What would your Christmas dinner not be complete without?
Being from Yorkshire, we’ve always had Yorkshire puddings at Christmas so my starter is always just a plate of Yorkshire puddings. My Christmas dinner wouldn’t be complete without them.
What is the weirdest present you’ve ever received?
It seems strange to most people but I requested it because I actually needed it; I needed coal for the fire because I ran out. I’m not a big present guy, I’ll just have what I need and that was the only thing I needed.
On a scale of Scrooge to Putting-Your-Christmas-Decorations-Up-In-November, how much do you like Christmas?
I like going out because you always see people that you don’t usually see throughout the year, just at Christmas time, so that’s nice. There’s always big parties and there’s always something on. I don’t agree with putting decorations up in November but that’s because we film Christmas on Coronation Street in so early so for us it’s Christmas from September which can drive you insane.
What is your favourite Christmas song?
I have two! I have Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry and Bruce Springsteen - Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

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