Welcome to Wednesday's edition of the Coronation Street Blog and the first of tonight's two episodes.
It's breakfast at number one and Summer and Amy are readying for school. As Tracy leaves, it's evident the girls aren't going to school. Instead, the duo plays truant and head off to Manchester to find the ever reclusive Billy. Following his fleeting appearance at Eileen's and his soul-searching with Peter Barlow, we later see the vicar being put in the cells at Weatherfield cop shop.
Also on the streets of Manchester, Peter has too headed out in search of Billy. It isn't long before Peter finds the girls being troubled by a vagrant, rescues them, and returns them safely home. Calling Summer from the police cell, Billy needs to rescued too.Peter phones his nephew Adam and the solicitor heads straight down to Billy at Weatherfield cop shop.
Back on the street, Tyrone's in trouble of a different kind and wants to fix things with Fiz. Whilst he resides at Kevin's with Ruby, Fiz is with Hope at Number 9. As Chesney pays her a visit, he senses his sister's disstress. Breaking down, Fiz tells her brother of Tyrone and Gemma's Friday night tryst.
Protecting his sister's honour, Chez flees to Prima Doner. Spitting fury at his former best friend, the kebab shop manager swiftly fires Gemma. Fair or unfair do we feel? Hell hath no fury like a redhead scorned! (I should know, 2 of my ex-girlfriends were redheads! - true story).
At the Salon, Audrey has closed the shop for the day (swerving Gail's shepherd's pie) for a seance with clairvoyant Rosemary. As the once sceptical Audrey listens to Rosemary regale tales from the spirit of Alfie, she quickly falls under the clairvoyant's spell. Rosemary also appears to have another message from beyond, but from whom?
Having been given the afternoon off, David joins Sophie, Josh, and Alya (who is definitely STILL grieving) in seeking premises for the upcoming charity boxing bout.
Outside the boxing gym, Alya quickly spots the EXACT car that terrorised Luke at the garage. Is this the same car, will they find the occupant?. Will Luke's death be avenged?.
I reckon Alya could do with a spiritual seance from Rosemary.
Anyway, that's me done for another week, I'm off to Prima Doner. I heard some redhead has started a fight!.
Keep an eye out for tonights 8.30pm episode review written by @glenn_writer
I am @rybazoxo
Your Cobbles Connoisseur

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I just don't see Audrey being daft enough to call for any clairvoyant nonsense, much as I love Corrie the storylines are really scraping the barrel these days.
There's a lovely piece in The Guardian about Coronation Street behind the scenes that's worth a look though - https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2018/mar/14/behind-the-scenes-on-the-coronation-street-set-a-photo-essay
Fizz is ghastly. I know she was wronged but I have zero sympathy for her after her behaviour in the kebab shop. I actually feel sorry for Gemma, being remorsefully quiet.
Jeanie (anon): Agree, Fiz seems horrible, Chesney too, turning on his former mate with such vile name-calling. The whole spectactle of throwing food around Dev's Kebab shop--who's going to clean and pay for the whole mess?--was one of the dumbest and most contrived catfights of Corrie. Like or hate the character, I swear Dev has got to be the most generous, forgiving boss to Chesney on the street--paying for a wedding that is shrugged off on a whim and now letting Chesney oversee a foodfight in his shop!
The whole affair thing was so contrived in the first place--why would Fiz leave Ty and Ruby in the first place and flounce off to Chesney's?
Alya saying 'we were perfect' yeah-okay. She was nothing but horrible to Luke.
I also agree about Fiz, she's a saint now but she broke Tyrone and Maria up way back when and she helped John Stape dispose of bodies for Pete's sake.
I agree with all the comments about Fiz.
I also wonder how sympathetic Chesney would be if he found out his sister kept quiet about Hope's nasty behaviour including her attempt to push his son Joseph down the stairs?
My sympathies are with Gemma who is genuinely remorseful unlike Fiz when she cheated on Kirk with John Stape.
I also don't like Fiz letting Ruby take the blame for Hope's bad behaviour as revenge against Tyrone,that is child abuse!
I don't suppose we're meant to like Fiz at the moment but we are meant to care about her. I couldn't care less about her and I agree the whole one night stand thing was totally contrived. Fiz, like Eileen and Anna, have been ruined as a character. Seems like strong women on Corrie always end up as fishwives.
Fiz needs to get out of Ty's house. She's the one who wants to separate the girls. Why should Ruby be punished for that?
I've noticed that the women always make the men leave. Kirsty also stayed at Ty's home while he left, under very different circumstances surely but he should have thrown her out. Michelle also put Steve out of his home.
In other observations I agree about Alya, her and Luke were together 5 minutes. Sure they all are mourning him but she hardly acted like he was the love of her life while he was around. P.S. I think she is going to rival Maria as the town bike after all the kerfuffle about Jason and the loss of her virginity.
What happened to the Nazir's religious beliefs? Zee is drinking and next we will probably see their grandmother eating bacon at Roys.
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