Leanne doesn't understand why Toyah would want strangers staying in the spare room in the pub. For plot purposes? She is also fed up of the men she's met on her dating app (maybe she should join WhamBam?) and Toyah reckons she should fix her sis up with her chum, Zac the dentist. Tracy interrupts them, wanting to share her tips on how she gets blokes to come back to hers. Chloroform? suggests Leanne. Well, that was how Tracy got Roy to sleep with her. Anyway, Zac cancels, so Eva tries to set Leanne up with Matthew Singh by gatecrashing his business meeting with Adam in the Bistro, but arrogant Aidan decides the set-up is all about him and interrupts the meeting slash blind date. Adam leaves, Matthew leaves, they return to the pub, and Lee makes eyes at Chris the B&B guest. We got there in the end! Oh, and Leanne asks Eva to move in with her, well, help her pay the mortgage at any rate.
Anna's under flat arrest, unable to leave Roy's as "every copper in Weatherfield" is looking for her. However, Detective Windass is on her own case, wanting to prove her innocence. She shares a tearful reconciliation with Faye before breaking into the builder's yard (whilst Gary takes Phelan on a wild Nicola chase) and rings one of Pat's customers to get info on his whereabouts. Unfortunately, Eileen interrupts her and is rewarded with a crack on the head from a wrench. Blummin' heck, Anna, you don't want to go down for womanslaughter as well as ladder infractions. She runs back to the flat, collects Faye and tries to make a run for it to Scotland, but her guilt gets the better of her and she goes back to check on Eileen, leaving her DNA everywhere, and is found by Phelan, who calls the cops and Eileen is taken off in an ambulance. Anna gets as far as a car park before being caught by the coppers; despite once being part of the "most feared family in Weatherfield", she's about as much a master criminal as Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards is a champion skier.
Talking of detectives, Daniel accuses Tracy of being in cahoots with Chesney. He, like "Leonard Bernstein" (sic) is even trying to record the conversation, but our Trace denies everything. So Danny-boy tries a difference tack, fake-apologising to Chesney, which Ches has to accept, as it's in front of Sinead.
Fiz trusts Ruby enough with a rolling pin to make mince pies without smashing Hope over the head with it. But Fiz has other things to worry about -
See you next week for the Christmas episode!
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Nice going, from being framed for attempted murder to actually being guilty of attempted murder.
Anyone else feel that Coronation Street has gone quite off the rails ? I think the script team must all be on something! Come on Jonathan...take control and let’s return from ludicrous farce to comedy and believable drama. Chesney and the brick, Anna and the spanner, police and hospitals just about every day. I’m laughing at the drama and not finding any wit or humour. But, as loyal followers, we struggle on. May I also say how devastated I was that Gary Windass survived death. Unlike his mother, who is a wonderful actor destroyed to the point of her departure with appalling story lines - and the same applies to Eva, Gary cannot act, nor can Chesney, partly because he stills looks 13, yet they stay, while talented actors throwin the towel. There are vastly too many in the cast and the essence of the show has disappeared.
Anyone agree?
Yes, a wholehearted Yes! Well summarised, David.
It's a funny old thing, the way we humans respond/react to people. It is,I believe, based on personal preferences, experiences and sensibilities. The actor who plays Gary Windass is lauded for his good looks for those who deem them to be laudable. Another can be vilified for not having the looks and charisma that constitutes a man "attractive" to the opposite sex. Then these "attributes" are weighed against the particular acting skills and the sum total equates as a success or flop. Just ruminating.....
The finer and more adventurous actors are exiting, whilst others keep their safe place of guaranteed income and longevity, the latter of which makes it more difficult for the character to be axed even if past their sell by date in the role and the ways in which the character contributes to the whole without having to create ludicrous story-lines. I applaud those who leave for pastures new, even though we will miss them.
You can readily tell those who have great futures as actors....Sarah Lancashire forged the way, followed by Suranne Jones and Katherine Kelly. Before Sarah, if anyone left Corrie, you never heard from them again. I firmly believe Debbie Rush has a great future and would like to think she's going because the pack of jokers (Jonathan Harvey excepted...and actually it's probably the director who's to blame!) they call scriptwriters never let her play to her talents. Simon Gregson's talent blossomed as a child in the Street and should never leave....I just wish they'd show more of his comic side. Sam aston was a cute kid, but is not a natural actor.
David, could t agree more.
A Canadian, 2 weeks behind you.
David, I also agree l00%! Sam Aston is not a very good actor at all, Rob Mallard (Daniel) acts him off the screen in every scene they are in. I see that Rob has a bright future ahead of him!
Anonymous - I agree with you. Rob Mallard will be moving onwards and upwards.On the other hand Tristan Gemmill, black or grey-haired is pretty grim when it comes to acting emotion. But again, maybe the scripts don't help. But...like your favourite sporting team, you follow the Street through thick and thin. I'd just like fewer stories,a smaller cast and some real Lancashire chat. Why not give the police and the ambulances a month off?!
I see all the previous posters have said all I was thinking. Just here to agree. Again.
It's sort of like having D. Drumpf in charge. It's hard to believe it's really happening, made worse by the fact that we can't do much about it. I never thought I'd see Corrie go, not just violent, but stupidly violent. Gratuitously gory and mean-spirited.
I guess the best scene was Anne and Faye in the car, talking while ducking the fuzz. Reminded me of the good old days when Faye slowly grew to trust her adoptive family.
Rachel, I always look forward to your Monday reviews! I can't believe how quickly you post them. You write like a dream and make it look easy. Thank you for 2017 and happy holidays!
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