After almost four years of acting on the cobbles, Tisha's final scenes will unfold over the New Year, says the tabloid.
Mr Curray Sauce tells The Sun: “Tish has had an amazing couple of years where she’s been at the fore of some of Corrie’s biggest storylines, but feels it’s now time for a change.”
Some eagle eyed Corrie fans spotted Catherine Tyldesley's hint at her exit last week.
She won't be the only one who'll miss Tish and Steph Britton, I love the character of Steph.
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Another character full of potential who was never given a chance. Steph came in so vivacious; she should have had a bigger role at the Bistro and more friends than just kinda dull boyfriend Andy. She is gorgeous and talented and I wish her well in the future.
I will miss Steph. I expect it's linked to Andy. By bashing Phelan and being blackmailed by him, he's kind of writing his own exit story, isn't he? Maybe the two of them will go off together and be happy somewhere else.
What in the world is going on? First Andy/Oliver and now her?? Talk about wasting the true talent. Instead of bringing all of these new characters in, why didn't they work a bit more with the ones they already had? I can't say that I blame her for leaving, she definitely got the short end of things. :(
Not surprised. She seems like a good actress but rarely gets a chance to show it. The same was true of the actor who plays Adam. Better to leave and see where her talent might be more appreciated.
Well I can't say I am surprised - it was obvious since neither
Andy nor Steph had any decent storylines lately and as soon as they wrote the exit story for Andy we all knew what or should I say "who" was going next. This is totally depressing. I loved all the scenes they were in - such better actors than most of the cast on the street. Well I wish them well and I hope they do loads better far, far away from the street. Sometimes I think that TPTB just don't give the actors any storylines in hopes that they will just up and leave of their own accord. Charming, yeah right.
Agree with all the above - totally wasted talent, what a real shame.
I agree with everyone else. Real shame Steph never got a decent on-going storyline. I guess if the actress had stayed on after Andy's exit, Steph would have just hooked up with various guys. Don't blame Tisha Merry for leaving and good luck to her.
Adam? He's only just arrived on Corrie. Do you mean Andy?
If this is true, it is sad news indeed. She is a great actress who was given very little to do. What was the producer thinking??!!! And the storyliners and writers. Such a wasted talent. Meanwhile, we have had to endure Caz.......
It strikes me that she as probably never meant to be a long term character, only brought in as Katy Armstrong's friend so she's done quite well, having caught the viewers' attention. I"m sure she'll do well
None of the youngsters seem to want to stay too long, always think the grass in greener elsewhere. Really, the only young person who has "remained faithful" is Jack P. Shepherd...and thank God for him!
I won't really miss Steph or Andy, I've never really thought of either of them as permanent fixtures.
Yes, I meant Andy. Between Aiden, Adam and Andy, I'm getting their names confused all the time.
What a shame, Steph and Andy we're terribly underused, I don't blame them for going.
Good luck to them both.
I'm also disappointed that Steph will be leaving but unfortunately due to the writers' obsession with having every storyline centered around the Platts or the Barlows,I understand Tisha's desire to leave.
I wonder how soon before big brother Luke will follow?
Saddened to hear this, but it strikes me that we've never had any confirmation that Oliver Farnsworth is leaving, other than that leaving do story - is it possible it was Tish's leaving party?
Totally agree that Steph was underutilized along with boyfriend Andy. Both actors have great potential which were not exploited due to the ineptness and lack of imagination of the writers. I shall miss them but their leaving now is probably a good career move.
yes they will by missed by the viewers, not by TPTB or the writers - such a waste of great talent - I just don't understand why they want to turn our beloved Corrie St. into a "continuing drama" of nothing but confusion, misery and nasty people. Time to say bye bye.
Hope they leave the door open for her to come back. It's a shame to see her go.
The grass probably IS greener on this case. Tish Merry has proved herself a cracking actress and she should do well. Oliver Farnsworth already had a promising CV when he came into Corrie, so shoukd do likewise. I don't think it's fair to compare these two with Jack P Shepherd, who no one could deny has been more than generously served by the storyliners. Steph and Andy have not - loyalty cuts both ways.
Seeing how this discussion is still going, I thought I'd add another post. Steph and Andy were floating characters ie: they weren't annexed to an established family like the Platts, Websters or Barlows. In my opinion, that's a good thing but tptb evidently think otherwise. They were also fairly normal young people which, in Corrie terms, means boring. Eva could have gone that way but luckily she's been linked to several other storylines: Maria, Leanne.
Cobblestone & Humpty Dumpty I agree with you 100%. My next worry is that Luke will certainly be not far behind, unless he has more of a storyline with Tracy-Luv. Yuck personified.
It was bad enough to lose Andy, but Steph going is even worse. She had so much potential but TPTB kept her in the cupboard for too long.
I don't blame her for quitting, I blame TPTB!
These part time characters have to find a job elsewhere. A few scenes a month isn't going to pay the rent.
Two very talented young actors they are wise to cut their loses and leave. I wish the pair of them all the very best!
And meanwhile we are stuck with Maria and have Rosie webster to look forward to. I can't see the point of bringing her back and underusing Steph.
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