What food would your Christmas dinner not be complete without?
Stuffing... bread sauce too.
If the traditional Christmas dinner was not an option, what would you go for?
I don’t really eat Christmas dinner because I’m a veggie/vegan. My family have a tradition where we eat a KFC bucket on Boxing Day and I have a veggie burger so I would have that instead if I couldn’t have stuffing or bread sauce.
What would you buy your character, Nicola, for Christmas?
I’d get her a personal alarm or pepper spray because you never know what’s going to happen on Coronation Street with Phelan is lurking around...
What is the weirdest present you’ve received?
My mum got me a draught excluder once. It wasn’t my main present but it was in with the rest of the presents. I was like, “What’s this?” and she went “It’s useful.”
What would be Nicola’s ideal way to spend Christmas day?
In a fantasy world, she would like to spend one more Christmas with her mum and dad because she is having a baby and they aren’t around.
Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Yes, we have a snowman. This is a snowman who sits on the dining room table and when we’ve finished Christmas dinner, my mum announces that we’ve all got raffle tickets hidden under our plates from Mr Snowman. We go up to Mr Snowman, give him our raffle ticket and inside him there is a present for us that coordinates with our tickets. Everyone talks to the snowman as if he’s real, and we say “Thank you Mr Snowman, see you again next year”. My mum still does talcum powder footprints from the door to the chimney but last year she only used the right foot so it looked like Santa had hopped from the front door to the tree!
On a scale of Scrooge to Putting-Your-Christmas-Decorations-Up-In-November, how much do you like Christmas?
I am somebody who watches Love Actually all year round so I’m a big Christmas person. If I hear the first bar of All I want for Christmas is You, I get all the feels and I’m ready for it. My favourite Christmas song is Fairytale of New York though.
What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
My grandma telling us a story of how fairies have ended up on the top of a Christmas tree. It has a rude ending so I can’t say what it is…

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