It's the Monday after the Big Week before and whilst we might know that Gary is the new Big Bad, no-one on the street is any wiser (yet, obvs) and Nasty Nick is still Suspect No.1, something that Gary seeks to exploit, asking the factory "girls" how come the report was found in Nick's flat? He and Sarah-Lou read in the Gazette that Rick has been arrested, although Gary is circumspect, saying that someone else will fill his place. Hmm, I wonder who that might be?
In the corner shop, Uncle Umed (remember him?) rings to tell Devandra that Uncle Ravi (in India) is dying. Mary offers to mind the kids whilst he goes to visit "before it's too late" and comedy gold Evelyn, fed up of suggestive comments about dipsticks from customers at the garage, "applies" for the job covering the shop, i.e. tells Dev she's doing it. Aadi grudgingly says he will cover for Asha as she wants to go to a party that Dev has vetoed, but this doesn't go too well when Papa Dev finds out. He's full to the brim of Asha and tells her and Aadi that they're coming to India with him.
Posh Paula, who
doesn't seem to have an office, meets Nick and Leanne in the caff,
shushing every time Shona comes over, and tells him that he's looking
at theft and fraud charges. Sarah tells him she wants nothing more to
do with him, and that she will run the business - until Miss Leanne
points out that she has no real power, can't hire, fire or (most
importantly) pay people. Gary takes the passports and sells them back to their owners and hands over the money to Sarah. As a book-keeper, all I can think of is how they're going to deal with that on the accounts system. Nightmare!
Nick puts more pressure on David (who has been put out of the house by Gail) to take the blame, signing a deed of transfer to hand over the business to him in return for taking the fall. It's no use though as the police detective and her formerly silent partner turn up to arrest both brothers. Nick dobs in David with a lot of soft-soaping and blarney. I presume Nick dresses like the tin man, all in grey, because he has no heart? David though, double-crosses his bruv and squarely blames little Nicky for the crime.
The mental health team at Weatherfield General have magically found a bed for Carla (despite the number of beds for mental health patients having dropped by 30% since 2009), although it's in Carlisle, which Peter acts like is in Portsmouth rather than a drive up the M6. Peter decides he's going with her and Simon decides he's going with Peter.
Meanwhile, Chesney brings ginger creams for Gemma to nibble on, but that makes her feel more nauseous than before. Rita advises Gems to go to the doctor about her hyperemesis gravidarum.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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Debit Cash
Credit Sarah loan account
is the way to account for the cash injection
Just need a formal agreement for repayment to Sarah to stop future police and fraud enquiries.
Full to the brim of it!
Two things I am utterly fed up of seeing/ hearing -
1 The mardy look, crossed arms and monotone voice of Leanne when she is annoyed.
2 The factory workers ganging up on whoever is in charge, taking it in turns to nastily demand what they want, then threatening to walk out.
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