What's the theme of tonight's episode? Why, it's communication. Usually the residents of the street are happy to shout, scream, yell, explain, waffle all about their feelings. But today, everyone has, like Cathy's uncle, a stiff upper lip.
The ladies are all in the salon getting their do's done (Nessa gives Yasmeen a particularly startling "Asian Dolly Parton" up-do - I thought it was more Baby Love-era Diana Ross) whilst Roy stares disconsolately out of the window and takes off his wedding ring, placing it in a decorative clog under a picture of him and Hayley. Tyrone and Brian aren't going to the wedding, having fallen out with Roy, and Anna is too embarrassed to be seen out in public, shrieking at Kev when he interrupts her rubbing ointment onto her legs. She and Kevin are another couple not talking, or rather Anna isn't, she keeps pushing Kevin away. But she does agree to move in with him and Jack as Peter has asked her to vacate the flat. It feels like she is settling as much as Roy is for Cathy.
So the wedding was off, then on, then off again, as Cathy accidentally hears Roy's conversation with Tyrone and Brian on the dictaphone that she's been using to practice her vows. She steadfastly sets off down the aisle, Nessa at her side to give her away (which I suspect is less about Nessa wanting to be sisterly and more her wanting a share of the limelight), but after a lovely reading from As You Like It by a well scrubbed up Mary, Cathy changes her mind and calls the whole thing off again. This storyline has been spread over four episodes and usually with an off/wedding, it is definitely on by the end of it all, but in this case, Cathy and Roy agree to call it off, to split up and be just (good) friends. "I'm setting you free," Cathy tells Roy. In a terribly sad scene, Cathy moves out of Roy's Rolls and Roy's life and he returns to the empty flat and puts his wedding ring back on.
Sinead, having been to a few Corrie weddings, says that they all end in tears or punch ups and she's not interested in getting wed. Chesney, looking peculiarly like Rupert the Bear in his checked suit, seems upset. Communicate, kids! Mary is still refusing to talk to Norris about her long lost son, but Gail and her late husband's substitute son scatter Michael's ashes in a local (and autumnal looking) beauty spot.
This doesn't please Nick, having to deal with a wine tasting, increasing jealousy about Peter and a wedding reception (that the guests still turn up to) without his barman. He snaps at Leanne, bitches at Peter, who gave him and Robert a lift, and generally fails to tell Leanne that he feels threatened by her and Peter's relationship.
Sally enjoy the non-wedding. After complaining at Tim for buying a pedestal rug as a wedding gift and telling him not to say toilet in church ("it's disrespectful"), we find out the real reason for her 'tude is that she's missing the "traditional wedding bunk up", so the two of them disappear for some conjugal duties.
Someone else not talking is Michelle to Leanne, although Liz tries to get them to make up, to Steve's consternation - he's one person who feels that there should be a little less conversation. He and Michelle have the 20 week scan and find out that Steve's having another boy.
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Is it just me or did Rita disappear half way through the wedding?
I'm quite happy that the wedding didn't go ahead, Cathy is so unsuitable for Roy.
And at the end, why did she go to stay with Yasmin, what's happened to her own house, has she sold it or what?
Cathy's house is apparently rented out to tenants, information we were given in a throw-away line towards the end. The house clear-up and other necessary requirements before letting must have happened during the advert breaks. I wasn't moved by the wedding on/off saga. I should have been but I wasn't even heartened by the split. Because it means the story goes on and on. I just don't see the chemistry between Roy and Cathy.
My view is that I am pleased Cathy and Roy did not marry, however I thought Cathy was very dignified and generous of spirit despite her upset. Anonymous 23.04, Cathy mentioned not being able to throw out her tenants, so there is the answer to the mystery of her house. Goodness knows what happened to all her stuff....!
What a carry on that has been, I'm glad the wedding didn't go ahead, Roy doesn't need to be married, I was as relieved as he was when he put put his wedding back on.
