What would your Christmas dinner not be complete without?
It would have to be stuffing, definitely.
If the traditional Christmas dinner was not an option, what would you have on Christmas day?
Without Christmas dinner, I suppose it would have to be cottage pie or spag bol.
What would you buy your character, Shona, in a secret Santa?
I’d get her a new colour nail varnish because she’s been wearing this colour for ages.
What’s the weirdest Christmas present you’ve ever received?
Toothbrush heads off my mum! It’s not that weird though, it’s more useful. They can be really expensive so my mum always gets me them.
How would Shona love to spend Christmas day?
Happy, surrounded by family with David.
What are your Christmas traditions at home?
My mum and I have prawn cocktail and bucks fizz for breakfast but I have two breakfasts because my parents are separated. My dad and I have pate on toast and tequila.
On a scale of Scrooge to Putting-Your-Christmas-Decorations-Up-In-November, how much do you like Christmas?
1st of December! If I’m going to go to all that effort to put up loads of decorations, I want them up for at least a month.
What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
Being around family and seeing them open the presents that I’ve bought them, it’s so lovely to see people happy.
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
O Holy Night, it’s beautiful because of the harmonies in it. It’s stunning and so relaxing and as it’s been used in quite a few Christmas films so it’s nostalgic and comforting.
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
I don’t like to set them because I don’t want to disappoint myself that early on in the year!

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