Anna vows to have it out with Phelan once and for all and before Gary or Izzy can stop her, she storms back to the yard and sets about smashing up Phelan’s van. When Phelan arrives back, Anna launches herself at him, her hatred evident.
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As if Izzy can stop anyone from doing anything!
No doubt a situation that has been engineered by Phelan to make Anna look like the bad guy. Not that I have much sympathy for her, it just seems like the same old all over again. But I would be happy to be proved wrong!
Another mad character taking it out on a motor vehicle...oh hum ...
I guess the apple never does fall far from the tree - like Mother, like son. Not looking forward to this aspect of the story at all. I never do condone violence and what is going to happen when the rest of the street find out??? Will they support Anna or realize that the Windass clan were never really that nice after all.
I was wondering when the vehicle smash up by an irate corrie plate was going to come to the fore it is.
I'm surрrised she found the vehicle as there never seems to be a car around ever! Exceрt of course when you need one to take you somewhere, run you over or for you to smash uр! Then they magically aррear out of thin air ;)
Can't she just tell Kevin for God's sake.
I wondered what happened to Anna's and Phelan's agreement about keeping their distance from each other?
I agree with other comments that it's the same old,same with another clichéd scene ,smashing up someone's car as revenge.
I wonder if Anna will have to make another 'sacrifice'and sleep with Phelan to stay out of jail just as she did for Gary's sake.
Lots of fast-forwarding this week then.
The Pheelan/Anna dispute should have been left in the past now, it's the same old merry-go-round plot lines: one week it's sorted the next it's not, then it is, then it's not... Just like the round in circles Callum saga. It's as if they've written one script and they recycle it every other week.
I reckon Pheelen will find the body of Calum when goes to redo Gails flooring for under heating. That's likely going to be a link to Jason's exit storyline. He is going to take it all mwaahahah
I think you might well be right - then Pheelan takes over Jason's yard?
Cue Garry taking the blame for wrecking the van and having more troubles in Court. Perhaps he can also be blamed for Callum's body? But then how will Jason leave the Street?
Oooooooohh i love that twist @MartesBC
I'm guessing Phelan will be the next corpse on the street after blackmailing all and sundry after he finds the body..bwahahahaha
When is this storyline over? Like Anna in tonight's episode, I need a full bottle of wine just to get through it.
Ridiculous. This is far, far worse than SIMPLY TELLING KEVIN!
As someone said last night (I already forget who), she might as well tell Kevin because if she continues as she's going he's not going to stick around anyway. Nothing to lose.
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