Every time Ken and Audrey have a scene together at the moment, I find myself pulling a face a bit like this...
...and making a noise a bit like this:
As you might have guessed by now, I'm not really feeling the love for Ken and Audrey as a couple.
Don't get me wrong. I love Audrey Roberts and I'm quite fond of Ken. By all means let them find love at their stage in life - but please, Corrie, not together.
It feels, to me, as if Ken and Audrey have been shoved together for the sake of it just because they're around the same age and single. Ken's hardly grieved for Deirdre and I can just about get my head around him jumping into bed with the Loch Nessa Monster because, well, there has to be a first time after a partner passes on.
But I can't stomach Ken and Audrey together, it just feels all wrong.
Corrie Producer Stuart Blackburn, when he made Audrey set her cap at King Ken, said that Ken and Aud would become the Street's Ross and Rachel (from Friends). I don't want them to be Ross and Rachel. I want them to be Ken and Audrey.
Blackburn, in that same interview some time ago said he was hoping to
further expand the show's older cast with the arrival of a new male
He said: "I'm looking for a comedy character who's a bit older and isn't exactly Fred Elliott, but might be of that ilk. I
can't say much more than that, but we are in negotiations with the
person we have in mind. The character is in his 60s or 70s and is a very
naughty, cheeky chappie. And this actor is so, so Corrie!"I wonder if that's where newcomer Derek Griffiths will fit in?
What do you think about Ken and Audrey as a couple - does it work for you? Yay or Nay? It's a big fat Nay from me.
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Absolutely NAY.
Friends, companions, yes, but nothing more, it's just not on.
It's a Nay from me too.
Mainly because Ken and Audrey could have a genuine friendship if the writers stopped trying to convince us that they are in love with each other. An unspoken love story would be better if they insist on going down that road but the last thing that should have happened - especially so soon after Deirdre's death - was a love triangle with Ken. It was just unnecessary.
Stuart Blackburn comparing them to Ross and Rachel off Friends is hilarious.
I love them both, but not as a couple. It just doesn't feel right for me. :/
Nay from me too. Friendship would have worked well, maybe with both of them eventually encouraging the other to give love another shot. I agree with people who have said that it just feels like they're lumping together because they're the same age, longstanding characters and single, rather than because there's a real romantic connection.
Maybe we should just thank our lucky stars they didn't try to pair him off with Liz, for the added "drama" of it being Dierdre's best friend!
As good friends it feels very genuine, as romantic interests it's too contrived. It would make sense that Ken would mourn Deirdre for quite some time, even though the soap world sometimes tries to convince us that about 12 months on, people's hearts are healed and ready for a fresh romance. Audrey needs to spark with someone, like she did with Lewis, there's no spark with Ken. As for his dating Nessa...well it's back to that Betty face again.
I also say nay and agree that it's too soon after Deirdre and a contrived pairing.Like Norris and Rita,Ken and Audrey are better as good friends not lovers.I think Ken needs to mourn Deirdre and spend more time with his troubles grandson Simon.
I've been shipping these two since Deirdre passed away (don't get me wrong, I was very sad at Anne Kirkbride's passing and miss Deirdre's "Oh, Tracy." tremendously, but Ken is no spring chicken and if he finds live now or later, I'm cool with that). I've seen this happen with people I've known where they've known each other for many years, have been married to other people and then when they've found themselves single due to divorce or death, have found love in each other. It isn't necessarily disrespectful, it's not to me implausible. Who knows, this may be an incredibly awesome pairing.
So YAY for me.
I want Ken and Audrey together...but. I found it odd that Audrey said to Ken..."I do love you Ken." It was like she was answering a question that was not asked. But anyway. If Ken could not stay faitful to Deirdre when she was alive...why do people expect him to be faithful to her in death. In real life older men find new women in short order. I would rather this than he - and roy too for that matter - find love soon after instead of becoming a dried up old prune like Emily Bishop. No offense but really! She has been widowed for what 40 years? lol
If Norris had been able to get over himself she would have ended up with Ramsay. I liked him and I liked them together; it was sweet. They could have babysat all the children of the street together.
Speaking of which, now that Emily is gone, who's going to look after all the children????
Nay. Give Audrey someone fun and he must spend money on her. Ken is a boring pompous douche.
I feel like everyone is still going on about Maddie (who, to be fair, is going to be remembered as a footnote in Street history) but no one really seems to remember Deirdre. I could see Ken and Audrey spending more time together but she likes a bit of excitement (she's like a classier version of Liz). At least Ken can look down on Audrey a bit; he seems to require that. The whole romance feels awkward and forced.
No, Audrey needs someone who will pamper her, make her the center of attention, defer to her and cuddle her. Ken is way too wrapped up in himself to do any of this. His pompous self-centredness was funny with Dierdre--she loved to throw it back in his face; it gave their relationship a real spark. But with Audrey, who needs a sympathetic and attentive male, Ken's oblivousness would be painful. Plus Audrey's way too successful and efficient for Ken. Her petit bourgeois success would only grate on this silver spoon socialist.
Yay but it's just too soon (I'd like to forget the relationship he had with Nessa). I would have liked them to not have even gone there for these characters for another while yet. But if you're asking now it's nay... So yes/ no
Very good analysis, to the Anonymous commenter of 6:16. I fully agree. I would like to see Ken and Audrey tentatively start dating but realize after awhile that it doesn't feel right and they really are better just as friends, that they had only developed a bit of a crush on each other.
I agree with Beth - Yay, but too soon. Nessa was a nightmare - the 'Loch Nessa Monster' handle suited her well! I'm glad to see the back of her, but if she was meant to ease us into the idea of Ken having a relationship again, it didn't work. It's still too soon.
Heck, I thought it was too soon for Cathy and Roy, and that was well over a year.
Nay - they are much better off as friends. If they want an older gentlemen with a bit of a spark on the street why not bring back Lewis???? He would fit the bill perfectly - yes he made some terrible mistakes but didn't we laugh at them all? And just think of the tension at the Platt's. Gail would have a heart attack. I can't see Audrey with that new fellow on the back of his bike?? Doesn't work for me. Maybe for Liz, but not Audrey.
Nay for romance, but yay for special friends. Friends are way more fun to watch because they last longer than most soap romances. They have more history. They arent as deep so they dont hurt each other as badly when they fight. They laugh off and share misadventures. I can see movie night at Audreys. Ken sits through a dopey romance because it reminds him of so many similar nights with Deirdre. They reminisce. He leaves. Good stuff, no canoodling needed.
Nay from me too, I would like them to stay good friends and companions. Though somehow I still feel more uncomfortable about Roy's 'moving on' than Ken's. And I for one would love Nessa back in the street, brilliant character, excellent actress - just watched her moving performance in Call the Midwife.
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