What would your Christmas dinner not be complete without?
I love Christmas pudding. I don’t normally eat deserts so it’s the one time of year that I treat myself.
If the traditional Christmas dinner was not an option, what would you have on Christmas day?
I’d have pizza because I’d still want to treat myself and I love pizza. My favourite topping would be meat feast, the whole hog. If I’m going to do it, I’m going to do it well!
What would you buy your character, Eva, in a secret Santa?
I would play it safe and buy her a makeup brush set because Eva loves makeup.
What’s the weirdest Christmas present you’ve ever received?
One year I got a huge cheese hamper off my Auntie. It was extra weird because I’m lactose intolerant ...and she is aware of this.
How would Eva love to spend Christmas day?
Eva is a bit of a princess so she would like to be with the man of her dreams in a very expensive hotel eating very expensive food with lots of champagne.
What are your Christmas traditions at home?
Family. It’s always about seeing as much family as possible because we’re all so busy throughout the year. We’re lucky enough to get two weeks off at Coronation Street so I cram it in with family and friends. As long as I’ve got family time, good food and good wine I’m happy.
On a scale of Scrooge to Putting-Your-Christmas-Decorations-Up-In-November, how much do you like Christmas?
Once Halloween is out of the way, I’m straight on it and I’d love to put the tree up then but my husband thinks it’s a bit much so I wait.
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
Baby It’s Cold Outside - Shayne and I like singing that one and I love Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree because when that comes on I feel super Christmassy.
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
It’s always the same for me - to be happier and healthier than the year before.

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