding day just a few weeks ago? I like Nick but the more he behaves like a total mug the more I end up thinking "hmm, maybe you deserve what's coming."
No, Leanne and Nick CAN'T have a nice year of 'wedded bliss' & togetherness:
for it is written,
it is prophesised,
(as you might say)
because -
Kylie's pregnancy, will put paid to that!
(You were just hoping against hope weren't you?)
Can the storylining team keep the fact that Nick slept with Kylie on his 'wedding night' as a 'secret' between Kylie and Nick for a single year from Leanne, David and uncle Tom Cobbley et al finding out?
Can they as 'eck like! It's a weapon any soap producer would salivate over using.
That's why Leanne and Nick have to be reunited only for Leanne to storm off again, citing 'betrayal and lies' (the cheek!) Maybe into a soap engineered spilt between Carla and Peter thus freeing Peter - after discovering Nick's wedding night infidelity. Cue lots of trademark screaming and shouting from Leanne.
Then who knows - string the 'baby' story out for a year, until somehow a DNA test proves the baby is in fact David's after all - so just Nick's borrowed-for-the-night surrogate wife Kylie, for Leanne and Nick to make up over.
Boy! He sure was determined to have his 'wedding night bliss of conjugal rights', come hell or high water, wasn't he?
As it's not hard to see a big future in Corrie for the character that is Kylie; I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Kylie & Nick end up as a couple, at some point in the future, however short that might be.
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