Tell him Fiz, tell him! Sorry, I am still seething at the actions of Fiz Bomb in the last episode. Ruby keeps getting blamed for all the naughty goings on, and it has been Hope all the way along. And I have been waiting for Fiz to tell Ty.
Anyway, onto episode number 2.... as we return to the cobbles. Poor little Ruby is crying, after she has been smacked by Tyrone. Fiz stood and watched. Now, is not the time to tell him. But, methinks she is going to.
Here we go. Fiz tells Tyrone and he is understandably livid. Meanwhile, David is trying to get some power back. And when Shona attempts to get him frisky, he ends up knocking all the cheap party food on the floor. This storyline is gripping and very realistic.
Tyrone can barely look at Fiz and I am not surprised. Meanwhile the real brat has done a runner.
Gail is still listening to Mystic Meg, I mean Rosemary and she is talking about Richard Hillman and a so called curse on the family. Is this storyline funny? Does it have any mileage? Not sure yet.
Carla visits Ali and tries to convince him that Michelle is a good person. We know where this is headed, given Ms Connor's penchant for younger men, since she seduced Daniel recently.
Shona cleans up the mess but is wondering what is wrong with David.
Hope has legged it to see Chesney. And puts her with Joseph. Hide the jelly babies, Ches, she'll be choking the litt lun next.
A welcome comedy moment arrives with Sally's new wallpaper. Seeing is believing.
Chesney agrees with the fans, and thinks Fiz has been really stupid, withholding info from Tyrone about the devil child. Now we know, she seems to be turning into Chucky before our very eyes.
The Platt party is in full swing. And Sally spreads the word about her 'Italian' wallpaper. And Aud discusses Rosemary and the fact she thinks she is a fraud. Gail, though - is a believer. Josh arrives, and Fatal Attraction style, he has enamoured everyone apart from the person he has targetted. Poor David, how will he convince people? He is clearly going to remain silent for a while, which is why the writers deserve awards, as this would be the case in reality.
Hope apologises to Tyrone. Fiz and Ty send her into the lounge. She'll turn into Drew Barrymore in Firestarter, go get her!
Al and Carla are having wine and both of them talk about the mix up, involving the ludicrous baby up storyline, that many of us have chosen to forget. Al has clearly forgotten it also, he loves his "mum free zone." Carla tries to convince him that family is king or queen.
The Platt party features "Let It Go", as Josh prowls around the kitchen like a panther. You can feel the tension. And poor David has a kitchen knife in his hand, but Shona needs ot for the cake.
Carla is trying to offer advice, and realises there is an age gap, but she is coming over all Mrs Robinson. And Al makes a lass at her. She responds and I can hear Simon and Garfunkel.
Kevin offers Tyrone advice and says that Fiz has been out of order. I agree, you agree and so does Tyrone.
David decides to go to Liverpool to see Martin before he emigrates. He rounds up the kids and Shona is left thinking what has she done wrong?
After some dodgy storylines which have gone nowhere and others which have gone on far too long, this was back to the Corrie we know and love. I am ok with the dark stuff, as long as there is some balance. Tonight was a perfect example of how light and dark can be mixed together and well.
And hats off to Jack P Shepherd for his brilliant performance. He is bloody brilliant!
By Glenn Meads
Guest blog post by Glenn Meads who is on Twitter and LinkedIn
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I'm glad it was a good night. When I watch Corrie, it's full attention or nothing; I'm not a multi-tasker. I'd had too much lately and so I gave it a miss last night. I'm looking forward to seeing Martin again and hope his character has matured into a strong, confident personality. What the Platt family needs is an Alf or Ted character to balance out the high drama.
As soon as you see two characters having a bottle of wine ( or a few cans ) you know it where it heading. So predictable with Carla and Ali/e.
I don't like the name Ali. It is not short for Alex, it is short for Alistair. So he will always be known by me as Alex. Do they think we are too thick to differentiate between Doctor Alex and the Alex in the café who only appears once in a blue moon?
The baby swap story is too silly for words. Michelle did nothing wrong, and tried to form a relationship with Alex when he first turned up, but he rejected her and left. His behaviour now is childish and cruel but we're supposed to believe that Carla, a successful businesswoman 20 years older than Alex, finds him attractive?
Sally's wallpaper with the Italian fresco / Freshco confusion did bring some light relief. Doubtless more hilarity will ensue when she finds out it's adorning the walls in a local restaurant. ...
The saga of our Sal's wallpaper brings to mind the time Annie Walker allowed Eddie Yeats to install her 'monogrammed' carpeting years ago. The look on her face when she discovered where the carpeting had really come from was priceless and so very Annie Walker!
Meh. Carla would be better off with Ranna's sexy brother, Imram.
THAT would be hot.
Why is Josh at Harry's birthday party?
This is getting sick seeing the rapist stalk his victim fully aware that no one will believe David.
Is that the message the writers are trying to give male victims?Don't bother telling anyone because you won't be believed?
As I am in Canada haven't seen the assault episode yet. But why can't David have a quiet word with Josh and tell him to P***off and stay away from his family?
It isn’t a question of not being believed. Josh is banking on David not having the courage to speak up and reveal what has happened to him, through some misplaced sense of shame. That’s what happens in real life. David’s family have all noticed there’s something seriously up with him: when he does reveal the truth, I think they will believe him, because straight men tend not to make up stuff like that.
Ali/Alex is a most unbelievable character, and the most unprofessional,immature doctor, sorry - I just can't take him seriously. And I agree 'Ali' isn't short for Alex. Couldn't he have just been 'Al' if we were in danger of mixing up our Alex's? (Thinking of Betty/Bet - we were never going to confuse the two! You can call me Betty....)
I can see David telling Josh to get out or that he was not invited. Also if anyone questioned he can say he has just gone off Josh. Nobody has to explain everything to everyone.
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