Can we now leave Roy alone and just let him be Roy.
Loved the 'Asian Dolly Parton' from Yasmeen, that hair was a disaster.
At least we now know what's happened to Cathys house, do you think the writers actually read our comments?
Whilst I'm glad the wedding didn't happen, I was surprised at myself for feeling a bit sorry for Cathy!
I hope that the Peter/Nick stuff ends soon, feels like it's recycling old stuff - but I like the more confident and in control Peter - more like he used to be with some humour, so I hope that continues as I don't want a return to drunk and destructive Peter, that got very repetitive by the end.
I like the smaller exchanges - snooty Sally claiming "heighth" is a real word, or mispronouncing AnJela Merkel, only to be corrected by "illiterate" Tim, saying it is "AnGela".
They must have been getting an earful about that house not ever getting mentioned again after its state being the reason Cathy was at Roy's.
Of course, she'd have tenants instead of having let it to Alex when she wanted him to have a flat. What else could explain why she'd still hang around on a street she'd never set foot on in the past after breaking up with Roy.
Cathy saying that she doesn't like drama?? Yeah... k Cathy. Poor Roy, how could she get up and berate him like that in front of everybody? I don't dislike Cathy but am glad Roy wasn't forced into doing something that isn't right for him.
Did I miss something? If Cathy is moving out and staying temporarily at Yasmeen's, where does that leave Alex for now? Is he going to live with Nessa again... does Nessa have a place to live at the moment?
Siobhan? You mean Sinead?
When discussing tenants being in her property, Cathy said both her and Alex were going to stay at Yasmeen's house and Nessa had previously said she was staying in a hotel
I'm going to have to re-watch, I totally missed Cathy saying about tenants in her house!
Nick is so annoying! But it is fun to watch Peter winding him up with practically everything he does. No doubt when Leanne unwraps the Bros tape it will outdo whatever gifts Nick has given her.
I too am glad that the wedding did not go ahead, though I was not expecting Roy and Cathy to break up for good. I did not get the impression before that Roy didn't want to be with Cathy, period, rather that he didn't want to get married. Am I alone in that?
I laughed out loud when Tyrone said that Fiz was home consoling Hope and Ruby because the girls thought it was their fault that they had thrown the flowers wrong! Ha.
I am just glad that the wedding didn't happen - I really haven't warmed to Cathy, in fact I find her rather cold - she doesn't display warmth at all and I will be very glad when she is finally gone from the street. Not sure about Alex just yet.
I'm a bit disappointed they didn't get married but it's always been clear Roy doesn't really love Cathy, not the way she loves him. HE does care for her and they probably would have been happy but he's just not ready. His grief goes very deep and for him, it really is too soon. Cathy has been pushing him past his comfort zone all along and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing because he does need that nudge, she went a bit far. All the signs were there but she got too caught up in her own excitement over the wedding to see it.
I just finished rewatching the episodes and Patrick, you are right, Rita did disappear right before Cathy walks down the aisle - not sure why, but I have read previously that the cast despise weddings as it takes too long to tape so maybe she fobbed off and went home. Also I was a bit surprised at the number of "extras" they had at the wedding. Surely Roy & Cathy didn't know such a large number of people that would have been invited that weren't residents of the street. When Roy was working on the seating chart he had only a handful of white flags positioned. I just hope that they don't drag out the storyline much longer since Cathy is staying with Yasmeen and really hasn't left the street.
I'm wondering if Cathy is going to stick around, and she and Roy will just carry on being "good friends". I haven't read anywhere that she's leaving.
Why is that funny?
Did cathy say the house was rented to yaseem? Or did I hear it wrong
You heard wrong! Cathy and Alex are staying with Yasmeen as her house is being rented out to tenants
Now why on earth would anyone rent a house that was so full of clutter it probably hadn't been cleaned in years? For this tenancy thing to ring true, there should have been references to Cathy spending lots of time clearing it out. All she did before moving in with Roy was move stuff round!
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