LEANNE TRIES TO HELP ZEEDAN Imran tells Rana that if she goes along with her parents’ plan it will destroy her. Meanwhile Zeedan confides in Leanne that he still loves Rana, Leanne tells him he will find love again and seeing how upset he is agrees to stay for dinner. Concerned that Zeedan is continuing to drink she is shocked when he makes a pass at her!
CRAIG’S CONCERNS FOR BETHANY SPARK HIS OCD As Bethany gets ready for her court case Craig tries to reassure her but as she leaves he gets anxious and his OCD kicks in. Desperate to move out of the house he is pleased when Kate offers him Luke’s old room. Bethany tells Sarah she may start counselling again.
EILEEN SENDS GERALDINE PACKING With Billy still missing Geraldine calls at Eileen’s and asks to see Summer but Eileen tells her to leave and that Summer is staying where she is.
ELSEWHERE Tyrone is grateful for Sean and Gemma’s help with the girls, as he thanks Gemma there is a moment between them that is broken when Fiz returns.
RANA AND KATE HAVE A HEART TO HEART Kate watches with interest as Zeedan chases Leanne down the street trying to apologise for what happened. When she tells Rana what she saw she is surprised when Rana tells her that she is not surprised Zeedan is showing interest in other women as their marriage is purely a financial arrangement. Kate and Rana have a heart to heart and declare their love for each other, how will Zeedan react when he finds them together? Meanwhile oblivious Sophie confides in Sally that she is really falling for Kate.
PHELAN GET A SURPRISE VISIT As the plans continue for the ‘Getting to Know Pat’ party Phelan is surprised to get a visit from Mona the project manager at the Mill with some worrying news.
CRAIG’S BEHAVIOUR DOES NOT GO UNNOTICED Beth helps Craig move into the builder’s flat. When Craig notices Kate is cooking his OCD kicks in and he starts messing with the knobs. Kate watches with interest.
ELSEWHERE Tyrone hides the truth from Fiz and tells her everything has been fine whilst she was away. Eileen and Eva discuss where Billy might be. Peter tells Toyah about Billy’s involvement in Susan’s death and Adam getting Billy hooked on painkillers.

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Not sure if Eileen has any right to send Geraldine packing....Billy is in no fit state to look after Summer and they had already agreed that Geraldine would look after her until Billy is back on his feet. I know Summer ran away from her grandmother's because she didn't like it there, but surely Eileen should just make her go back. It's none of Eileen's business.
Agree with the above comment. Eileen had no right to dictate to the grandmother. Billy has been so self absorbed since Summer's father died. For a man of the cloth who was so caring and conscientious, this present plot is a travesty. Bring back Todd, he loved and cared for Summer.
Ya Todd, such a sweet guy who was in on Phelan's investment scam that ripped off Sarah, who knows Phelan was probably involved in Michael's death, and lets his mother stay married to Phelan. That Todd is wonderful. lol (he was very entertaining though. it is too bad the actor messed up)
For sure Eileen has no legal right whatsoever. Geraldine could send the police.
Billy was certainly a better person when Todd was around!
I don't think Todd made Billy the better person. Billy was simply a better person before the whole Susan/ guilt/ drug addiction story. Billy was generally a good person who made Todd a better man, not the reverse. :-)
Leanne rejected an inappropriate pass - not sure how that makes her the bad party (ie slut?)?
Legally I think Geraldine is in a great position..Eileen shouldn't be involved as Billy's on the H....and for a man of the cloth his faith seems pretty shaky, he must be that one sheep that goes astray...he has to be redeemed or his vicar character is horse pucky. Moo-rah pregnant? Looks like Eva's not the only one!
Maybe that ones also Steves
Billy is very unprofessional as a Vicar, he shares personal information that no Vicar would as it is confidential, but nothing is confidential with him, he needs to go. Todd should return as a new actor, his role was very interesting. Eileen is a fool, no one could be as dumb as she is, she adds no value to the show. She has been made to look like she is totally oblivious to everything around her. Phelan's role is so improbable it is hilarious. No one can get away with so much for so long. And what police dept takes one man's word about Anna and convicts her on one man's testimony, with no real evidence? Anna too has an unbelievable role as no one would lose their temper so much everytime things don't go her way, she knows her temper is the problem but never tries to control it. At this time the storyline is so boring, used to keep you on the edge of your seat, but lately it's a show that at times is hard to watch. The writers need to get it going like they used too. What happened to keeping the audience entertained?
I agree with all the comments about Eileen and considering that Todd attempted to kidnap Summer [with Eileen's approval],I hoped that Geraldine would have called the police and have Eileen arrested!Sadly no.
When and if it hits the fan about Phelan,Summer better not get caught in the crossfire.
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