Chaos reigns over at the Rovers as Leanne, Simon, Oliver and Eva move in and Peter and Simon feel outnumbered by all the women.

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Seen this...another ludicrous episode. When did The Rovers start taking paying guests? How did Phelan get to visit Anna? (Surely she could have refused?)
Thanks, FN! I can never make sense of how many rooms there are above the Rovers. Looking at the ground floor where the pub is, it should have enough room for all of these people since I think there's another half we rarely see of it, but have this many adults and children ever been there before and had a room let out for bed and breakfast? These walls aren't just elastic.
At this point, is there anyone left that Phelan hasn't outwitted? Pity he didn't put his mind to better use like finding a cure for cancer.
The houses in Coronation Street are like the Tartis in Dr. Who. It looks small on the outside but inside --- plenty of room... for miles and miles...!!! Amazing houses, really but it seems there's only the capacity to make and serve a breakfast of only tea and toast (sometimes with ja/marmalade) and when one wants a Full English, one must always walk the two steps to eat at Roy's Rolls.
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