What do you reckon to the Corrie Clairvoyant, so far? I'm loving the character and she's providing some much needed light relief at the moment too. But what's her game, I wonder?
Clearly she's a fraud. Well, I reckon so as I don't believe in clairvoyants. The information she knows about Audrey's husband Alf and Gail's ex-husbands could have been gleaned from official records or newspaper reports.
But why is she targeting Audrey and Gail and what does she hope to obtain?
Suggestions via our Twitter page have said that Rosemary could be a relative of Richard Hillman coming for revenge on Gail and the Platt family. It's going to be interesting finding out.
See also:
Our blogger Emma's interview with Sophie Thompson, who plays Rosemary the Corrie clairvoyant
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Yep, I'm betting on dead husband's relative as well.
Could be about both money and vengeance, and it's revenge on behalf of someone quite recent. The fortune teller, whatever her real name might be, is Nathan's mother. Where did Nathan learn to schmooze and smarm, and how did the fortune teller get all her information? Let the Platt women think that,at worst, you're a harmless fraud but worth giving your time and money to in case you're genuine. Audrey and Gail are just the way in to the Platt family. The real targets are Sarah and Bethany who are more fragile and could end up both mentally and financially ruined. Just when we viewers think the whole storyline is light relief, it turns dark and nasty. Might be good if Martin, the outsider, twigs what it's all about.
I also think it's either a revenge by Pat Phelan against the Platts due to Sarah being with Gary and he blames Gary for driving Nicola and his grandson away and wants to destroy the Platts in return after getting information about them from Eileen?
Another possibility could be Callum's mother Marion wanting revenge on the Platts for Callum's death and is after Max and Harry.
I remember when David was fighting for custody of Max against Callum after Kylie took off, Both Sarah who was dating Callum at the time and Bethany opened their big mouths about the family's past to help Callum win custody.Gail was also friendly with Marion too so who knows what she said.
It is a shame that it will be yet another dark storyline with the Platts!What happned to gentle humor?
Yes she could be after Sarah and Bethany, always a possibility. What about a connection to Lewis Archer? He would know a lot of the detail she's using to get her foot in there. He might have known about Audrey's ring, the one Audrey said she'd not told nearly anyone about. She may have told Lewis with whom she was in love, and forgot about it. If Gail knew but didn't tell Sarah or Bethany then there's no way Rosemary could have had that information. She has to have known someone that was close to the family to know the things she does, over and above what could be found in the public media.
Though Rosemary is clearly an odd character Sophie Thompson plays her with subtlety which is a lesson the actors that played Colin and Moira should take note of.
I could definitely see it being him on the basis of the knowledge but he didn't seem vindictive and really why would he want to squeeze more money out of this particular family?
Could this be a friend of Daniel's mother? She might know some personal things about Audrey and Gail and frankly no one got to the bottom of where exactly she was and what she was doing when she deserted her son.Conning gullible women would be right up a stylist's alley:get clients to talk, move on and send an associate to have "visions" and fleece them.
I agree with you Tvor, maybe it is not about Lewis but because of him. If she is a con artist then maybe they worked together on some other people and just know each other well. They talked about previous marks and she saw an opportunity.
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