A little while ago, we blogged that Daniel Osbourne was going to have a fling with a new lady on the street. And now, it looks as if that lady is going to be Carla Connor. Woah, there neddy!
Hang on a minute.
If Carla and Daniel got together, that would mean that ... counts on fingers, thinks of a number, multiplies it with a carrot... Daniel would be going out with his brother Peter's ex-wife. No, that's not creepy at all, is it? Not in the world of soap, anyway. And how old are they supposed to be?
Well, according to Corriepedia, Carla was born on January 3 1975 which makes her 43 years old in January next year. And Daniel was born on January 5, 1995, which makes him a whole 20 years younger than her. By 'eck.
Anyway, it's Radio Times who tell us that Daniel and Carla look set for a fling. Could be interesting, especially with Daniel's temper and her secret she's hiding. Oh dear.
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Peter is with Toyah, his ex's sister. What's good for the gander is good for Carla.
Oh here we go! Carla just gets back [highly anticipated] and they pair her up with DANIEL????? Good grief...is that the best they can come up with? Daniel has zero personality and no redeeming characteristics whatsoever. I'm getting pretty fed up with Corrie's ridiculous story lines lately.
Guessing Carla had Robert's baby? Possible, soap time wise?
Calm down love! I think it's only a fun fling for the both of them. I'm pretty sure there's a bigger story behind her return. Stop attacking the story without giving it some thought ��
Peter and Tracy will be pleased LOL
Actually, I totally get this pairing for a fling. For starters, they are both hot. Secondly, they both have fatal flaws. Finally, I actually think their personalities would do well together. That's more than can be said for Toyah and Peter, for instance.
I really like the idea of them together. And good for him to go from the duller than dishwater Sinead to Carla. I think it's a storyline with all sorts of possibilities.
I also don't see anything wrong with Carla having a 'toy boy'fling.
Now hopefully Daniel will leave Chesney and Sinead alone?
Unless of course Sinead who was used to his attention becomes jealous of Daniel and Carla[as so will Peter?]?
What a stupid idea. I don't mind the June-December romance idea... but it's been done over and over before. Plus, can't we have a more interesting storyline with Carla's return?
Totally hilarious! I'm convinced this is the writers' attempt at a humorous storyline. She'll no doubt move on to Chesney once she tires of Daniel...
Daniel is into older women..didn't he have a fling with his editor?
Pathetic, to think this is the only way writers think they can stir interest. As unlikely as Andy's captivity. Why would Carla be interested in him--he's totally not her type and has nothing of the alpha male about him, an aspect reinforced by his youth. Meanwhile, she doesn't seem like Daniel's type either--way too intimidating, intelligent, and sexy.
Noooooooooooooo! Not boring, sniveling Daniel! He is horrible! She deserves so much better!
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