WILL CATHY’S WORST FEARS BE REALISED ON HER BIG DAY? As Audrey works on Cathy’s hair, Cathy takes a call from Roy telling her that Tyrone can no longer make the wedding - Yasmeen and Audrey exchange concerned looks. Cathy hurries home to pick up her Dictaphone, worried she’ll forget her vows, meanwhile Brian and Tyrone set off to the church determined to clear the air with Roy. Having retrieved the Dictaphone from the flat, excited Cathy sets off to her wedding where outside the church, Tyrone and Brian tell Roy how sorry they are for their earlier harsh words. Roy accepts their apology and insists they stay for the wedding. Alex, Chesney, Sinead, Faye, Sally, Tim, Rita, Norris, Mary, Tyrone, Brian, Audrey, Bethany and a nervous Roy gather in the church awaiting Cathy’s arrival. Nessa begs Cathy to let her give her away and Cathy reluctantly agrees. Whilst Nessa nips off to make sure Roy’s ready, Cathy takes out her Dictaphone intending to go over her vows one last time, will she discover the accidental recording of Roy’s confession?
ANNA FACES THE TRUTH Emotional Anna confides in Kevin that Peter wants her out of the flat as he’s moving back in. Upset Anna also tells Kevin she won’t be going to Roy and Cathy’s wedding as her scars are so painful, how will Kevin comfort her?
PETER STARTS AT STREETCARS In an attempt to call a truce, Peter offers to run Robert and Nick to a wine tasting and thanks Nick for all that he’s done for Simon, will this thaw Nick?
ELSEWHERE Norris offers Mary a lift to the wedding but it’s obvious Mary’s avoiding him. When Andy accompanies Gail to sprinkle Michael’s ashes, he makes his feelings known. Michelle and Steve discover the sex of their baby.
Monday 12th December 2016
ROY AND CATHY FACE THE TRUTH Covering her shock, Cathy walks down the aisle and joins Roy. With the wedding underway, Mary delivers a reading. Audrey, Rita and Fiz are touched by it but Roy and Cathy remain unmoved. As Tyrone makes his way to the front of the church to deliver his reading, Cathy’s brought up short by the sight of him and turning to Roy, demands to know if he really wants to marry her as she overheard his conversation with Tyrone and Brian on her Dictaphone. Will Roy be able to offer Cathy the heartfelt assurances she so badly needs and convince her to go ahead with the wedding?
ANNA’S DAY ENDS ON A SOUR NOTE Anna breaks down in Kevin’s arms and admits she’s ashamed of her body and doesn’t want him to see it but Kevin holds her tight, his heart breaking for her. When Kevin suggests to Anna that she and Faye should move in with him, will Anna accept his offer? Meanwhile Phelan discovers the hate mail which Eileen’s been keeping from him and is touched that she’s been trying to spare his feelings. Phelan moves in for a kiss but Eileen recoils and suggests he should move out. As Phelan approaches No.11, he spots Anna slipping a letter through the door. Is she behind the poisonous letters?
ROBERT’S GOT THE BABY BLUES Peter drops a tipsy Nick and Robert back after their wine tasting. When Nick makes childish jibes at Peter, Leanne drags him into the bistro ordering him to sober up.
ELSEWHERE Steve shows Amy the scan photo of her baby brother but Amy plays it cool. In the Rovers, Norris tries to broach the subject of Mary’s past but Mary becomes defensive and leaves. When Audrey suggests that Chesney and Sinead will be next down the aisle, Sinead makes it clear she’s not keen and Chesney’s put out.
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Chesney/Sinead/yawn...there's no fire here, no chemistry
No chemistry, no story... therefore no stake in their relationship by the viewers---- boring!
I read an article where Melanie Hill said she's relieved that fans have at last warmed to Cathy and want the marriage to go ahead. I don't know how information is fed to actors; similarly when Kym Marsh says everyone wants her and Steve to stick together. Maybe they read selected tweets or rely on Corrie publicity folk because I haven't read of many people rooting for Roy and Cathy. The true test of the marriage storyline is whether, if it goes ahead, we ever see hair or hide of them again. When a whole storyline is based on will they/won't they?, it means there isn't any further for the plot to go. There are unlikely to be love affairs. Probably, Alex will be their main bone of contention - Cathy too easy-going, Roy too intolerant. If they do marry, at least that will be the end of it. Cancel it and the story rolls on interminably.
Maybe it depends on when the actors were interviewed. I never liked Cathy, much less thought she should be with Roy since that seemed to be about her escaping her junk filled house, but I got the impression that I was in the minority in disliking her until Alex came along and she moved him into Roy's flat.
That's what got some feeling she was riding roughshod over Roy and turned the tide against her.If she read comments before that happened, she would be mistaken about support.
Same goes for Michelle, I used to like her being with Steve but recently I feel as though they're completely mismatched and wish that relationship was over.
I don't understand where they get their publicity from - the comments about them being together are very few and far between, same with Steve & Michelle - he is just a buffoon and she stands there with her arms crossed being mad at him. Michelle was much more fun when she was with Kieran. Actually she has more spark with Robert than with Steve.
Steve has always been better with leanne - they should рut them together рermanently :)
Since the truth about the babies is bound to come out, and it seems Peter is involved with another woman, I think the odds that Steve and Leanne will end up together, at least for a while, are pretty high.
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