Hiya! It’s just Jordan with my late-as-ever thoughts on Friday’s
trip to Weatherfield.
Chesney wakes up on the sofa, still feeling ill from
yesterday’s trip to the Bistro. Sinead
has planted the idea that his illness may have been foul play from a very
jealous Daniel as a result of the couple’s engagement. Everyone starts to
believe that Daniel poisoned Chesney’s food while waiting on them at the Bistro.
All sorts of rumours start to circulate
between the families and throughout it all, Daniel protests his innocence.
Trying to do his best overall for the situation, Robert calls round to Chesney’s
to offer him a free meal but that’s not enough for the ginger whinger. He
offers Robert an ultimatum: sack Daniel or he will go to the papers. Thankfully,
Robert is savvy enough to know he can’t do this and tells Daniel to clear this
mess up himself. Things take a turn for the worst when Daniel takes his fists to
the door of number 5, demanding that Chesney come out. He finds him sorting the bins out and poor
Chesney ends up pinned up against the wall in his own back yard. Daniel pulls
his fist back, but just can’t do it. After a few awkward exchanges about who
Sinead is meant to be with, Chesney picks up a brick and whacks it across his
own face, setting up the second current framing storyline on the square. I mean
Street. Sinead tries her absolute best to be a bolshy Corrie woman and sort-of
storms round to Number 1 to explain all to Ken and Tracy. Even with Daniel’s protests,
Ken still believes Sinead. Tracy’s not daft though. As she later says to Chesney
himself, you can’t kid a kidder before launching into a brilliant speech about
forensic evidence and heavy objects, which of course, she knows from when she
took a heavy object to Charlie Stubbs’s head. After seeing Tracy leave Chesney’s
house, Ken is spurred on to start believing Daniel and encourages him to fight
for Sinead if he loves her. For God’s sake, just leave it, Ken! He really should not be dishing up advice on
relationships given his track record. Anyway, Daniel later marches up to Chesney
to kindly let him know that his marriage to Sinead will not be going ahead and
that he is going to lose her.
"I'm impressed. It takes guts to do something like that. And then lie about it - through your teeth. That's if you've got any left" |
And in what may have just crept in as the most bizarre
storyline of 2017, Gary receives a call from Anna, crouched down in a phonebox in
the middle of nowhere. Having been totally out of it in prison at beginning of
the week, the framed café matron has now escaped from the hospital and is lurking
within the bushes of the Red Rec. Knowing that the police will be on the look
out for her, not-dead Gary and Faye enlist the help of junior police officer
Craig. He takes the dog for a walk, knowing that Anna is edging her way through
the greenery and she watches him say hello to all the undercover police
officers. She navigates her way through the danger zone and eventually finds a
hideout. Roy is away and of course she has a key to the flat above the café.
She is later found by David, when Shona asks him to pop upstairs and water Roy’s
plants. She tells him she had nowhere
else to go – even though her house is on the next street – and soon she is
reunited with Faye, who apologises for believing all that rubbish from Phelan
and the two of them, along with Gary, have lasagne and ice cream in Roy’s flat.
Haha, what? Yet another classic-recipe Corrie character – a mouthy, hardworking
woman - destroyed by a ridiculous storyline.
Anna belongs behind the counter of the café gossiping, not ducking her way
through the Red Rec as a convict escaped from a mental hospital.
Elsewhere, Craig finally gets the guts to tell Bethany of
his feelings for her, only for her to be dismissive and accuse him of being
like “all the other men”. However, by the end of the episode, she has realised
how ridiculous she was being, and the pair seem to have got off to some sort of
start. Eva finally learns the error of her ways after discovering that if it were
not for Yasmeen, Aidan would now be homeless after she sank his business as
revenge for his affair. After watching him shed a tear in the corner, she finally feels guilty (although Leanne – who really
has no moral ground to comment – still believes that she was in the right) for destroying
his life and offers to sell the flat and that daft pink Range Rover and split it
with him. As well as all that, Tyrone and Fiz are experiencing problems with
Ruby and her bad behaviour, leading Fiz to suggest to a very disgruntled Tyrone
that she may have inherited some problems from her husband-beating mum Krazy
Kirsty. Fiz, love, by that logic, you want to be more concerned that the father
of your child was an identity-stealing, kidnapping serial killer!
Anyway, that’s all for now. Apologies for the lateness of this
review. Despite Madonna’s proclamations, time is not going by slowly at all. Oh
– one final thing – I don’t know if this was intentional, but during a scene in
the café, Audrey made a big deal of calling an old song “iconic”. I wonder if
this was Corrie’s way of paying tribute to the iconic Martyn Hett on what would’ve
been his 30th birthday. If it was, well done Corrie. What a lovely,
simple way to acknowledge him.
Until next week
Twitter - @JordanLloyd39

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This whole Chesney/Tracey, Daniel/Ken thing is bizarre.
It looks like they're trying to set up Ches, Sinead and Daniel as the Ken, Deirdre and Mike Baldwin of their time.
The only part of this that is working is Chesney showing some gumption.
Other than that, please make it stop.
Also - Aiden moping around just shows what a loser he is. If I'd have been Eva and been accused of ruining his life, I'd have said 'Yes I did, that's for not keeping it in your pants!'
"Fiz, love, by that logic, you want to be more concerned that the father of your child was an identity-stealing, kidnapping serial killer! " Tyrone said that in these very episodes, no?
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