It's been rumoured that pregnant Gemma will give birth to four babies - and now Inside Soap magazine confirm that this is true.
In this week's Inside Soap magazine, they say that Coronation Street's first ever set of quadruplets will arrive when Gemma gives birth. This might explain why her mum Bernie turns up too.
A Corrie insider tells Inside Soap: "We're going to see a more vulnerable side to Gemma - looking after all those newborns at the same time isn't going to be easy. However, what this story promises to be is hilarious. Typically, Gemma and Chesney have very different ideas on parenting, so how will the pair cope with the new four arrivals?
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Well I think that will be me switching off for the foreseeable! Whatever happened to this once great soap?
Beyond pathetic....
4 more riffraff talking with a mouthful of food!
She reminds me of Vicky Pollard in Little Britain
What a terrible idea. How are they going to raise 5 kids (quads plus Joseph) on a kebab-shop salary? Just as well those 2up-2down terraces have been getting bigger and bigger over recent years - they'll need all that extra space! I just feel sorry for whoever's going to be doing all the babysitting - Rita, I assume.
Hahaha... People getting really hot and bothered over Gemma and her quads. Maybe Corrie needs a bit more comedy to indulge us with. I'm sick of stabbings, depression, suicide, abortion storylines. Good on them. I'm sure there will be as much hilarious consequences as Jack and them pigeons...
Providing the writing is good quality and it is character driven, I would rather see stabbings, depression and suicide than this storyline, at least they are relevant contemporary issues, this is just ridiculous. Of course there should be a balance between drama and comedy but this doesn’t sound funny to me, in fact it’s as needlessly sensationalist as any of the dramatic plots, quads are an extreme rarity in real life.
@Ollsbolls - What is so hilarious about two youngsters having quadruplets and in all probability unable to afford or cope with them? That's not right. This type of story does not look to the future, it's just short-term nonsense that will stifle any long-term storylines they would get. It'll just be about the babies.
Quads not only come with the risk of cerebral palsy and jaundice but the babies may have breathing difficulties. And financially they would suffer, they would need to make lots of sacrifices.
The worst thing is the noises coming from the top that this pregnancy will be "hilarious". What like Gemma stuffing her mouth with food? Or that time Mary screamed and dropped the urn? I don't remember pregnancies in the past being used for comedy purposes.
You may laugh that people are getting "really hot and bothered" over Gemma, but you won't be laughing if more and more viewers switch off and neither will the bosses. We don't need more rubbish comedy.
PEOPLE - IT IS A SOAP OPERA FFS! Stop taking it all so bloody seriously. Don't like it? SWITCH IT OFF. Like it? KEEP IT ON. But for heavens sake, stop whining and pretending to yourself that this is real life and getting all "hot & bothered" over every little thing that "happens" on Corrie... SHEESH!
Stop whining, says the user above who has used CAP LOCKS to ram their point across. Why can't we expect them to take it seriously when they have laid out issue storylines like Carla's psychosis or little Jack's sepsis? You can't pick and choose when viewers' should suspend disbelief.
I honestly don't care if Gemma is pregnant with two, three or seven kids. It won't make a load of difference to the quality of the show. And I don't like people telling others to turn off if they don't like what they see. Some of us have grown to love the show and hate to see it in its present state. It's just not that easy to switch it off.
Oh puh-leez! Really? This is just ludicrous. Yes, soaps require us to suspend our disbelief, but there is a limit, after which it just becomes ridiculous. I'm with Deirdre. And if this story is true, I fear it could be the death knell for Corrie. And no, I have never made that prediction before.
I'm from the US and depend on the CBC (Canada) to see corrie episodes. The hockey Stanley Cup series has been going on for at least 6 weeks and meanwhile the CBC runs the episodes at ridiculous times. I depend on this blog to keep up. The Gemma story line is ridiculous. She can barely keep herself together, let alone take care of 4 babies. This is worse than the Amy baby story. So far it seems the young women (and men) of Corrie are not concerned about birth control, and somehow everyone, at some point, has been in jail. Best storyline was Phelan. It's gone downhill since. Guess I'm not really missing anything. But thanks for helping me keep up with the story.
