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Toyah and Peter open the Rovers as a B&B and take in a paying guest who’s called Chris. Or is he called Paul? He gets Leanne drunk and asks her all kinds of questions like what was her first pet called and when her birthdate is. You know, all the kinds of questions that a conman might ask to get personal info out of you. We all see the con coming but Leanne is blinded by lust. And so when Chris/Paul does a runner with her phone and she finds out her bank account has been cleared of the £25k that Nick gave her from the sale of his flat, well, it’s fair to say that she’s not best pleased. And oh, you should have heard what Gail called her too.
Fiz left the Street this week to go to her mum Cilla’s aid as she’s not well. She and Tyrone celebrate Christmas early with the girls and turkey nuggets.
At Jamila House Christmas party, Brian is dressed as Santa Claus, Eva as a raunchy reindeer and Adam as an elf. When Brian returns from his walking break in the woods, he brings with him some mushrooms, which turn out to have properties he wasn’t aware of. It’s Cathy who eats the magic mushrooms and is too spaced out to fill her role as Mother Christmas at the bash. Adam and Eva, however, have a snog at the community centre just as Billy the vicar pulls the curtain to reveal them both at it behind.
Speaking of Billy the vicar, he has his day in court for assaulting Peter Barlow and is freed as Peter sings the vicar’s praises. On the way out of court, a fella runs into them both, itching for a fight and it’s Billy who ends up in a bad way. He’s bleeding profusely from his leg and Peter rings 999. Yup, you’ve guessed it, another hospital scene. I know, I’m fed up of them too. As they wait for the ambulance, Billy confesses to Peter that he was in the car that killed his twin sister Susan. Peter takes this badly, as you expect and heads for the booze at the Rovers. He manages to contain his demons and after a meeting at the AA, he visits Susan’s grave and comes up with a plan. He’s going to force Billy to drink. “I won’t hurt myself, I’ll hurt you instead,” Peter tells him in a forceful scene. It was good stuff, indeed. When the vicar is well pickled, Peter bundles him into the boot of a car and leaves him in the middle of nowhere.
Elsewhere this week Aidan and Alya think they’re on to a good thing with the Parker Brothers of Showcase who want to give them a huge order for pants. Word spreads and the factory girls think they’re going back to work after Christmas as Aidan says he hopes to go into business with Matthew Singh who’s buying the factory. Even Johnny tells Aidan, finally, that he might be willing to invest. But when Alya spots Matthew Singh bringing in his own staff to the factory, the deal looks like it’s off and the Underworld Christmas party in the Rovers falls flat. Trying to save the deal, Aidan meets with Carla Connor, who turns up to meet him in the pub. She’s come all the way from Devon? We’ll have to wait and see what she’s doing back next week, it was a very “blink and you’ll miss her” return.
And finally in what was my favourite storyline, Steve and Tracy shared a snog on the street. Steve’s been using his WhamBam dating app with little success and Tracy is intrigued when she finds that the perfect match for Steve on his app looks uncannily like her. She teases him about it over a drink in the Rovers after they attend Amy’s Christmas concert at school. And then Tracy does what Tracy does best, she snogs the face off her ex and asks him upstairs. I expect they’ll be listening to tapes.
And now… those hospital scenes in full, just in case you flaming well missed them.
HOSPITAL SCENE OF THE WEEK NUMBER 1Robert and Michelle. Robert is told that the testicle was cancerous and fortunately the cancer hasn’t spread.
HOSPITAL SCENE OF THE WEEK NUMBER 2Gary lies to Phelan and says Nicola’s having pregnancy complications. They race to Weatherfield General only for Phelan to realise he’s been conned. Gary just wanted Phelan out of the way so that Anna could rifle through his papers in the office looking for incriminating evidence. But Eileen comes in and Anna whacks her across the head and is later arrested for assault despite trying to do a runner. This leads to…
Eileen’s whack on the head means she gets stitches in her face. Phelan and Summer visit her in her hospital bed. And we get two scenes, yes two, across two different episodes. Enough, please Corrie! No, more!
Billy in theatre having his life saved after being attacked outside of the court.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Damon Alexis-Rochefort (Monday); Chris Fewtrell and Martin Allen (Wednesday); Julie Jones (Thursday); Owen Lloyd-Fox (Friday). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online
Glenda Young
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The serious issue storylines get, to my mind, a disproportionate amount of attention which could be spent on day-to-day material. The result is that we get a load of soap clichés - blog post below - one of which is medical emergencies. I skipped last night's episodes so I don't know if anyone at Billy's bedside shouted: 'Where's that doctor? Why won't they tell us anything?' And the centre on Coronation Street is what exactly? A medical centre, a walk-in centre, a GP surgery? Perhaps a mixture of all three. How wonderful to have a service on your doorstep where a nurse or doctor rushes out on to the street to give first aid. In fact, they'd be more likely to tell you to call an ambulance because they're not first aid trained. I expect these hospital and police scenes are a writer's in-joke. Shame it's not funny.
During Billy's op, one of the doctors gave an order and said "Stat!" Do they really say that over here? I thought it was only said in American hospital dramas.
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