Without any piffle, here's the storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.
Week of Monday February 15 to Friday February 19
Tracy reveals to Carla she knows about Robert, Anna attacks Phelan, Sally campaigns and loses Tim’s vote, Sinead decides to be a model, new girl Rana arrives.
The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net
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Chesney needs to get over it.
Boy those Windasses are a violent bunch. They resort to a bust up every time. It sure is getting old.
And right, Chesney needs to remove the proverbial stick and stop acting like a grumpy old man.
I agree about Chesney,he's becoming a little too possessive of Sinead.
Well it seems just like his Aunt,Simon gets away with assault again and is rewarded by going to his Dad's.
As for 'Aunt Tracy'when is she going to get her commeuppnance?
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