Guest blog post from Stephen Leach who is on Twitter: @sirterenceboot
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I must say I’m thoroughly unconvinced by the recent tug-of-war between Daniel and Chesney. Not because I can’t take either of them seriously as hard lads – on the contrary, they’ve both got a certain thuggish air about them – but mainly because I find it hard to believe anyone could get that worked up over Sinead.
What exactly has happened to Sinead? When she first arrived on the Street she was a breath of fresh air: quirky, endearing, a bit of a hippy. The sort of person who’d spend her spare time protesting the tampon tax and attending vegan food festivals. Now she’s just a drudge. All the positive energy seems to have been sucked right out of her and replaced with hot air and tedium. Is it a consequence of spending too much time with Chesney? Possibly, although it’s equally likely that the writers just can’t be bothered to think of anything more interesting to do with a young woman than get her up the duff.
I’m enjoying seeing Daniel start to become slightly unhinged again. Remember back when he was throttling Chesney and shoving Ken down the stairs? It’s as if everyone just quietly agreed to forget that any of it happened. Let’s hope that over Christmas he finally snaps and starts offing anyone who annoys him. Or possibly he’ll just stage a robbery at the Bistro. It’d be the first time anyone’s done that in about three weeks.
One good thing that’s come out of this storyline is Chesney’s odd friendship with Tracy. Though is friendship really the right word? To me it seems a bit more like the White Witch luring Edmund to her sleigh to feed him poisoned sweets. Chesney’s been nice-but-dim for too long, so god only knows he’d benefit from some tutoring in the dark arts. And it wouldn’t be the first time Tracy’s enjoyed some attention from a younger bloke – remember that weird liaison she had with David Platt?
Personally, I’m hoping Chesney’s devious streak continues, though one would hope his plans stretch to something a bit more cunning than smashing himself in the face with a brick.
Only time will tell.
While I’m on the subject, am I the only one who was hoping Fiz might have been correct in her assessment of Ruby as a devil child in the making? There’s a vacancy in Weatherfield right now for a wicked child: we’ve hardly seen Amy in months, and Simon’s violent tendencies seem to have fizzled out. Children on Corrie do often seem to take after their parents, and if we never see Natalie Gumede make a return to the street it’d be good to have Ruby take up her mantle as the resident psycho. I think it’d be interesting to see.
And what better time to kick the story off, now that Fiz is departing for the bright lights of Wolverhampton. Or was it Australia? I’m always confusing the two. “I’ll be away for a few weeks, kids. Unless I get booted out in the first round.”
No, I didn’t understand what she meant either.
Guest blog post from Stephen Leach who is on Twitter: @sirterenceboot
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I agree that pairing Chesney with Tracey, though not romantically, is genius.
Chesney needs to toughen up, and who better to teach that?
Someone framed Ruby by putting the lighter in her box. Hope, perhaps?
Great piece. Yes, Sinead and Daniel would at least be more believable if Sinead was a politically-aware hippy with a social conscience. Mind you, that would have made her Ken’s ideal daughter-in-law and stuffed up his disapproval/Daniel’s motive for assault storyline
What does it say someone if he/she enjoys seeing other being mean, looks forward to people exacting revenge, wishes to see more of someone's dark side? Perhaps Sinead is pleasant to be around. Perhaps she cooks well, has a talent to saying the right thing at the right time, perhaps she is kind and tender and none of that is ever shown on this cesspool of a drama.
Hilarious post, Stephen. It would be lovely to see more of your commentaries.
Jeanie (anon):
Regardless of her personality, Sinead's a very good-looking woman, so it's not that hard to imagine the two guys fighting over her. Alot harder to imagine what she sees in Chesney and why she recommitted to becoming his unpaid nanny/house drudge/sex provider. Clearly she has a masochistic streak a mile wide.
Jeanie[anon]If Sinead was with Daniel,she would be an unpaid shrink,housekeeper and sex provider.
What I find sickening is that Sinead rather than make a firm commitment to either Chesney or Daniel is enjoying the attention fully aware that Daniel can become mentally unstable and perhaps do to Chesney what he did to his father and driving Chesney to extremers to get Daniel out of his life.
Sinead should also be asking herself,do I really want to be someone who's capable of attempted murder on his father?
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