When I first heard that Carla's brother was joining the show, I was excited that we were finally going to see another side to Carla, but then came the news that Carla and Peter were leaving for six months.
This left Rob at a bit of a dead end, the most interesting part of his character is that he is Carla's brother. When Carla returned this Christmas, we finally started seeing their sibling rivalry crop up, I'm just hoping his relationship with Tracy doesn't drag his character back down again.
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Rob should find his feet and get out of Weatherfield. Don't know if it is the lines he is given but his acting is pretty wooden, did he attend the same school as Plank Tilsley- the early edition?
Rob wasn't a strong enough character to parachute in to cover Carla's absence. He didn't look tough enough and he wore that ridiculous jacket with elbow patches. Looked more like secondary school teacher from the 70's. Sorry, but this is another character that has to go, and he won't be much missed.
He's been a dismal failure...the character just doesn't work on any level. Please get rid...along with Tracy, Stella and Sean...
Who is Luke Strong when he's up and dressed?
Ignore my last comment - just googled him, I'd totally forgotten he ever existed, the same way that I'd soon forget Rob if he left.
And when is Carla going to report him to the police for his illegal activities falsifying the books trying to get control of underworld and hacking her computers.
Send him to gaol so we can be rid of him.
Come on, Rob''s acting skills have greatly improved. Why the other day he emphasized the second word in a sentence instead of the last. He is showing range.
I don't mind him. I think there are far worse on the street that can be banged up for dismal acting. I agree and just hope that Tracy doesn't drag him down as she did Ryan. (Whilst Ryan is and never will be Gielgud he's far more likeable without Tracy attached to his face.)
He looks a bit like Luke Strong and I thought I was the only one to notice his emphasizing of words. LOL.
Bring in another 'long lost' brother One who is taller , more dynamic and can act Please ! Maybe a new brother could help to get rid of the current one and send him back to prison
Lets hope he is finding his feet. They are on the end of his legs and he should use them to walkdown the cobbles and keep walking.
I cannot stand this character. The actor delivers each and every line exactly the same as the one before. No emotion.. just as if he was reading a book with an up-speak at the end of the sentence.
Please let him and Tracy bog off together and annoy each other to death!
He's an absolute damp squib of a character. The real character of Carla's brother, aka as Darren as previously mentioned, should be be a diamond in the rough with a penchant for fighting. Not this metrosexual plank of wood we got lumbered with. So disappointed with Corrie as Carla's brother could have been an excellent addition if done right.
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