Welcome to part one of tonight's blog review. A mid-week meander in the goings on down our favourite street. It's December 13th. Will this be an ominous date for any of our Weatherfield residents?
Tonight's episode begins in the kitchen at Robert and Michelle's Victoria Court crime base. It's good news for Robert as the insurance company will be paying out on the faux robbery. With 'witness' Kate still bearing a grudge with Shell, Zeedan remains nervous as he still thinks his wife covered for him with a false alibi. Little does he know Rana covered for 'Kana'. Zeedan's worries continue as his solicitor brother-in-law returns, kicked out by his wife. Has Weatherfield gained a new 'legal eagle'?.
With Kev also returning to the street from Germany, its left to Gary to fill him on Anna's worrying state of mind. With Gary heading to Weatherfield prison to visit his mum, will Anna's fella follow suit?.
A reluctant Kevin appears to had a few thoughts whilst driving on the autobahn, and appears reluctant if not slightly disturbed by Anna's state of decline. Doped up on diazepam, she collapses in Gary's arms and is rushed to hospital, closely guarded by a prison warden (cliché Neanderthal).
Back on the street, Nick's Bistro is reopened for business, and Chesney has booked a table for two. Its a trio of redhead romance tonight, Craig is clock watching for a date with Bethany, and with young Mr. Brown about to propose to Sinead, Flame-haired Fizz is struggling with the girls. After the trampoline fire, Fizz's suspicions are raised when Chez reminds her of Ruby's 'head case' of a Mother. Did Kirsty start the fire?. I for one, would love to see PC Soames back on the street.
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As Chez proposes, Daniel looks on in horror (no projectile vomit this time) but our favourite Kebab worker is suddenly feeling a bit 'iffy'. Has Daniel poisoned the posh nosh?.
As Anna is held guard in the hospital recovering from her drugs binge / overdose, Kevin arrives and decides it's time to end this troublesome (unbelievable anyway),tiresome relationship.
Now on a massive downer, the prison doctor tells Anna she has recovered sufficiently to return to the cells. But with this recent revelation, why should she bother?. Seizing a chance, Anna escapes. Just where is she heading?.
Follow my pal @Glenn_Writes as he reviews tonight's 8.30pm episode and finds out what happens next!
Anyway, I'm off to the Bistro to drop something stronger into Sinead's champagne flute. I've got a feeling she will need it.
I am @rybazoxo
Editor at large @Drunkonmusic2
Your Cobbles Connoisseur

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