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This week little Hope and Ruby are forefront of the action after their trampoline burns down in the back yard at Fiz and Tyrone’s house. But after Fiz and Tyrone had left the girls home alone while they’re drinking in the pub, worse things could have happened, much worse. A lighter is found amongst Ruby’s possssions, did she burn down the trampoline? Tyrone says his daughter wouldn’t do anything like that, but Fiz is not so sure. Is Ruby a chip off the old block from her mum crazy Kirsty? Or was it Hope who set the trampoline on fire, her dad’s serial killer genes coming through? Or maybe it was the gang of kids hanging around outside the Kabin that we saw one minute and then they were gone. One thing’s for sure, things are tense in the Fiz and Tyrone household as each blame the other for something that their girls haven’t done.
Over at the Bistro, Robert admits to Michelle that he’s skint, having gambled all their cash at the casino. Michelle takes it on herself to do something about this and forces Bistro customers to cough up for their meals in cash only. Then she fakes a break-in at the Bistro, stealing all the cash from the till. But inside the Bistro, unbeknown to Michelle, are Kate and Rana having a snog. Kate sees the “thief” and bangs a bottle of wine over Michelle’s head. Kate and Rana run out of the Bistro but when Kate spies Michelle later on the Street dressed head to foot in black, she realises Michelle has robbed her own business. Michelle does a deal with Kate that if she doesn’t tell anyone that she was the thief then she’ll keep quiet about her and Rana.
Speaking of Rana, her brother Imran returned this week with a smarmy look on his face. I’m not a fan of Imran so far but I’m hoping that will change. His marriage is falling apart after a fling he’s had with another woman. Imran and his sister Rana are both adulterers then. I hope Yasmeen chucks them both out.
Elsewhere, Daniel and Chesney continue to fight over Sinead, which doesn’t make any sense at all as she’s the most annoying young woman in soap. Chesney hits himself with a brick to pretend that Daniel’s assaulted him. He also feigns food poisoning, saying that Daniel served him dodgy food in the Bistro. None of which is true, of course, but all of it masterminded by Tracy –“I burned myself on the arm with an iron so that everyone would feel sorry for me and think Charlie Stubbs had done it” Barlow.
Leanne returns this week from an extended break with her mum Stella. She signs up to a dating app, sadly not the same one that Liz and Steve have joined – WhamBam – and whoever dreamed that name up is a genius. Leanne also tells Eva she wants to move out of her flat and into one of her own. Eva’s got more on her mind when Aidan mopes around the Rovers blaming her for ruining his life, forgetting that he was the one having the fling with Maria.
THIS WEEK’S HOSPITAL SCENE: Anna after she suffers a reaction to her anxiety pills in prison. Then she does a runner, all the way back to Roy’s flat where she reunite with Faye and Gary. There’s a wonderful scene with Faye when she dumps boyfriend Seb after she finds out the truth about Phelan and her mum. But it’s a truth that Seb isn’t ready to hear as he admires Pat Phelan so much.
And finally this week, Bethany agrees to a date with Craig after Audrey tells her that Craig reminds her of her Alfeh.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Susan Oudot and Ellen Taylor (Monday); Mark Burt and Ben Tagoe (Wednesday); Cameron McAllister and Mark Wadlow (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online
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Fizz and Tyronne left the girls alone to go to the pub? I am extremely disappointed in them! What kind of parents do that!
Yes, if Michelle keeps Kate's secret, so will she. We all know on Corrie secrets are never, ever revealed.
Granted Aidan cheated on Eva but she went too far committing fraud and being an accessory to the robbery in the factory which left the girls out of work while she's sitting pretty with a job, a nice flat and car 'paid for' by Aidab and like Michelle gets away with it!
Craig's too good for Bethany!
So how did Anna get into Roy's apartment? I guess I missed that.
I thought Ches was looking after Hope and Ruby.
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