Welcome to another Wednesday Weatherfield review. A short and sharp synopsis (with opinion) of all the latest goings on, down our favourite fictional street.
As tonight's episode opens, we are greeted with the rare sighting of Norris and Sean leaving No.3 together. Upon hearing about Norris's faux nuptials with Mary, Sean proposes that Norris gently discusses his misgivings. However, by the end of tonight's episode Norris is valiantly defending Mary's honour in The Rovers Return, will they marry?. OM triple G - I do hope so.
A Wedding I don't see happening, however, is Eva & Aidan's.
After tonights 'save the date' announcement (18th of Sept), Eva has delved deeper into her revenge plan on Aidan, roping a reluctant Maria into wedding planner mode, and infuriating Jenny Bradley; all at the same time. I can see this plot affecting many residents, and just what is Adam Barlow up to?.
Somebody that isn't up to anything (and really melted my heart tonight) is Gemma Winter. As Rita discovers the aftermath of the chav sweet raid, she quickly points the finger at Gemma and her 'pals'. £100 has also disappeared from her handbag (the fruit machine win from Freddie, remains unspent). Rita informs Jenny of her suspicion, and an apologetically heartbroken Gemma retreats to 'Prima Doner' venting her upset about Rita, to Cathy. Having overheard Gemma's unintentional besmirch, 'Detective' Jenny Bradley (snooping around the street like a red-headed Sherlock) immediately informs Rita of the overheard misunderstood outburst.
Sadly, it's Rita who has misunderstood. Recently, she has become rather sanctimonious and self-righteous; or is it confusion?. Undoubtedly the matriarchal 'Queen' of the street, I feel this character changing confusion may be part of a forthcoming storyline?. Having completely disregarded Gemma's vulnerable and heartfelt plea of innocence, Rita Tanner calls the police.
This may be an upcoming downfall for our Rita (and Gemma, probably) but she's 'not ready for the knackers yard', just yet!. Spoken like a true Tanner, Rita (maybe Elsie, come to think of it).
Another 'phwoar-some' episode of Corrie, I'm now off to celebrate my birthday.
Back next week - see ya!
I am @rybazoxo
Editor at @Drunkonmusic2
DJ @PenistoneFM

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For tbe love of god wear only hip length tops!
I see they've got David growing a beard, presumably to try and make him look older so he doesn't look so weird with Shona, who may be not so much older in years but looks old enough to be his mum. And totally agree with you anon, about Gemma's dress sense.
Cheers, Ryan!
And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you and all!!
Eden X
it was so long ago andy was attacked by pat phelan if he has had him kidnapped for so long would andy not have tried all ways to attract someones attention before now ?
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