Voting is open until Sunday, December 18 and you can vote for Coronation Street as follows:
Best Soap: Coronation Street
Best Actress: Tina O'Brien (Sarah Platt)
Best Actor: Jack P Shepherd (David Platt)
Best Newcomer: Bhavna Limbachia (Rana Habeeb)
Best Storyline: Kylie's murder
Funniest Character: Mary Taylor
Best Ship: Todd and Billy
Biggest OMG moment: David causes an explosion
Biggest Unsung Hero: Gemma Winter
Vote here.
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Not sure what the cutoff was but it's a shame Rob Mallard/Daniel wasn't nominated the best newcomer. He's been hitting his marks since the day he showed up. It's harder to see Bhavna as a standout, lovely tho she is, because her character seems to have been retooled several times.
Excellent, voted, thanks for link! Good luck gang! :)
Best shiр? Titanic surely :)
Have done my voting but there were three I could not, in good conscience, vote for (Best Actress, Newcomer & Unsung Hero).
I'm with you Anon 08:08, hopefully so are other voters.
Voted! Thanks for telling us we could support our favorite show.
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