I had the pleasure of interviewing Simon Gregson and Kate Ford – Steve MacDonald and Tracy Barlow at Media City in early November. It was a real joy to interview them and they had us all in uproar. At times, it was hard to distinguish whether they were being themselves or were being Steve and Tracy. They have worked together for so long and are such self-confessed very good friends, that the shifting in and out of character only added to the fun of the interview.
How surprised were you both when you discovered that you were to be an item again?
Pretty shocked actually! After all that’s gone on between them and all the vitriol that they have each thrown at one another, it really was a surprise when Kate Oates called us in to see how we would react to the plan. Now it’s sinking in, we’re both really excited about the forthcoming storyline. We know each other so well both on and off the cobbles and love working together.
When does it happen?
Well we both go to Amy’s school’s carol concert and we’re both a bit naughty. Tracy smuggles in a full hip flask into the concert and both of us get a bit giggly. Afterwards we sleep together. There’s an element of lonely at Christmas perhaps which brings them together.
Are both of you ready to take all the criticism that will come your way? From Liz? From Amy?
Yes, we are. We’re both aware that romantically nothing else is doing and so we might as well get together. And we are attracted to each other. As yet, we don’t know how Liz will respond but we can take a good guess. Gobsmacked comes to mind. Remember that Tracy had an affair with Liz’s boyfriend Tony, so apart from anything else, Liz won’t forget that in a hurry.
Amy is very displeased. She discovers that her biological mum and dad have reignited the flames by seeing text messages between Steve and Tracy. Amy thinks that their being together will be a total disaster. It will be endless rows and for her, Amy believes, life will be unbearable. She has witnessed all the arguments and friction between her warring parents and imagines it will be more of the same.
And what about Tracy? How does she feel about claiming Steve as her own?
Oh, she is loving every minute of it and sees herself as getting one up on Steve’s other women; a triumph over Leanne and Michelle. Tracy has never seen eye to eye with these two women, or any of the women except Beth and Mary, so revels in claiming Steve as her own. Leanne is particularly shocked, which really pleases Tracy. Leanne is worried about Tracy’s involvement in her baby’s life. Besides, remember when Steve’s ideal woman was revealed to him on the computer? Well, it was Tracy, wasn’t it?
Does the relationship between you both run smoothly?
Not exactly… They go to the bistro for a meal and every time Tracy looks at Steve, she finds him looking longingly at Michelle. This does not go down well with Tracy! Steve’s not quite Henry VIII but he is certainly getting there!
How does Carla’s return affect Tracy, bearing in mind that they were arch enemies?
Tracy has moved on from all the Carla aggro, so she doesn’t seem to bother her anymore. There are no plans to revive that hostility. I think possibly it won’t return because it was all a bit overdone, pantomime even.

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It's hardly worth getting excited or annoyed about this. It's a Christmas storyline and will be over in a couple of months. Unfortunately, the panto season lives on with Tracy hating Leanne and Michelle instead of Carla - so no change there. I hope eventually Leanne and Steve will get together long-term.
Ugh, I'm annoyed. It's like they don't really know what to do with these two so let's fling 'em back together and hope it works.
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