Back of the Net award: Andy really had Steph believing he was a rubbish boyfriend but he pulled off a lovely surprise with Nick's help.
Boy Scout award: "Be Prepared", right? Do all dealers have handy pre-wrapped oregano in their pockets just in case they encounter a niaive newbie? Seemed odd to me.
Eggs in One Basket award: Aidan might end up with just the one client if he keeps alienating the long time clients to pander to O'Driscolls. Not always a good idea to bet it all on one horse.
Witchy Woman award: Tracy. At least she is self-aware!
Lines of the week:
Nick "Nothing's going to happen straightaway" (with the speed of real estate deals in Weatherfield, you couldn't guarantee that one)
Rana "I'm a nurse, not a maid" (well, nurses do a lot of chores besides nurse patients, right?)
Rita to Norris "Only you could take the fun out of a biscuit"
Anna to Kevin "What more do you want" (the truth. please. Before i stick a fork in my eye)
Gail about the Connors "It's that family. it's one crisis after another" Nick "whereas we, we live in Sunshine Valley, happy faces all day long!"
Sally "Are you trying to wind me up?" Norris "You don't need much help with that, do you?" (But he's such an insinuating little troll, is Norris)
Anna about Shirley McLain "She's someone's sister. Someone famous" (Warren Beatty)
Tracy to Carla "You've become my bitch, Babe. Always knew you had it in you" (and Carla actually let her walk away! Please let this be a wakeup for Carla!)
Carla "We are relying entirely on grafting" Michelle "And blagging" Carla "and booze. You know, Kate, you really need to fake it to feel it."
Yasmin "If I'd known people would pay to get shouted at, I'd have charged my family all these years"
By Tvor
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Comedy of Errors Award: Cathy remembers that Shirley MacLaine had a famous brother
Anna thinks it was Paul Newman.
Cathy says she loved Paul Newman in The Way We Were
And Anna says Oh yes, with Ali McGraw - it was so sad when she died
Ali McGraw in fact dies in Love Story leaving a grieving Ryan O'Neal - who doesn't ever have to say he's sorry
It was Barbara Streisand who starred in the Way We Were with ...
Robert Redford, not Paul Newman ...
who is not of course (and never was) Shirley MacLaine's brother.
That honour goes, as Tvor says, to Warren Beatty
Yes, we are - most of us anyway - aware of all that. That was the joke.
But the humour of those film faux pas would have been lost on younger viewers, which reminds me of another niggle I have: I sometimes hear a good line in Corrie that involves a cultural reference to the past, but think: hang on - is that character old enough to get that? One such was the 'Grasshopper' reference. Appropriately, Zeedan didn't understand it ... Yet Rana did? Unless her dad was a big Kung Fu fan, with episodes on DVD, how would she understand the reference to a to show that, as far as I'm aware, hasn't been repeated in the UK for over 30 years. It's a trait I often notice - the writers allude to elements of their childhood, which is great for viewers of a certain age, but they don't take into account the character's age and cultural horizons. It happens quite often. Steph is a character it often happens with, perhaps because she projects maturity - it was a shock to realise she's just 21.
I'm in my fifties and sometimes have to explain to my younger workmates things from my past which have cropped up, recently eating pomegranates with a pin/needle, likewise one said to me the other day that something was "sick". She had to explain to me that this was a good thing?? One girl at work asked who David Bowie was after his death, but my son knows all his music from me playing it whilst he was growing up. Vive la difference
I think some references to older movies & music just seem to stand the test of time and are still bounced around, grasshopper and wax on/wax off are two that immediately jump to mind even if I don't remember any other parts of the movie. With tweeting and twitter sometimes a word can replace a sentence. Short & sweet, no explanation req'd.
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