Gemma is ridiculous and this story line is even more so. New low Corrie... and that's saying a lot.
Previous spoilers have hinted that Gemma sees a financial angle to this. Is she going to put them on ebay? I sometimes feel the writers decide they want the characters in a situation and the lead-in storyline is simply a plot device to kick it off eg: Peter and Toyah were both destined for the Street. 'Let's put these two in a highly unlikely romance to get them there'. As others have said, natural conception very rarely leads to quads, and there's no social issues here, so what we have is sitcom material. Sitcom-style writing works for a few scenes or episodes but not a whole storyline. And the characters aren't interesting enough to maintain our interest. So maybe there's a twist to this tale.
Hulu in the US is only 2 weeks behind and BritBox (apx. $5.99 a month) uploads the current days’ show a few hours after they air in the UK.
More ghastly Gemma “comedy”....
The kids don't matter anyway. Won't they be hidden away until they can mouth off atsomeone
Well that's me finished with Gemma Street.
The show is truely awful.
Iain Macloed has certainly made his mark - the producer that turned viewers off in droves!
I could just about believe this if Gemma had wanted a baby and tried IVF. But natural conception of quads is too unrealistic. Are we supposed to believe that Gemma (who has already had 2 previous abortions) wouldn't get another abortion and would want to raise 4 kids plus Joseph?
Can't stand Gemma and I'm not looking forward to this at all. Would rather have misery all the time than the Gemma Show.
I stopped watching during the caravan episodes - I won't start watching again until I read that Gemma has left. If she doesn't leave, I can't say I've missed it. Worst character ever.
No one on this street has the faintest idea about contraception from the looks of things. What a horrendous storyline, ridiculous idea, they should sack whoever came up with it.
I used to like the characters, was invested in their lives and history. Lately, to put it sucks.
Coronation Street is not the show I enjoyed for forty odd years..welcome to 2019. All they have to do now is rename the street.
Give it a year and the babies will vanish for a few months and come back as 16 year olds intent on killing Gemma .. so?
Jeanie (anon): Appalling story line. End of Corrie Street, bring on Benefits Street! The problems facing Gemma as a parent are already manifold: she has never learned to parent herself because of poor parent role models, plus she has little education, a criminal record and on-going criminal behaviour, serious impulse control, heavy drinking habits, no support network other than her newfound one on the street and few family to support her as well. And she's not with the father of the child(ren) and the pregnancy is unplanned.
So the challenges facing her as she attempts to become and learn to be a mother are difficult enough--but to saddle her with four kids?!! (And to saddle these four kids with Gemma?). That's just cruel and horrible because it could not possibly work out well. Gemma will suffer, the children will suffer. There's nothing remotely funny in this scenario.
Babies are usually brought in to boost a plot (and the ratings). In soap opera land, they are beings to be fought for, fought over (with the other parent) given up for adoption, sold, or struggle with - basically used as a source of conflict. When that conflict has been resolved (or when the scriptwriters are told to move on to another storyline) we don't tend to see the actual babies/ toddlers. When did we last see Leeanne's Oliver or Sarah's Harry? The babies re-appear at the age of 5/ 6 and even then they don't have a lot of screen time. Look at Fizz's daughter Hope - not been seen for months. Jack Webster and Gary's son Jake are not on camera now either. So, when the novelty wears off, and Gemma has sold/ adopted a few babies, this silly drama will die down.
I can't believe I am still watching this show. It's like I"m addicted. I keep waiting to see if it will get better and it never does. I can't stand Gemma, Nick. Michelle, Rick and a few other's. Bring back Fizz, Emily, Kieran, Pat Phelan and a few others. Also I like that you Have made the terrible Tracey nicer and even funny at times. I'll keep watching but I'm not happy! I miss you Jack, Vera, Natalie. Dierdre and all the old favorites like Hilda Ogden. Get some better writers. Quadtuplets, what next? Aliens in Weatherfield.
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