Monday December 25th 2017
Christmas Day 1 hour episode
PETER AND BILLY’S CHRISTMAS ENDS UP ON THE EDGE With Todd, Summer and Billy all missing Eileen is worried sick, especially when she’s confronted by Geraldine who wants to know where Summer is after Peter told her that Billy is an unfit parent. Determined to take his revenge Peter has Billy in the boot of his car on some waste ground where a frightened Billy prays. Peter reverses his car right up to the edge of a cliff and opens the boot. Billy’s scared to see he’s inches away from a sheer drop. Peter tells Billy he’s going to let the car roll backwards off the cliff, at least his death will be quicker than it was for Susan. When an hysterical Peter confesses to Ken that he has killed Billy and stuns Adam with the bombshell that Billy killed his mum. Ken takes matter into his own hands and tells the Barlows to pretend to know nothing about Billy’s ‘accident’.
CHRISTMAS SPIRIT IS LACKING AT THE CONNORS Aidan is annoyed when Carla drives onto the street and says she is here to surprise the family but makes it clear she hasn’t changed her mind about the factory. Seeing her and Johnny splashing the cash around infuriates Aidan as neither of them will use their money to save the factory but when Johnny tells Carla that Aidan stands a good chance of making a go of the factory she takes her brother to one side, has she had a change of heart? And why is she refusing to toast the festive season with alcohol. Is Carla hiding something?
STEVE AND TRACY ARE AMY’S IDEA OF CHRISTMAS HELL Daniel is amused to find Tracy sneaking Steve out of number 1 but she is less than impressed to get a text from Steve saying last night was a big mistake. But Steve knows nothing about the text and when Amy tells her mum a reunion with Steve is a bad idea Tracy puts two and two together.
ELSEWHERE Brian is arrested for letting himself into Dev’s to leave a peace offering for Asha and things go from bad to worse when he punches a drunk man at the station for insulting Cathy.

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1 comment:
This episode is beyond ridiculous and on Christmas Day. The editor should be sacked and Jonathan Harvey should lead a scriptwriters rebellion to restore some credibility to our off-the-rails soap.
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