Good evening and a Happy New Year. Although to be honest Monday evening felt like Halloween arriving late as a combination of Geoff and Carla managed to get Dev and Kirk believe that they were seeing ghosts - as seen above! A nice bit of deception and pretty convincing!
Emma reappears and whilst romantically it is not going well with Chesney (and anyway I thought Seb fancied her) she reveals that she would not go skydiving as she is claustrophobic (not that she could say the latter). Run that past me again - skydiving is claustrophobic? Ah apparently it is the very small aeroplanes in which you go up she finds objectionable!
A little lesson for Gary. If you have innumerable children by innumerable women who are able to talk to each other in this modern enlightened age make sure you treat them all the same and that you always pay the rent. Otherwise you might have to go off to one of the 'stans on bodyguard duties.
In case you did not get the point, all boats are ladies, just like all steam engines and any other piece of mechanical equipment I suspect. But the best bit was when Gail asked "How long?" and we can see Peter responded 23 feet - she wanted to know how long it would be in residence!
What is it about New Year and Audrey's partners? I will say no more but it is a little unfair to lose two on the same day. Especially as it is nine years ago today that she and Lewis had their first date.
Gemma is getting calls from someone with an unknown number who is not speaking when she answers. Her first theory is that they lose the ability to speak when they hear her voice (above). Later she becomes convinced that Emma is responsible as the latter has had a makeover to be more like Gemma whom Emma thinks Chesney prefers. Shona gets them talking again so the mystery caller is unidentified on Wednesday but all is revealed on Friday.
Now Jude is posing as an orthopaedic consultant surgeon; as we all know whilst he would have qualified as a doctor having moved on to be a surgeon he should be known as Mr Ken Barlow - not Doctor Barlow. Credited simply as Kelly the actress was Rachael McGuinness who as the link shows has had previous on the Street and she spills the beans to Roy.
Tim has been a right dozy twat bag in recent months and I have to hope he soon gets his mojo back. Meantime apparently his after shave attracts the sniffer dogs at the prison and in airports (silly question when did he and Sal go off on a foreign holiday together?). Can we have the happier and genial Tim back soon please?
Gemma Winter has a twin brother - Paul Foreman (played by Peter Ash) - who shared David's cell back in May 2018 and has now returned to remind Gemma that he used to call her Gizmo after the Gremlin, so I thought for reference we should remind ourselves just what Gizmo looks like (and it is nothing like Gemma as you can see). The nickname has more to do with the way that Gemma can go proper psycho! Has she reformed or will she revert to her bad old ways?
Ghosts in the Machine
Jozef Del Mundo commented on this on Facebook so my thanks to him. Look closely at the shot and you can see a dalek on the left and a Tardis on the right reflected in the glass. There was another dalek slightly later in the shot. Best publicity ever for the BBC!
Writers: Ellen Taylor (Monday); Simon Crowther (Tuesday); Joe Turner (Wednesday); Steven Fay & Cameron McAllister (Friday)
Directors: Tony Prescott (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday); Alan Grint (Friday)

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
Very funny. Just wondering why twins Gemma and Paul have different surnames, and how Paul, who briefly shared a cell with David, knew his address.
And how did Paul know Gemma's number if they were estranged?
And how come Paul was in Rita's flat and at Underworld at the same time?
Gizmo and gemma do look a bit similar though ;)
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