The previews are in for early January on Coronation Street and Sean is in all kinds of trouble both at the medical centre and at home with Norris, too.
It all starts when Sean accidentally deletes all of Jude’s files from his laptop and erases all of George’s baby photos, while trying to type up his CV. As you can imagine, Jude and Angie are devastated and they throw him out of Norris’ house.
Sean arrives at No. 9 pulling his wheelie case and explains to Tyrone that Angie and Jude have thrown him out. He tells Tyrone that Fiz agreed that he can stay while she’s away. Sean assures Tyrone he’s going to take good care of him and his girls.

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Many reasons why this wouldn't happen: too risky allowing someone to use your main account so Angie/Jude would either type it up or set up a guest account. Sean could also use the facilities at the library or the community centre. So sick of saying this but it's yet another clunky plot device.
Who the hell are Angie and Jude to kick anyone out of Norris's house!
I don't like either one of them and wish they would move back to South Africa.
I agree. They add nothing to the show.
If they want Sean to move to number 9, there are better, more realistic ways of making that happen.
If Sean who is using Jude's computer without asking him first then it's understandable that Jude would be angry.
I bet Jude and Angie probably blackmails Norris to throw Sean out or else Mary will never see them again.
Can't stand Angie and Jude. Jude has a hidden nastiness about him and Angie is just a whiney pain. Someone once called them "Jangie", think I'd prefer "Judgie". On a side note, I hope the Henry and Gemma romance doesn't burn itself out: why can't we have a "Harry and Meghan" type of situation where the rich guy is totally smitten by Gemma. .
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