The Sun says that Sarah gets told she'll need a caesarean due to complications. But she ends up having a natural delivery with Mary as midwife.
Fortunately, when the baby arrives it is a healthy boy. But that is not the end of her troubles as she struggles to bond with the baby, fearing he will be just like his drug-dealer dad Callum.
Ooh, I do hope she names the baby something appropriately flowery if it's born in the florist shop... Woody?
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This sounds like a return for Marion, Callum's mother, who instantly bonds with her grandchild and takes him/her off Sarah's hands. Hopefully, end of Callum story.
Yes, probably name it something to do with flowers. Trickier with boys. I can understand the bonding trouble. I think it's quite realistic. I'm sure not everyone that gets pregnant from a bad situation bonds instantly after seeing the newborn baby.
Preston Platt.
Thorn? He'll be a thorn in everyone's side anyway ;)
Weedy - like his dad ;)
Daffy? - like the duck ;)
I hope it's not Slackjawed like its Dad.
Baby will have designer stubble and say - 'hands off my motor!'
After not seeing her nor Bethany in ages I was rather hopeful that they both had left the show. Unfortunately not. How about Pansy Platt?
Doesn't anyone on the Street give birth in a hospital anymore?
I guess the publicity wiil be good for the shop?
What about Guido, in honor of her imminent return to Milan?
My biggest complaint about soaps is how, when in labour, the baby's appearance is usually minutes after the mum feels the first contraction, and nearly always needs to be delivered by a neighbour. Pretty sure Marcus helped two babies appear in the Rovers - Dylan and someone else.
The most realistic birth in Corrie was Faye, in my opinion. But I suppose it suited the plot for the labour to go on longer.
Ivy maybe? Then the baby will be named after old Granny Tilsley too!
I guess it makes a change from giving birth in the pub.
There is something in the water in Weatherfield that makes labour so short that the baby comes there and then and before the ambulance arrives. In recent times I can't think of anybody that went off and had a 'regular' labour, in a hospital, with gas and air, epidurals and family waiting for news like normal people.
Another story that's been done to death.... Violet, Tina, Faye and now Sarah. The resident's midwifery skills must all be excellent by now.
Yes Dylan and Ruby Dobbs
Yes Dylan and Ruby Dobbs
Did anyone else kind of forget about Sarah for a while? She's been off the screen for so long that I was surprised to see her in a recent pub scene.
Yes! And Alya too. She was gone for ages and then just reappeared in the factory one day.
Incredulous is one thing but this is ridiculous. Love 'Ivy', I suggest 'Fern' since Tracy is always pushing those in her store.
The storyline is incredible. We viewers are incredulous.
Harry Рotter Рlatt?
She could have twins - Bill and Ben the flowerрot men, altogether now 'weeeeeeeeedddd!'
Is this haррening at the 'interflora' shoр in order to give more рroduct рlacement advertising? call me cynical, but.....
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