If the traditional Christmas dinner was not an option, what would you go for on Christmas day?
My Christmas dinner wouldn’t be complete without pigs in blankets but it would probably be beans on toast.
What would you buy your character, Daniel, for Christmas?
Some happiness because he deserves it so I’d buy him a dog.
Who would Daniel like to kiss under the mistletoe?
Sinead, as if nothing had ever happened.
What’s the weirdest present you’ve received?
I got one of those head massagers once off a friend and it sends shivers down my spine; I can’t do it!
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
I always go to the local pub near where my parents live, with my mates from school on Christmas Eve.
On a scale of Scrooge to Putting-Your-Christmas-Decorations-Up-In-November, how much do you like Christmas?
Because I live by myself and I’m not doing Christmas at mine, it’s only me that’s going to see it so I’m not sure if it’s worth it! I’m still deliberating so I suppose it’s quite Scrooge-like. When I was at home, it wouldn’t go up until usually about the week before Christmas.
What’s your favourite Christmas song?
I like Wizzard’s I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday.
What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
People get excited in the weeks leading up to Christmas and people are nicer in December than they are in January.
What are your New Year’s resolutions?
To read a book a week instead of only reading occasionally.

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