As the year heads to a close, I'm feeling a bit confused about Coronation Street. I've written a little something to that effect here.
But it's too easy to sit here being a keyboard warrior writing all the things that I think is wrong with the show. All the things that I think are wrong with it are things you might think are right. And if we swapped lists, there'd be things on your list that I couldn't agree with, I'm sure.
What's important is that Corrie still ignites the passion within us fans. We care - a lot - when it's not going well and love it even more when it is.
Trying to brighten my day then before the year ends, here are the five things that I'm loving about Corrie right now.
1. Jenny flaming Bradley
Yes, I know she's Jenny Connor but she'll always be Jenny Bradley to me. Always fun to watch. Bring on the fireworks between her and Carla, please.
2. Gemma Winter
Gemma is a gem. She deserves to be behind the bar at the Rovers instead of drippy Toyah(*) and changed-personality Peter. (*I love Toyah, but she doesn't work with Peter and neither of them deserve to be at the Rovers).
3. Tracy and Steve
I am loving Tracy and Steve back together. It might not last, and it shouldn't, of course. Steve should be with Leanne. But until that happens (if it does), then I'm enjoying every second of these two pretending to play happy families. Tracy's behaviour now reminds me of Deirdre, who's still much missed of course.
4. Michelle Connor
Given the right storyline, Kym Marsh acts everyone else off the screen. The late miscarriage storyline this year had me in pieces and Kym's powerful performance was incredible. But then.. what? They stuck her with Robo-Robert. Get rid of him, Corrie and give the Bistro to Michelle to run in competition with Liz back at the Rovers. Now that's a fight I'd like to see. And Liz to win, of course.
5. Liz, Sally, Rita, Gail, Audrey
Okay, I know that's five women but please Corrie, let's see more of them. Stop the focus, just briefly on Kate and Rana. Just because there's a noise on Twitter about them, doesn't mean every single one of your viewers is a #Kana fan. It also doesn't mean that every single one of your viewers is on Twitter. Please remember this and don't lose sight of what you are - a television programme - not a social media fad.
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Loving Jenny Connor!
Agree with all of your comments. I also find Robert incredibly boring - time to get rid. Also hate Peter and Toyah behind the bar.
I agree with your comments, too. However, regarding Michelle/Kym M, and it may sound churlish, an awful lot of time was spent on the miscarriage storyline. You could say any one of a number of Corrie actresses could have carried it off just as well with that much input. I'm much more of a fan of the 'five women'. They are all played by actresses who do it effortlessly without a lot of hoo-ha. Total professionalism.
Strongly agree about the misuse of Twitter feedback to set the course for the show. Over ⅓ of Twitter users are 18-29; that’s helpful for getting the young’uns right but nowhere near enough life experience to deal with all of it’s complexities. Facebook is only slightly better with the largest age cohort at 25-39; it’s also about ⅔ female. Still barely covers what should be Gail’s frustration of being an older worker looking for a job (see, a story that should be there but is missing) or tossing Leanne losing her life savings and ‘divorce’ settlement in 1 episode. If the online community doesn’t match actual or desired viewer demographics, then it shouldn’t weigh heavily in storyline decisions.
Agree with Jenny and Gemma; like Tracy and Steve only for the Amy and Simon potential. Michelle, nope. KM can act her heart out and I still won’t like Michelle.
My alternate likes would be Peter, Tracy and Mary, the positive personality changes. Peter has kept that one drunk pony act at bay with his new zen; I like his mature man behavior. Putting Mary in the florists was a stroke of genius — she and Tracy have both normalized a bit and are now fun to watch (except around Jude & George, gotta work on that).
I also like the Barlows and the Three Sisters, revitalized strong family groups. Would like to see the Metcalf-Webster’s circle the wagons to protect Faye (from the courts, Phelan, Seb, maybe even Gary) in 2018.
Love and agree with your comment about the 5 women. Also love the 3 sisters.
Speaking of Twitter, does anyone know where Norris Mole is? There hasn't been a post since Oct. 2017.
I am just so tired of "All Michelle All the time" and it doesn't seem to be letting up. I don't like the character at all, far too high maintenance and selfish.
Not only am I getting tired of all Michelle all the time due to the writers trying to find a storyline that will make Michelle sympathetic[and not succeeding I may add],I'm also getting tired of all Platts all the time!
Regardless of storylines,a member of the Platt family is in every episode or worse members are in storylines at the same time dominating episodes while other characters are severly underused!
abbyk - That's a fantastic comment about viewer demographics. Could ITV really be that stupid to believe that twitter commentary realistically represents the majority of fans? Don't they look to a more reliable source for viewer ratings? I wonder if there isn't also a bit of lack of experience among the younger show-runners at play in this as well.
And even if there are a growing number of younger viewers, it still doesn't mean they should so easily ignore loyal older fans who have stayed with Corrie through thick and thin. Being ignored as an elder is not right or fair.
It's not just about inclusion of older characters' stories, but also how unnecessary many of the problems are of late. Consulting with older people in the field could contribute valuable life experience!
Even if the viewers are young why should that alter the storylines? I started watching the show when I was a little girl and kept watching it through my teens and then on to adulthood without needing the characters to be my age or have the same interests as me. Why assume today's youth has a short attention span, loves storylines pulled out of the recycling bin of courthouses or can't enjoy anything unless it reflects their lives exactly?
Jeanine in Atlanta said......
Unfortunately demographics do factor in as far as sponsors & commercials that air during the broadcasts. ITV needs to collect money from their corporate sponsors in order to pay the bills and whether loyal viewers like it or not doesn't really register. Sad but true.
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