Next week in Coronation Street, Shona wins some cash on a scratch card. News of her win travels all the back to the Dog and Gun and Macca turns up looking for her – or is he after he cash?
Macca tells Shona that her son Clayton in jail is on suicide watch and needs £6,000 to give him the chance of an appeal and a normal life. Shona quizzes Todd, wanting to know if there’s any truth in Macca’s words or if he’s simply trying to take her money. Todd explains that occasionally it’s possible to get someone out of prison on a technicality but it’s unlikely in Clayton’s case.
Shona visits Clayton in prison. She’s taken aback when he hugs her, saying he’s pleased to see her. Clayton begs Shona to spend her winnings on helping him to get out. But then Clayton lets slip that he’s running a drugs operation from prison…
Later back on the Street, David and Shona have a heart to heart in Roy’s Rolls. They finally admit how much they like each other but recognise how difficult their relationship is going to be.
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If he had any sense, David would stay as far away from Shona as he can. She is bad news and will bring nothing but misery. It's started already, mark my words.
I despise this storyline. Get rid of Shona.Get rid of Macca Get rid of Gemma.Get rid of Clayton. The whole Dog and Gun scenario is neither interesting or entertaining.I don't care about of group of lowlifes on my TV screen.
As I thought, this Shona situation is going from bad to worse. Clayton is running drugs even on the inside? Well, duh. Anyone could have told this idiot her son was worthless and irredeemable. This one is as thick as Callum's mother. David's continued relationship with her guarantees trouble for Max and Lily down the road.
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