The rumours fired up one Carla Connor fan in New Zealand to pen a blog post about why she loves Carla Connor so much. And so, it's over to Deena, who you can follow on twitter @deenabarnesx
"Everyone has their favourite characters in coronation street and for me it's a no brainer - Carla Connor.
I've grown up watching Corrie and I've always loved her. I think she's possibly the strongest character to ever live on those cobbles seeing as she's almost experienced everything. For me the Underworld siege in 2010 was when I really noticed the incredible acting ability in Alison King, and I saw how strong Carla was as a character. The most outstanding storyline for me has to be Carla's rape because Alison was beyond incredible and portrayed the story, which is extremely sensitive, to millions of viewers all around the world. Carla can show her emotions without even saying a word and this became evident during the rape storyline on many different occasions.
Carla's almost been burnt alive twice, been involved in car & bus crashes, raped, tried to kill herself, cheated on, had a miscarriage, dragged along the cobbles by a car, she's almost had it all, but she's still standing. To me that shows just how strong she is, and she's really helped me and many other people be ourselves and get through challenging life situations.
I'd love to see Carla return one day, but honestly, right now I don't think is the right time. She only left just over 6 months ago and her return wouldn't have a huge impact on the other residents as of yet. If Alison ever decides to return I'm all for it, because is Corrie really Corrie at all without Carla Connor?
The reason why I love Carla so much is because she's strong, she's independent and doesn't rely on others to keep her afloat, she's brave, she's a level headed businesswoman and overall shes someone who many many people admire.
For me she takes the crown as one of Corrie's most legendary characters."
Deena, twitter: @deenabarnesx
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I would love to see what Kate Oates would do with her because of her love for the character and Alison King. We would probably get the real Carla Connor back. But it's not going to happen anytime soon.
Also, it is good to see other characters making a complete mess of their lives as always but for once, being unable to blame it all on Carla. She seemed to get the blame for pretty much everything in the end and it was just frustrating to watch.
I miss her friendship with Roy though. A lot.
I also miss Carla's friendships with Roy and even Michelle.
Both of them could use her friendship right,helping Roy deal with his mixed feeling about marrying Cathy and giving Michelle who apparently may cheat on Steve with Robert a kick in the you know where for not learning her lesson after her flirtation with Will.
Carla's character worked because of Alison King's amazing skills; in other hands, she might have been very unbelievable and panto. I see her from another angle. Carla is young enough to be my daughter and, as such, she infuriated me a lot of the time. One missing aspect of the Carla story arc was an auntie. Can you imagine a parallel Corrie world where Auntie was Elsie Tanner who would take Carla to task better than anyone else, and Carla would sit there meekly? Rita couldn't have done because she wasn't family.
I sense that Carla appeals to younger viewers - that is, younger than me. Think of all the letters you read on a problem page and many applied to Carla. So helpful for people going through difficulties to see these played out in fictional form and either to draw strength from Carla's successes or avoid the mistakes she made. You might say that Dickens female characters offered the same help in his serialised stories. This is the very best part of soap writing and acting. I wish an older character could be written and played in such a way. Gail has been made ridiculous, Deirdre is lost and Eileen is deeply unlikeable. If/when Carla returns, I'd hope that she has changed in a truthful way.
I find it hard to believe that the actress would need to go to the studio to catch up with friends. She could varch up with friends outside of their work time, no? I really hope it was business related. Bring back Carla!
I hope Carla is on her way back. I think 6 months is long enough to have been in rehab, which is where she belonged to get her thoughts and goals back on track. Underworld is about to fall under the control of that idiotic Jenny thanks to Johny. She needs someone to put her in her place.
I also miss the friendship that she and Roy had.
I can see her partnering up with Yasmeen on some venture. Seeing two sharp women act together would be a welcome change and be something Carla never had.
Carla was not my fav....but not the worst either....could be interesting to see her return. more Carla, please! We already have Michelle, Maria, Sally and plenty of other awful and unbelievable characters at the moment.
I found it too unbelievable that Carla could go through all those traumas and just bounce back time after time.
A return could work, but not yet. I would really hate to see the Carla/Tracy feud start again.
I loved her and miss her. However, the return of her character would all depend on the new producer and how she determines the character should be played. It really could go either way. Right now a few of the characters we love are leaving after having their personalities change completely so there is no guarantee that it will or won't continue. Since they will totally trash Andy's character I guess the next will be Steph's until she decides to leave. I, for one, am not looking forward to that, especially since more actors seem to be returning and new ones joining.
I think the best thing Carla could do while she is off camera, is recognize that it's time to get back on her feet, that she can't do it alone, and she needs an assistant. Sally, who was very good in that role, turns it down because moving to Cornwall isn't for her. Alya, who is really stuck, jumps at the chance and leaves the street with hope for the future (and either some cash or a small share in Underworld in her pocket). Many problems solved, door left open.
I don't believe that Alison King would want to come back already. She just left and has barely any time to explore other opportunities.
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